Team UK & Ireland - June 2011



  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I started out at size 20/22 top, 18 (tight) bottom. I am now 16/18 top, 14 (tight) bottom. I am quite happy with that, but would like some leeway. I do not want to be 'twiggy', and worry that I may end up slimmer, but looking a lot older !!!!
    I hope you understand my rant, and where I'm coming from - I am really interested in what you all think :flowerforyou:
    Wendy x

    Wendy I know how you feel. A couple of years ago I was running A LOT and dropped to 8st 10lb (at 5'6") and a lot of people were telling me I was starting to look gaunt in my face... which isn't really the look I was trying to achieve... :huh:

    There is a difference of 42lb between my leanest and highest weight and originally I was gunning to get back to my leanest weight. but a lot of people have complimented me on looking 'well' at the moment, despite still having 8-9lb I could technically be losing. So I decided to maintain for a while and let my body settle for a bit and see how I feel in a couple of months.

    I'm 41 now and don't want to look like a skinny, wrinkly old witch! hahaha :laugh:
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    @ backinthenines:

    LOL :laugh:
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    We can motivate each other through our half marathon training!!!:bigsmile:

    At the moment i'm aiming towards 10st 5lb so i'll be in normal, can't see me wanting to lose more weight after that!!

    Had a running PB in the gym today, shaved 1 minute of my 3 mile run and did it in 29mins...woop woop:bigsmile:

    backinthenines - glad the runs with the dog are going well:happy:
  • Leigh_mc
    Leigh_mc Posts: 46 Member
    Hey pretty new to all this here but hoping i can stick it out this time, when i first joined i did the diary for a couple weeks but then gave up am hoping by taking an interest in the forums and having some more support will help me stick it all out! I am from Wirral (north west England) i really need to loose weight if not for health but just for myself i weight 240lbs and i hope to eventually get down to 168lbs so I got alot of work ahead of me I know! am trying to do this with out a gym membership also cos I just simply can't afford it, am also not looking at doing any type of race or anything running really isn't a strong suit for me lol although i do really enjoy and do alot of when i can cycling and walking (mountain/trek) I was always confused why i would always be big cos i would cycle 20 miles at a time on my bike but still only maintain the weight, it seems as though i have a bit of fitness just not the body to match it!
  • tiggersstar
    tiggersstar Posts: 193 Member
    hello all i live in oxford :smile:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Hey pretty new to all this here but hoping i can stick it out this time, when i first joined i did the diary for a couple weeks but then gave up am hoping by taking an interest in the forums and having some more support will help me stick it all out! I am from Wirral (north west England) i really need to loose weight if not for health but just for myself i weight 240lbs and i hope to eventually get down to 168lbs so I got alot of work ahead of me I know! am trying to do this with out a gym membership also cos I just simply can't afford it, am also not looking at doing any type of race or anything running really isn't a strong suit for me lol although i do really enjoy and do alot of when i can cycling and walking (mountain/trek) I was always confused why i would always be big cos i would cycle 20 miles at a time on my bike but still only maintain the weight, it seems as though i have a bit of fitness just not the body to match it!

    Low heart rate endurance cardio doesn't always result in the weight loss people think it does. If you google "the final nail in the cardio coffin", you'll come across an interesting article by Rachel Cosgrove (famous trainer) who explains why. Like her I managed to GAIN weight whilst training for an Ironman Triathlon (2.4 mile swim, 110 bile bike, marathon [26.2 miles] run).

    Giving up logging after a few days won't see you through. The logging your food is a big part of this because it's partly about education about calorie content (who would ever think muesli and rice -- while "healthy" -- could be so high in calories...) and partly about taking responsibility and being accountable to yourself.

    I was in for some huuuuge surprises when I started logging and weighing food portions... My breakfast muesli... I had no idea that my idea of portion size was eating for 3 people!!! Same thing with rice and pasta...

