Starting JM Ripped in 30 on Monday...



  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    Girls I'm on week 2 and its crazy!!! So much harder than 30 DS !! I'm doing 30 DS in the morning and then ripped in 30 at night and wow I love it it's sooo hard for me but I love it!!!!
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    Girls I'm on week 2 and its crazy!!! So much harder than 30 DS !! I'm doing 30 DS in the morning and then ripped in 30 at night and wow I love it it's sooo hard for me but I love it!!!!
    wk 3 KILLS! :)
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    yeah... I'm alternating Ripped week 2 and week three, bc I don't think I could do week 3 two times in a row yet...........
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    You all are doing great :)

    I did my day 3 of week 1 this morning.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • CherylYMerritt
    CherylYMerritt Posts: 114 Member
    okay, I like this thread. keeping an eye to see how everyone is doing. I will start my week 1 today.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Day 5 of Week 1 - done! I was in to Circuit 1 this morning when my husband called on his way home from work. He works 12 hour shifts and has an hour to drive, plus the time it takes to shower and change, so by the time he is on his way home he is at about 14 hours and is pretty tired. He calls and talks to me to keep himself awake on the drive home. After I talked to him my heart rate was lowered so I had to restart the whole program. It's hard enough to get through one time - doing an "extra" circuit was killer. I had sweat dripping off me! Three more days on this level, then a blessed day of rest.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Day 5 of Week 1 - done! I was in to Circuit 1 this morning when my husband called on his way home from work. He works 12 hour shifts and has an hour to drive, plus the time it takes to shower and change, so by the time he is on his way home he is at about 14 hours and is pretty tired. He calls and talks to me to keep himself awake on the drive home. After I talked to him my heart rate was lowered so I had to restart the whole program. It's hard enough to get through one time - doing an "extra" circuit was killer. I had sweat dripping off me! Three more days on this level, then a blessed day of rest.
  • alidov78
    alidov78 Posts: 77 Member
    Girls I'm on week 2 and its crazy!!! So much harder than 30 DS !! I'm doing 30 DS in the morning and then ripped in 30 at night and wow I love it it's sooo hard for me but I love it!!!!
    wk 3 KILLS! :)

    I just finished Day 3 of Week 1....and I'm not even THINKING about the remaining weeks!!! Girl you're in insane doing 2 Jillian's in 1 a good way I guess. All I can say is YOU GO GIRL!

    My least favorite exercise this week HAS to be side lunges/arm raises....I remember hating them is 30DS too though ;) pain, no gain....right? And she definitely causes some pain! I love that I'm feeling it in my butt :) Soreness can be such a good feeling!
  • ashleyk_xox
    ashleyk_xox Posts: 158 Member
    Hi-I just started Ripped in 30 tonight. I didn't get the full effect because my weights were only 1.5 pounds I will have to buy some tomorrow. How heavy are your alls weights? I can definitely feel those lunges though! This is the first time I have done an "at home program" I am usually just a runner so I am ready to see what circuit training does for my body. Lets keep this up! I need some motivation as well.
  • alidov78
    alidov78 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi-I just started Ripped in 30 tonight. I didn't get the full effect because my weights were only 1.5 pounds I will have to buy some tomorrow. How heavy are your alls weights? I can definitely feel those lunges though! This is the first time I have done an "at home program" I am usually just a runner so I am ready to see what circuit training does for my body. Lets keep this up! I need some motivation as well.

    Hey! I use 3 lbs for everything but where (I think its in the 2nd circuit) she has you squat and swing the weight, then put it behind your head and bend down, for those I use a 5 lb.

    Good luck! I'm use to doing WW so I hope calorie counting does the same for me. I just got burnt out and wanted to try something new.
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Hi-I just started Ripped in 30 tonight. I didn't get the full effect because my weights were only 1.5 pounds I will have to buy some tomorrow. How heavy are your alls weights? I can definitely feel those lunges though! This is the first time I have done an "at home program" I am usually just a runner so I am ready to see what circuit training does for my body. Lets keep this up! I need some motivation as well.

    Hi and welcome :) Glad to have you here, we all need motivation.

    I use 5 lb. weights. I really like this workout. I am getting very good results with it.

    I just did my day 4 of week one this morning.

    Keep up the good work everyone! :)
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Hi-I just started Ripped in 30 tonight. I didn't get the full effect because my weights were only 1.5 pounds I will have to buy some tomorrow. How heavy are your alls weights? I can definitely feel those lunges though! This is the first time I have done an "at home program" I am usually just a runner so I am ready to see what circuit training does for my body. Lets keep this up! I need some motivation as well.

