Funny thoughts that cross your mind during exercise...



  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    Today I was riding up this massive hill that has defeated me for a while, and I didn't want it to today. So as I was huffing and puffing, I was saying to myself "You can do this. You're fat but it won't beat you. You can do this. You're fat but it won't beat you." When I got to the top (it didn't beat me!!) I was glowing in my triumph, when this lady came up behind me and congratulated me on my motivational speaking, as it got her up the hill too. I didn't realise I was saying it out loud what with the iPod on and being on a busy road!

    I find myself doing that as well but I throw in a few choice words as well
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    1. Damn Wedgie!
    2.UGH gotta wash my hair when I get home, soaked in sweat again!
    3.F&^%ing glasses stay on my F%^$cking face!
    4.And the jelly legs begin!
    5.Why cant these F&^*ing ppl at the gym read the signs posted about wiping down the machines after use????!!!

    Gawd yes to #5!!! That annoys me to no end!!!
  • pandaeye
    pandaeye Posts: 126
    Soooooo funny! I laughed so much my daughter wondered what was wrong with me ( I'm on my iPod!)
    My thoughts are I hope no one can see me (through window in front room), why am I doing this am I crazy!, that didn't sound good is it supposed to creak like that, god so much sweat, gotta get this done before kids come home, what shall I cook for tea? , no don't think about food!, can I stop yet!, keep going keep going keep going ............
  • tiffanyquincey
    1. You were just asleep a second ago (I work out while my baby is sleeping)
    2. I need a better sports bra.
    3. If I do this I can eat that cake!
    4. I hate sweat
    5. Running doesn't suck as much as I thought..
    6. Why does my machine sound so loud??
    7. I hate this song, why do I have it?
  • suzitkd
    suzitkd Posts: 110
    Only 20 more minutes... 19 more minutes... 18.5 more minutes.....
    Jeez that can't be my heart rate, I must be picking up someone else's..
    They forgot to turn the fans on again.. can I be bothered to stop and go turn them on? No...
    Wow those girls in all the pop videos really love themselves, at this rate they may as well do the video naked...
    17 more minutes to go...
    No! Don't come around and start spray cleaning the equipment now! That cleaning stuff stinks! Ugh
    That guy pumping weights really loves himself, he keeps checking how big his biceps are in the mirror..
    OK I'm going to go a leeetle bit faster.... nope, bad idea...
    Oh no, someone got on the exercise bike behind me, now the only view they have is of my fat *kitten* wobbling around
    Aaargh my hair's in my face again
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    During Insanity
    -This muga sucka is crazy
    -Why the hell are they smiling
    -I need a better sports bra
    -Damn the people in the video are falling out too so I don't feel so bad
    -This *kitten* is nuts
    -Jesus hates me...

    Bwahaha! I gotta add...

    Who lunges like that?
  • lordyc
    lordyc Posts: 5 Member
    NICE! Especially like the "Shut up Jillian"!! I usually use worse words though...LOL!!
  • lordyc
    lordyc Posts: 5 Member
    LOL this is GREAT!!!

    - I hope I don't fart while I do this yoga posture
    - OMG did I just sweat out a gallon?
    - What are YOU lookin at over there?
    - I think my legs just exploded.
    - Shut up, Jillian!!!

    NICE! Especially like the "Shut up Jillian"! I usually use worse words though....LOL!!
  • yiffanarff
    yiffanarff Posts: 123 Member
    When I'm running in particular, 'why am I doing this too muself'.
    As soon as I'm finished running: 'that felt great, I should run more'

    And not so much a thought, but I always get that 'ain't nothing gonna break my stride' song stuck in my head when I'm exercising.

    'ain't nothing gonna slow me down. Oh no, I've got to keep on moving!"
    So catchy. :p
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Sweat running down my hair and dripping off the ends onto my calves is gross. Maybe I should braid it or something.

    I hope my boobs don't rub against the hrm transmitter and end up with red marks again.

    Stop being a whiny *****! Fatter people than you can do it.

    I wonder if I could outrun zombies now.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    7. (sees guy next to me running at full speed for a freaking hour) F*cking show off!...

