Women 40+



  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member

    I am wondering what difference everyone is seeing in your weightloss journey now vs 10 years ago. And plz share what is working for you and what is not.


    Shelle - It has been crazy trying to lose weight now and I used to lose weight fairly easy 10 years ago. I'm lucky if I lose a pound a month with hard work.

    My doctor basically told me I need to stick it out. There's not much that can be done right now until my body is ready. Talk about needing to learn patience.

    The good news is that despite the weight gain, my fiance still thinks I'm beautiful.
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Count me in:sad: :happy: :grumble: :angry: :yawn: OMG the mood swings are already starting...feel free to add me as a friend

    I was rereading the thread and I totally feel like this these days. Funny!
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    How wonderful on your fiance. Sounds like my husband. That does make the journal easier!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    How wonderful on your fiance. Sounds like my husband. That does make the journal easier!

    I know Shelle. He is amazing like that.

    I do want to bring up a topic here. I have been seeing a few people that are posting exercise calorie burn numbers that do not match what they realistically are. Maybe I am wrong about their numbers, but I think trying to lose weight in our 40's, we need to be as honest with ourselves as we can. Keeping track of the right numbers is more important now since it is harder to lose weight at this age. If you post a higher calorie burn than what it actually is, that could be hurting you more than helping. You may end up eating more to compensate the higher number when in reality it should be a lower calorie burn number.

    Anyway, just posting this to get this out there. I want us all to succeed!
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    I totally agree with this. What I do is if I bike ride for 45 mins, I may only post 30 mins of it to offset discrepancies. And then when I do my calories eaten, I always lean towards the higher amount, not lower.
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    Add me in! I take vitamin code
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I just bought a new book Outsmarting theMidlife Fat Cell by Debra Waterhouse. Has anyone else read this? I found it at B&N in their bargain section.
  • Rhonda9566
    Rhonda9566 Posts: 3 Member
    I'd like to join this group! I'll be 45 next month. I've battled weight since my 20's. I started seriously changing my diet back in May and have currently lost 42 pounds. Looking for friends, support and recipe ideas!!

    HW: 220
    SW: 203
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I'd like to join this group! I'll be 45 next month. I've battled weight since my 20's. I started seriously changing my diet back in May and have currently lost 42 pounds. Looking for friends, support and recipe ideas!!

    HW: 220
    SW: 203

    42 pounds is amazing! Welcome to our group. Recipe ideas would be good to share.
  • mommacan
    I am hitting 45 and would love the support. Please add me.
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    I'll be 46 tomorrow and would love to join your group! Please add me!!!! :-)
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    I am hitting 45 and would love the support. Please add me.

    Welcome to the group! It's been quiet, but just leap in!

  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    I'll be 46 tomorrow and would love to join your group! Please add me!!!! :-)

    Welcome to the group, and happy birthday!

  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    Hey! I found you all :) Count me in.

    45 mom of 4, Mima (meema) of 4, married to my best friend for going on 20 years. I refer to myself as a professional dieter...dieting since I was 16 and have tried just about every plan out there. It has taken me way too long to figure out that there is no secret, no quick fix, and no miracle pill/powder/machine. Calories in/calories out is the bottom line. Finally, I have committed to a change, something I can live with for more than 4-6 weeks. I am averaging about a 1/2 a pound loss a week and have been frustrated through many a plateau, but have accepted that as long as I am doing the right thing for most of the time, I will overcome :drinker:
    I like the occasional beer on a hot day, a good glass of red at the end of the evening and a square or two of dark chocolate, too. So far, my changes in lifestyle are working. I started this particular version of my path to fitness in March of this year, and have dropped 15 pounds along the wayside (I don't like to say 'lost' as I eventually try to 'find' all lost things, lol) I have another 20 or so to go.
    That all being said, I weighed myself this morning to find that I am up 1 1/2 pounds *sigh* Time to readjust somewhere.

    Thanks for the group, I look forward to getting to know you all and rooting us all on!
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    Hello Ladies

    I am 46, hypothyroid and peri-menopause is looming!

    I feel like I am constantly losing and gaining the same 10-15 lbs.