    Welcome to the thread! I use 5 lb weights for everything except the chair fly's. I can do it, but not for as long as she wants us to. When I use the 3 lbs I can keep up. I like to use my 10lb kettle bell whenever she is using just 1 weight, it adds a bit of intensity. I'm sort of all over the place, I guess.

    Day 6 of Level 1 is done. I could move on to Level 2 now, but I want to get a couple more days on Level 1 since I broke it up some. I HATE the fast legs. My ankles and calf muscles scream in agony. I'm not overly fond of the lunges either. I have problems with my left knee and they kill me. I keep trying and do the best I can. I hope that if I keep working through the pain that it will get better. I can't remember the last time I was able to stand up and walk without my knee hurting. I will tough this out and get stronger!
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    Girls I'm on week 2 and its crazy!!! So much harder than 30 DS !! I'm doing 30 DS in the morning and then ripped in 30 at night and wow I love it it's sooo hard for me but I love it!!!!
    wk 3 KILLS! :)

    I just finished Day 3 of Week 1....and I'm not even THINKING about the remaining weeks!!! Girl you're in insane doing 2 Jillian's in 1 a good way I guess. All I can say is YOU GO GIRL!

    Thanks !! And is not that hard I just have to keep focus on my sore days and line the other girls I use 5 lbs weights and week 2 my arms are killing me but I know it's woking I'm starting to feel it!!

    My least favorite exercise this week HAS to be side lunges/arm raises....I remember hating them is 30DS too though ;) pain, no gain....right? And she definitely causes some pain! I love that I'm feeling it in my butt :) Soreness can be such a good feeling!
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    TGIF everyone! Week one is nearly complete. I'm hoping I'll be ready for week two starting on Monday. I feel like I'm getting used to this first level so I should be ready for what Jillian dishes out next

    Did my day 5 of week one this morning.

    Keep up the great work everyone! You all are awesome :happy:
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    7 days of Week 1 - done! I can't see any changes on the scale, but I feel like my body is different and I'm seeing a difference in the mirror. At least I think I am, maybe it's wishful thinking. I guess I'll know tomorrow when I measure and take pics. Wish me luck!

    I can't decide if I will start Week 2 on Sunday or Monday. Tomorrow is Pilates and Treadmill, so I probably won't get Ripped too. I sort of want Sunday as a rest day. I'll just wait and see how I feel.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    TGIF everyone! Week one is nearly complete. I'm hoping I'll be ready for week two starting on Monday. I feel like I'm getting used to this first level so I should be ready for what Jillian dishes out next

    Did my day 5 of week one this morning.

    Keep up the great work everyone! You all are awesome :happy:
    wk 3 is killer :)
  • alidov78
    alidov78 Posts: 77 Member
    Day 4 Week 1 completed. Took yesterday as my rest day....not really looking forward to the 4 more days til I rest again ;) I'm loving this group....y'all are really making me want to push myself. I up'd my weights today, using 5 & 8 lbs. I knew I was capable, I'm just worried about bulking up? I'm also working toward 6 days/week instead of 5 (which was my original goal) Thanks again! I feel like I'm physically fit and Jillian can be kinda hard at times, so KUDO'S to any of you over 40+!!!! I'm 32 so y'all are very inspiring!!!!

    Keep up the good work ladies!!!! LET'S DO THIS!!!
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Checking in for today, did my day 6 of week 1 this morning. I should be taking tomorrow off as my rest day but I'll have to see how it goes. The weekends are the easiest time to workout (don't have to rush around getting ready for work). I'm going to go buy some more protein related foods today, I think I should add more of that in my diet, especially doing all these strength exercises.

    Have a great Saturday everyone!
  • alidov78
    alidov78 Posts: 77 Member
    Day 5 of week 1 finished! :) Tomorrow should be my last day of Week 1 so I took a sneak peek at Week 2.....LOVELY!!!!! NO PAIN NO GAIN! Bring It!!!!
  • alidov78
    alidov78 Posts: 77 Member
    Ohhhhh, I also wanted to tell all of you about Piloxing - if you're looking to change it up after Jillian. It's Pilates and boxing combined. It's a 60 minute workout (45 cardio/15 floor--legs and abs). It's an intense and kickbutt workout as well! I did it for 5 weeks and LOVED it! I'll be making my way back to it sooner or later.