Have you given up on coffee?



  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    OMG, I just had my weekly Sunday morning creamed coffee and I'm am so full from it. Definitely not used to it anymore.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    I still drink 1-3 cups per day. I drink decaf in the afternoons and evenings. I used to feel like I had to have something sweet after meals but I've now replaced the "sweet" with a cup of coffee! I take it with 1/2 tablespoon of coffeemate sugar-free vanilla caramel (15 calories), 1/4 cup almond milk (9 calories) and Splenda. Total 24 calories :)
    I also have a Kerig coffee maker and a bunch of great flavors to choose from. I LOVE my Kerig!
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    Ooooooooooooooh no, I cannot give up my coffee.:angry::angry: :angry: :angry:

    On a more serious note, this is one of the things in life I really enjoy,so no way I'm giving it up:smile:
  • breskittle
    breskittle Posts: 75 Member
    Totally sipping my Iced coffee right now. I have 4 cups a day approx depending on the day.
    I use TRUVIA instead of sugar - its awesome!! And tastes 3x better than Splenda.

    Sometimes I do have tea instead but I just love love love my coffee !!
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    I gave up coffee too! For the same reasons. Couldn't have it just black (although sometimes now I do, but not often). I started drinking green tea instead. I agree, I can use the extra calories elsewhere, usually at night for a snack, lol.

    I used to drink 3-4 cups a day and I cut it cold turkey. I was sick with headaches for a week. I feel a lot better now though, don't feel like a need a jumpstart first thing in the morning.

    Now I only have a coffee, once MAYBE twice a week. It's a treat now. Like a dessert.:smile:
  • I wasn't a coffee drinker until I read about the benefits of it boosting your metabolism. i obviously knew about this before but a diet guru (who's book is amaaaaaazing!) recommends drinking black coffee with cinnamon as this not only boosts metabolism but cinnamon is reported to help keep blood sugar levels steady. I have found this to have really worked and I find myself getting hungry a lot less often now due to it being 'real' hunger rather than my crazy insulin levels going all over the place.
  • EdieBird
    EdieBird Posts: 38
    I gave up coffee some time ago. I'll still have a cup now and then, usually at my mom's house or if I'm out with my sisters. When I do, I go ahead and have cream and sugar or a latte or whatever and just make sure I don't eat as much food, since a latte can have a heckuva lot of calories.

    I too felt addicted to it, and since giving it up, my insomnia has eased up and I'm actually getting enough sleep, eliminating the "need" for coffee. I also get fewer headaches. Anything that makes me have fewer headaches is a plus, in my book! Migraines are not anyone's idea of a good time.

    Red tea is my hot drink of choice, so good, especially if you get the flavored tea bags with vanilla and cinnamon, tastes creamy and delicious with nothing added. (makes a delightful iced tea, too)
  • mjemerson
    mjemerson Posts: 141
    Nope I could never give it up! The only difference I made was instead of using my regular creamer I now do 1 tablespoon of international delight French vanilla and 1 tablespoon of fat free coffee mate French vanilla. I tried to go to tea but I would need to add sugar or honey and since I prefer coffee I just went back to it.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    It is on my list of things to do, for real. I don't like that I am addicted to caffeine and would love to be addiction-free from all substances. I have a plan (buried way down deep inside my brain) to wean myself off of coffee/diet soda to green tea and then maybe "someday" kicking that as well. Other days, I think...why is this important? LOL But I do admire those who have quit it.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I have 1 cup of coffee in the morning and tea the rest of the day. I used to have 3-4 cups of coffee a day but have found that I actually like tea better. For some reason I can't get rid of that one cup a day.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I actually switched TO coffee for weight loss. I was a hot cocoa drinker - every morning for breakfast - and I switched to coffee with Stevia.
  • dingkim
    dingkim Posts: 2
    I usually drink about two cups in the morning; organic coffee made with distilled water, black. I don't see a need to quit and I'm good with just the two, maybe three occasionally. I used to drink a lot more than that!
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Same here! I like my coffee like dessert, so I stopped it altogether. Been about 2 months, and I've had maybe 2 cups since. I've significantly decreased the amount of creamer and sugar I add too. Don't like ANY sugar substitute, and I've tried them all. I drink water all day, and feel so much better now!
  • flukes9
    flukes9 Posts: 78 Member
    I won't give up coffee, but instead of getting white chocolate mochas from Starbuck's every day (350 cal), I make coffee at home, using sugar-free Coffeemate creamer which is only about 40-80 calories for my entire cup. Also, I like tea too...my favorite is Celestial Seasonings Madagascar Vanilla red rooibus....sooooo delicious and I add a Splenda to sweeten it for 0 calories!
  • decruisers
    decruisers Posts: 54 Member
    OMG...that was the 1st thing I gave up - the very day I started this....too many calories from the creamer I used. Maybe in time I can drink it black, or the creamer wont be such a big deal....but that is way too may lbs from now. Will be a cold winter without my coffee..:sad:
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I'd love to be able to kick it but I haven't been able to. With the articles that I've read regarding the caffeine/cortisol/belly fat correlation, ditching it might help get rid of this last bit of belly fat.
  • LizGogol
    LizGogol Posts: 73 Member
    When I got sick in the winter, just the flu don't worry, I stopped drinking coffee..then I was like that was easy, why go back? I used to drink 2 cups a day, now only green tea.

    When i drink a coffee now , i am definitely entertaining ahahha
  • loriannmartin
    loriannmartin Posts: 209 Member
    i used to drink at least a pot... but now i am only one to two cups in the am/ also traded my coffee creamer (use sugar free now) in and use it sparingly sometimes... but usually drink it black with sweet n low.... i now drink tons of water thanks to MIO love that... the only way i can drink water... or put lemon in it...
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I am currently sipping on a large mug so I guess my answer is no. I do like tea but I won't give up my coffee unless I have to.
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    Wow no -and it does have some benefits.... the latest is that it is good to avoid diabetes and some cancers... but then there is the problem of weakening bones.

    I drink a quad espresso almost every day....