    Cleaning eating and exercise helps me maintain but I need/want to lose the padding.

    Please count me in, I could use all the support and advice there is to offer.

    MNMJUNKIE Posts: 26 Member
    Hi everyone! Please add me cuz Im in pretty much the same place!! Im 47 and have been trying to lose weight the past 2 years without too much success..I seemed to have gained more than I have lost!! I exercise daily without fail cuz i actually love to do it,but since I hit about age 45 the pds slowly crept on even with a good exercise routine!! I have started logging cals which I think will help me to keep on track. I do like sweets and Im the worst at nite! I eat pretty well all day long!! My weight seems to all be in the mid section!! I just want to get rid of it!! I am in peri-menopause and I know this isn't helping me!! I also have Lupus and Fibromyalgia which can set me back somedays with pain and fatigue..But I just keep moving forward no matter what!! So Im hoping to get some support and encouragement here! Thanx and hope you all have a great day!! Feel free to add me if you like!! :smile:
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Welcome to Kazzy and MNMJunkie. It has been quiet in here.

    I hear all of you since I am still playing the back and forth with the same 2 pounds and not getting any where yet. I read the book Outsmarting the Midlife Fat Cell. This is a great summary of the book if you don't have time to read it:


    I understand why my fat cells are expanding. I'm trying to make friends with the fact that they need to do a job and help to produce the estrogen my body is not natural making anymore. Do they have to do such a great job of expanding though? I'm starting to understand why people call us "broads" sometimes. Yeesh!

    I'm hoping the shift to 5 - 6 smaller meals will take effect soon. I rather not workout 6 hours a day to get results.

    How are all of you doing? Any breakthroughs to share with us?
    MNMJUNKIE Posts: 26 Member
    Thanx for the welcome!! Well,I've lost 2 pds..so I guess thats getting somewhere lol!! Especially since even losing that much was quite difficult!! I had read a book by some Doctor...on Menopause and it was a very informative book..I think her name was Christine Northrup..It was called The Wisdom of Menopause..She gives detailed info on vitamin supplements and the kind of diet you should be eating as well as a good exercise regimen..She swears by it...I guess for her during those mid-life years she found that more weight lifting seemed to help lose the weight better than increasing cardio!! It makes sense to me...so I have increased my weight lifting sessions a bit!! So we will see how it goes!! Oh and it is helpful to eat 5-6 smaller meals a day...Anyway..I hope you have a great weekend Fitnfun and everyone else here!! Doesn't seem to be too active here but I saw you responded so thought I'd hit you up with a reply!! Take it easy!! :glasses:
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Thanks for the reply. It seems that these message boards are different than the ones on other sites. They seem to be good for meeting people to add to your individual streams so you can keep up with everyone there, but not so much for continued discussion unless it is a specific question or challenge.

    I think I have seen that book before, The Wisdom of Menopause. It sounds good too. I think you are right that we need to increase strength training/weights. Do you remember how much she recommends doing? I think my book stated 2 hours per week at least.

    I'm trying something new this week. 6 days per week with 40 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of ST each day. It equals to 4 hours cardio and 2 hours ST per week. We will see how I do.

    I would love to hear more updates so I hope more people check in too!
    MNMJUNKIE Posts: 26 Member
    Your welcome!! Yea, this site is a bit different than what I was used to! I used to belong to Self Magazines Diet Club but they discontinued it! Real shame cuz it was a good site!! I had a thread called The last 10 pounds club and me and 4 other Ladies were on this for like 3 years!! It was the longest running thread on there!! So then we all went on Facebook and created our club there but then it kind of fizzled out...I dont know why it just did...Then I kinda lost motivation and just gradually started gaining weight...

    So when I saw your topic I thought maybe it was what I needed...Anyway,I believe this Doctor was Weight Training 45 min 3x per week!! I think thats a good idea!! You continue to burn fat for hours after you lift weights and with cardio once your done you stop burning fat!! It also helps to speed up your metabolism which at our ages slows down!! Anyway,I think your plan sounds awesome! I may try that myself!!

    Let me know how it goes for you and I'll keep you updated on my progress!! I hope others check in as well!!
    Have a great nite!!