    Hahahha! I can sooo relate to this. I keep comparing my speed and duration to people around me!
  • korgscrew
    korgscrew Posts: 99 Member
    1. Just one more minute
    2. Damn, I farted while doing the leg press!
    3. I wish that guy would let go of the f*ing treadmil!!!!
    4. 60 kg on the pull down?!? Is my instructor crazy?!?
    5. Just one more minute...,
    6. Would you please stop admiring the view and get off the chest press!!! This ain't starbucks!
    8. phew, shower time :-)
  • LonelyPilgrim
    LonelyPilgrim Posts: 255 Member
    when running a race: "I'm F&*king tougher than you"--that's my internal motto when I get tired and I'm trying to motivate myself to pass people.

    another fave : "20+ hours of natural labor. twice. If I can do that, I can do this"

    also I do a lot of math. whether it's counting steps or trying to figure out mile pace based on laps on the different tracks I run, or figuring out how many minutes/seconds I have left to finish the course to get a certain time etc.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I work out in a Naval Gym (Garrison Town) and generally my thoughts go

    1. Wow, YOU are protecting us from what? Eating a doughnut ?
    2. Oh God US Bahrain guys, why did I not brush my hair
    3. Don't puke in front of the six pack, errr, man
    4. Run Run Run unless you pass out, then lay down
    5. Don't Fart Don't Fart Don't Fart - or Look disgusted at the person next to you, everyone else will think it was them.
    6. You forgot deodorant again.
    7. *about the woman next to me* if you are holding on for dear life you are going too fast and burning less calories cause you are holding on *doh*
    8. Why when there are 3 rows of empty treadmills do you pick the one right next to me?
    9. Flick sweat near me again and I'm going to puke.
    10. oooohhhh look at that, hellloooooooooooooo sailor.
  • CoachMaritova
    CoachMaritova Posts: 409 Member
    1. Stop being a baby and do it already!
    2. Is that all you've got? Lift your legs higher!!
    3. Do what?! Ok, my hips just don't move like that!
    4. hmm, let me try... I think I got it...
    5. Sheesh, this is why I work out at home! Would hate someone to see me right now!
    6. Uh-oh, I think the kids are going to fall through the ceiling any minute now!
    7. Shoot!! What in the world am I going to make for dinner??
    8. Punch, kick, punch, kick.... This is GREAT!!! If only ____ were standing right *there*!!! Punch, kick...
    9. Stupid shin splints!!
    10. Yes, Leandro, tell me again that I will have a sexy butt, that always makes me push 10x harder!!
  • tigereyz30
    tigereyz30 Posts: 35
    "Damn, I thought my Iphone had a full battery!"
    "Are these shorts too short? Crap, they are too short!"
    "I just peed...why do I have to pee again?!"
    "Only 10 min have past? UGGHH!"
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Why are you watching my treadmill? Are we in a competition?

    I always do this! Makes me feel good if I'm going longer/faster and if I'm not I'm like UGH show off haha. I thought I was being subtle though :embarassed:

    You may be subtle.. but there are some at my gym where you can clearly tell that they are staring at your treadmill.. and I want to knock them of theirs!

    Another that I thought of..
    Dear Trainer.. Don't touch my machine make it go faster. its my day off from you and I'm taking easy... Sincerely Me.
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    Mine (when I'm not thinking nothing at all) on the treadmill:

    1. What did that just say on Sky News...WHO died?... What...crap...don't follow news with eyes...
    2. Can the really hot guy working out behind me see me leching at his reflection in the window in front of me?
    3. WHY are my trousers falling down - they're freakin' lycra - they shouldn't fall would be great if they were falling down because they're too big but who am I kidding...
    4. WHY is that creepy, sweaty guy on the bike turning around and staring at me? WHY does he do this three times a week? If I put my tongue out at him is that only going to encourage him?
    5. I've only been on here for 20 minutes, you've got to be kidding me!
    6. It's so unfair that I lose so many fewer calories now than I did when I started - WHY does it have to get harder and harder to achieve the same result?
    7. DON'T look at the array of arses on show during the tums and bums class taking place three inches from my, I hope my *kitten* is smaller than hers but I bet it isn't...
    8. This doesn't actually feel all that bad...I'm totally going to whack up the speed...
    9. WHY did I whack up the speed...this is torture and I'm too stubborn to turn the speed down...
    10. Is it possible that I could die on this treadmill, right here, right now...?
  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200
    1. Damn running makes my pants fall down.
    2. I peed right before I started!!!
    3, When will this run interval end?!?!?!
    4. Oh god! My calves!
    5. This *kitten* should really be easier.
    6. (sees skinny girl walk by) Stupid skinny girls! I hate you right now! (I really don't hate skinny girls but don't like them when I'm working out)
    7. (sees guy next to me running at full speed for a freaking hour) F*cking show off!...
    8. Can't breathe!!!
    9. (to self) Self, stop being a b*tch...and
    10. You can do this!!!

    bahahahahaha I've said it all!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    This is going to give me SUCH a great *kitten*!
    I wonder if I'll get skinny fat from doing cardio so much.
    Why does that pretty boy have to bend over in front of me to clean the machines?
    (trainer boy I crush on)Yes, yes, yes, please, run next to me.
    (while he is running) oh god, I could give you SUCH a better workout.
    Oh wow, I'm filthy.
    ****, does he know I'm looking at him?
    Yeahhhh, time to move to the bike.