    Things that worked for me:
    - stop making excuses
    - logging and weighing everything you eat
    - getting a heart rate monitor and get a REALISTIC idea of your burn during exercise
    - eating fewer fast carbs (like white rice, white pasta, white potatos, bread) and limit carbs to root vegetables and slower burning ones (brown pasta, wholeweat pasta, brown bread or bagels...)
    - eating more lean protein... lots of fish, chicken breast, turkey...
    - doing 50% of my training as strength training rather than 90% cardio

    Even without a gym membership you can do strength training at home... just get some kettlebells and a kettlebells DVD.
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member

    Giving up logging after a few days won't see you through. The logging your food is a big part of this because it's partly about education about calorie content (who would ever think muesli and rice -- while "healthy" -- could be so high in calories...) and partly about taking responsibility and being accountable to yourself.

    I was in for some huuuuge surprises when I started logging and weighing food portions... My breakfast muesli... I had no idea that my idea of portion size was eating for 3 people!!! Same thing with rice and pasta...

    Same here. In general I'm pretty okay at "eyeballing" portion sizes, but simple basics, such a cereal, pasta, rice, I had very, very wrong (the only exception was hot oats, I could have actually more than I thought!). And I've been able to dramatically change this.
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    hello all i live in oxford :smile:

    Hi ther from Wakefield - love the dog!!
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    We can motivate each other through our half marathon training!!!:bigsmile:

    At the moment i'm aiming towards 10st 5lb so i'll be in normal, can't see me wanting to lose more weight after that!!

    Had a running PB in the gym today, shaved 1 minute of my 3 mile run and did it in 29mins...woop woop:bigsmile:

    backinthenines - glad the runs with the dog are going well:happy:

    Congrats on the PB :flowerforyou:
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    Hey pretty new to all this here but hoping i can stick it out this time, when i first joined i did the diary for a couple weeks but then gave up am hoping by taking an interest in the forums and having some more support will help me stick it all out! I am from Wirral (north west England) i really need to loose weight if not for health but just for myself i weight 240lbs and i hope to eventually get down to 168lbs so I got alot of work ahead of me I know! am trying to do this with out a gym membership also cos I just simply can't afford it, am also not looking at doing any type of race or anything running really isn't a strong suit for me lol although i do really enjoy and do alot of when i can cycling and walking (mountain/trek) I was always confused why i would always be big cos i would cycle 20 miles at a time on my bike but still only maintain the weight, it seems as though i have a bit of fitness just not the body to match it!

    I would suggest that you take a look at some of your friends food diary's for ideas about food. I tend to try to stick to cereal, fruit and yog for brekky, lean protein and salad/veggies for lunch and dinner with maybe a wrap or some spuds. And I always have a little chocolate treat in the evening, which seems to keep me going and stops me "cheating".

    As far as the exercise goes, you can get some DVDs and do it at home, and carry on with the walking/cycling. Or even go to some local classes or swimming at the local pool. You certainly don't need to join a gym!!

    Hope that helps a little bit :bigsmile:
  • Leigh_mc
    Leigh_mc Posts: 46 Member
    Yes i have been looking at others food diary's and been taking some ideas this first week am doing really well so far always coming in under the calories count but first couple days i was over with carbs but i think am starting to get a better idea on things now!!! had a problem yesterday where as i was still under 1200 cal by the end of my day and i had been eating full meals and not skipping anything, and i just want finding the need to eat anything sweet at the end of the day which i thought was great especially when i had a night out to attend this friday and i could save up a little bit so i could have a drink or 2! but then when i read up on starvation mode etc i realised i had best eat something just to bring it up so i had a banana which helped alot! but thank you for the advice hopefully at the end of week one i can show some kind of progress for you all! x
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    Backinthenines - great advice!!!

    I felt exactly the same when I started weighing portions, I realised how carb heavy my diet was pre-MFP!! I think I had convinced myself that I had a reasonably healthy diet before!! I log makes you accountable!!!:smile:
  • Sparrow_Feet
    Sparrow_Feet Posts: 76 Member
    Hi all....a bit late in joining this post but as I am new I thought I would say hi. I am Kelly and live in Berkshire.

