Have you given up on coffee?

I am def not asking you coffee lovers to give up for support. I decided to make that choice for myself, only having a few occasional cups when I go out to eat or with a friend I have next door once in a while. I am just wondering if anyone here has switched from coffee to tea?


  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    I have not made the switch away from coffee, but I have made the progressive switch from milk &sugar to splenda & almond milk to black.... =)
  • Fleur933
    Fleur933 Posts: 156 Member
    I saw this title as I'm sitting here siping the sad last sip of my iced coffee and my first and only thought was NEVER!!! :)
  • webbed1
    webbed1 Posts: 86
    No, 2 cups a day, sometimes 3. I either drink it black or pour a tablespoon of my regular morning protein shake (vanilla or chocolate flavored) into each cup. This way I get flavoring but DO NOT add incremental calories.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    i used to be a huge coffee drinker but i switched from like 1/2 a pot of coffee to a red bull everyday. i have coffee when it sounds good, with my sweet cream but it's only like 35 cals a cup.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I give you guys a lot kudos for stopping at 1-2 cups. I can't. I tried. I feel not buying the stuff will help me out..I may have my cup or two with a friend here and there that way I have control.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Is there a reason you decided to give up coffee? I had to give caffeine up temporarily for a medical reason, but as soon as I was cleared to drink it again, I did! Tea was never an acceptable substitute for me. I tried many, many kinds - and all of it tasted like hot, dirty water to me! LOL

    Coffee (when it's consumed in moderation) has a decent number of health benefits!
  • tsp almond extract, cinnamon and almond milk..Mmm
  • Oh goodness no! I enjoy coffee to much! I did find a 'diet' alternative though in case anyone is interested.

    8oz cold water
    2tsp instant coffee
    1/2cup skim milk
    1/2 tsp vanilla extract
    6 packets Truvia or to taste
    2 1/2 cups ice

    Mix it all up in a blender and you are good to go!

    (60 calories total the way i figure it)
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    I've given up coffee for now. It's been about 10 days. I just felt like I was addicted to it, so I needed to give it up. Surprisingly I did not have any major reactions to giving up the caffeine. I think it's because I workout and take supplements. I haven't switch to tea but I may start drinking green or chai tea.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Not anytime soon! Coffee is the glue that holds me together, LOL!
  • strattc
    strattc Posts: 2
    I too, would like to know why you've given up on coffee.... I drink 2-3 cups a day (nothing added and never after 3pm) and have found it to be a great appetite suppressant, especially mid-morning! My husband convinced me to try it black and after 4 days I loved it and haven't added anything since.
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    I agree with the post earlier of coffee having benefits. I have around three cups a day with 1.5 fl oz of milk stirred in. I wish you luck though! :)
  • dizidaisy
    dizidaisy Posts: 68
    I made the switch over two years ago - after about a year I started drinking coffee again and I found it had so many negative effects on my well being that I gave it up again last August and I've not looked back since - couldn't even be tempted! I feel better, sleep better, my skin looks better and I've been able to lose weight - which I couldn't do when I was a coffee addict - I'm not saying that the coffee stopped me losing weight but I truly believe it was an influence in the whole thing!
  • NO!!! I need my coffee!! I love tea as well, but not as a replacement in the morning unless I am sick.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Is there a reason you decided to give up coffee? I had to give caffeine up temporarily for a medical reason, but as soon as I was cleared to drink it again, I did! Tea was never an acceptable substitute for me. I tried many, many kinds - and all of it tasted like hot, dirty water to me! LOL

    Coffee (when it's consumed in moderation) has a decent number of health benefits!


    I feel like im addicted to it..I don't like it black, i put a lot of stuff in it to flavor it. I can easily drink 300-400 calories a day if not more in coffee/creamer..I could use those calories as a snack when I feel hungry or towards a meal. I'm not totally giving it up, ill have it when my friends calls to invite me over for it a few times a week and on date night/lunch dates..I also spend like 10 bucks a week getting the stuff, and finances are very tight..i know if i have the fixings with me ill go back to drinking like several cups of it..I have one those brew a mug machines i go back like every 5 minutes and fill it up, add creamer..its sad how much i drink.
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    No, 2 cups a day, sometimes 3. I either drink it black or pour a tablespoon of my regular morning protein shake (vanilla or chocolate flavored) into each cup. This way I get flavoring but DO NOT add incremental calories.

    this is a good idea! I'll have to try it to substitute all the sugar and yummyness I usually use to make iced coffee. Thanks for the idea!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Never was a huge coffee person, but would take it with cream and sugar. Now I've just learned to drink it black.
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    I take my coffee with a ton of creamer and some sugar. I love tea without any added sweetener so it was an easy decision to make the switch for everyday. I still drink coffee on the weekends when I can sit and savor it but not for my weekday quick break at work when I feel like I'm chugging it, besides, iced tea is way easier to chug.
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    NO WAY!! LOL Though I have given up putting anything in it! I used to drink it black, then got hooked on flavored creamers and making my own caramel macchiatos. Back to black...
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Ah... I see. I've always been a moderate coffee drinker. I usually have 2 shots of espresso in the morning. In the summer, I make it into iced coffee with lowfat milk and sugar-free hazelnut syrup. When the weather is cool, I make it into a cafe latte. So, my coffee 'habit' adds about 100 calories to my daily intake. I think it's worth it. :-)

    Good luck to you!