What's your most recent NSV?



  • Dormouse85
    Dormouse85 Posts: 49
    A friend who's not seen me for a year said "Blimey! You've lost a shedload of weight"!!

    The "comfortable" jeans that I had fall down, even with a belt. The jeans that were tight a couple of months back I can pull down without undoing them.

    I'm cycling 35 km (that's about 20 and a bit miles) without really thinking too much about it

    I've still got a good 20 pounds to lose - but I'm over halfway there. BIG SMILE:happy:
  • WhiteRaven
    WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks!! The down side to the resize is because of the pattern on it they can't resize; they remake it. It's covered under the warranty so I'm not worried about it, but it won't be the one that was blessed during the ceremony. That's what I'm struggling with... :ohwell:

    Is it a possibility to have a little fun and renew your vows? Might be something nice/fun to do on an anniversary....

    Just a thought
  • cherdan
    cherdan Posts: 162 Member
    Fitting into and buttoning up all the way a size-6 long sleeved shirt. (Made mostly of hemp, no less.. so was a little fitted). I didn't realize I lost so much weight up top.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Congrats to you all for these NSV's......It's so great and inspiring to read them......:happy:

    My belly button is a tad tighter......Has anyone else noticed this or am I the first?.....
  • Nolangi
    I just read your successes and it was inspirational. I only joined the site a couple of days ago on word of mouth and its a great site to keep people inspired. I was visting New York and was there on labor day, stuffing my face, while you were reaching another goal. I hope next time I am lucky enough to go back, I have acheived some goals too.

    You have done brilliantly!
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 245 Member
    I went to put on my jeans they were very lose in the waist! So i decided to try out my "Pre-Prenancy Clothes Drawer" and could not believe I was pulling all of my pants and my fitted skirts up over my thighs!!!! And Buttoning them!!! Awesome day for me :).....
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I bought size 10 pants today!! Down from size 18 in January :)
    (that's Aussie sizes - I think thats a US 6).
    I'm still astounded, my dream was to fit into a size 12 and my 12s are getting too big now.
  • unicornassassin
    unicornassassin Posts: 141 Member
    My belt fits for the first time in years, and I wear it on the second hole. My sister gave me a dress that fits me amazingly, and makes me look HOT! She also pointed out to me that I have lost all of my back rolls! I feel healthy, that's a great one!
  • NoDairy
    I gave up meat and snacking in a second and went vegan
    Feel great energized and no cravings for anyhing not vegan and im on my time of the month!!:noway:
    I cook and bake for my husband and dont have desire to eat or taste anything, Its way easier than being on a diet and super good For me. This is my bestest victory ever and ive lost 50# at one time but doing this is something more than losing weight.
    Being healthy and losing weight are two big seperate things.:wink:
  • SWEETS1234
    SWEETS1234 Posts: 243 Member
    I cleaned out my closet this weekend - and all of the clothes I had been holding onto until I 'lost weight' are now too big! I donated them and bought a few cute things at a second-hand store today to replace them!

    That's awesome must feel great. I went to wedding and my uncle told me I looked great but not to lose anymore weight. I'm no longer the chubby niece. It feels great.
  • kimnaaron4ever
    My family & I went to a cook-out where a group of people that my hubby works with were getting together and EVERYONE that I knew there kept commenting on how much weight I've lost (currently lost almost 35 pounds)! One even came up to me and said he'd have to card me before giving me a drink because I was looking like a teenager again! LOVED IT! Even had someone ask if my 14 year old and I were sharing clothes yet since we are about the same size! Made for a GREAT night!:bigsmile:
  • nomnomgal
    This weekend I've been to two family gatherings and everyone has been saying how great I'm looking due to the weight loss. I feel a bit embarassed getting all the attention, but it's great when people do start to notice it! I was wearing my new pair of jeans and my husband's aunt said that I needed to get new jeans because these ones were too big. I told her that I just bought them two weeks ago and they were already a size down from my old skinny jeans. I lifted my shirt to show them how much room I had, and the women around were saying I could go down another size. That it's in my head that I can't fit into a smaller pair. So, going shopping this weekend to see if I can go down one more size! I may buy another pair anyway even if it's a bit snug to spur me on.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Glad to see this thread hasn't died! Thanks for all the new posts!! It's great seeing other peoples' successes! Here are a few more for me for this month:

    1. New 5K PR of 47:54 on the hilliest course I have ever ran
    2. Caity: "Look, Cody, there's Nick and Jana." Cody: "Wow, she looks so skinny!" I didn't actually hear this conversation, but Caity told me about it after the fact. I love seeing people I haven't seen in a while because they are always the ones that notice the most!
    3. Have lost almost 7 inches since the last time I saw my trainer 5 weeks ago - needless to say, she was a little impressed and had no hesitation telling me so.
    4. Was actually able to buy a shirt on the normal side of Maurices (my favorite store!) instead of the plus size side.

    Keep up the good work, everyone!
  • trishlambert
    trishlambert Posts: 213 Member
    Bought jeans two sizes smaller, and found out when I actually wore them the other day that I should have gone down one more size! Once they stretched from being worn, they were baggy!
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Had my latest NSV today

    Walked into the regular family chemist - he knows my wife and I quite well (7 in the family, asthmatics, etc.).

    He is welcoming every one by first name (as he does) except me. Normally he greets me, I just figured he was busy. Eventually he processes my script and says, "Hey Gary, that IS you. Didn't recognise you. What have you been doing ?"

    So I told him. Seems I have another 'gospel' to share.
  • cassondraragan
    cassondraragan Posts: 233 Member
    well, maybe TMI, but when my husband and were "together" recently he told me how amazing I was looking. Like he was sleeping with a totally different woman. He's always been good about making me feel good about myself though. Even at my biggest weight.
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    I have been working on the last 10 pounds for FOREVER and was getting really frustrated. I had only been wearing skirts to work because all of my pants were tight. I finally stopped eating so much pre-packaged food and starting cooking again (I'm a vegetarian). I was feeling good but hadn't weighed myself and decided to brave the pants. They were too big and I had to go a size down! Turns out I had lost most of the last 10 :) I adjusted my goal a little lower!
  • NashvilleShelley
    Wow!! You are all amazing!! I can't wait to have a NSV!! LOL!!
  • Kristina0202
    Kristina0202 Posts: 188 Member
    Last semester in school I used to get out of breath just walking up the stairs but now I have no problem going up them. Also, it's much easier to fit in the desks. :D
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I love all of these!! Keep 'em coming!!

    I've got a couple...

    1. I cleaned out my closet the other day, and tried on clothes I haven't worn since before I had kids. They all FIT, and some of them were even too big.

    2. I went jeans shopping recently, and picked out a size smaller than I thought I was. That pair was a little loose. I ended up going home with a size TWO sizes below the smallest size I've ever worn -- they're a little tight, but completely wearable.

    3. I no longer CRINGE when I look in the mirror. And when I turn to the side to see if my "gut" is hanging out, I'm still shocked that it's not there. I've even done the "happy dance" a few times -- in the bathroom after a shower AND in the dressing room at the store. That's NEVER EVER happened to me before.

    4. I found out that my body fat %age has dropped to 6% BELOW what's considered average for my age. And I can now see my BICEP muscle. Woo hooo!

    P.S. LOVE you girls who are finding out you are actually runners in disguise!!! Conquering that "I'm gonna die" feeling is the BEST feeling ever.
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