    I have only been on MFP for just over 3 weeks but I have found it just what I was needing to get back on track and get my clothes feeling that bit more comfortable. Between 2002-2004 I lost just over 6 stone through making lifestyle changes. I maintained a happy weight until about 3 years ago when a combination of a stressful job with long hours and contentment of moving in with my boyfriend got the better of me and I put a couple of stone back on.

    My weakness is snacking and I would consume ridiculous things without thinking about what I was eating. The fact that I now log everything, and get the portions right by weighing when I prepare my own food is really helping.

    I also find it useful to have a network of people that are truly committed and determined to reach their goals. My boyfriend has also joined me on MFP and is a great support. If you are also committed to reaching your goals....please feel free to add me as a friend. :smile: In return I will support you too. :flowerforyou:
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    hello all i live in oxford :smile:
    snap :) well, near enough!

    and /wave @ Kelly :)

    I've been on here a month or two now, much fitter than I was, but still a fair bit to lose, just doing to slowly
  • gemwho2
    gemwho2 Posts: 82
    Hey Everyone

    I've only just found this thread :), quite new to MFP and think its great.
    I'm 26f from Glasgow and was at my biggest in Mid 2008 at 11st2. At onle 5ft1 I looked awful.
    I have lost weight, maintained, lost a bit more and maintained over the last few years.
    I am now 9st2 but my body fat is about 40%!!!! So I am not at all trim, just a bit smaller.
    My main focus now is to burn fat and tone my body up so i can comfortably wear a bikini!
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    Team West Midlands here! (NOT A BRUMMIE THO!!!) Feel free to add me, I'm all for getting new UK faces in my buddy list :happy:
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Waaaaah! I stepped on the scales this morning (well, three times, cos I couldn't believe my eyes) and I reached Target Weight!
    I now weigh 65 kilos exact (143lb). Am sooo happy - boiled over my porridge while writing this - yuck what a mess..

    Soooo, now what? Go to Maintenance? Go for another 2 kilos....?
  • Sparrow_Feet
    Sparrow_Feet Posts: 76 Member
    Waaaaah! I stepped on the scales this morning (well, three times, cos I couldn't believe my eyes) and I reached Target Weight!
    I now weigh 65 kilos exact (143lb). Am sooo happy - boiled over my porridge while writing this - yuck what a mess..

    Soooo, now what? Go to Maintenance? Go for another 2 kilos....?

    Yeah....congratulations...well done one reaching that goal! Woo hoo! :flowerforyou:

    Your next steps depend on you and how you feel. I don't know you so my only advice if from how I have been in the past. I always prefer to have a little "buffer". In my head I call it my happy weight. It's a window of about 3lb (not sure what that translates to in kg though). That way, when I had stabalised at that weight (and I did for a long time) I could afford the occassional treat, accept that birthday celebration etc without having to worry too much.

    Have a great day! :smile:
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    Huge congrats Mairgheal!!!:flowerforyou:

    Aiming to get there end of August!!

    I agree sparrow_feet about the buffer...i will def be doing that.
  • ceirawillsucceed
    ceirawillsucceed Posts: 519 Member
    Waaaaah! I stepped on the scales this morning (well, three times, cos I couldn't believe my eyes) and I reached Target Weight!
    I now weigh 65 kilos exact (143lb). Am sooo happy - boiled over my porridge while writing this - yuck what a mess..

    Soooo, now what? Go to Maintenance? Go for another 2 kilos....?
    congratulations on reaching goal.

    hi everyone im in london. i have been on mfp since may but started losing weight in april. about 6 years ago i lost about 5 1/2 stone but then met my boyfriend and got pregnant within 3 months and so put it all back on. i am determined that i will lose the weight for good this time. last time i didnt exercise but now i exercise every day and i think that helps.