Virtual Walk Across Texas



  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    Checking in - I did 20.2 miles this week, so with last weeks 2.4 miles, that gives me a total of 22.6 miles. I may have left the coast! (Not sure which direction we're going across Texas :-) )

  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    Just wanted to stop by and say hello. Just added another 2.4 miles, my total is 10.4 (I'm assuming I've already accounted for my 5k that i did Saturday). I was hoping for 3 miles tonight, by my quads were killing me and were still very tight from the 5k.
  • VELVET2688
    VELVET2688 Posts: 40
    sounds like an excellent idea...lets do it....
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    This has not been my week as far as getting out for walks. Like, at all. It's okay, though, beacuse I'm 6 pounds away from a major goal, so I'm more motivated than ever. Nothing's going to stop me from doing at LEAST 15 miles next week. See ya at check in tomorrow!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I did 5.5 this week, which isn't much, but it's something, so I'm okay with that. Again, I'm extra motivated now that I've got a milestone coming up, so I'm gunna be all over some miles next week.
  • VELVET2688
    VELVET2688 Posts: 40
    i did'nt exercise much this week, i have either an infection in one of my teeth or sinus,,,and the more I move the more it throbs,,so I have laid low this week.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    i did'nt exercise much this week, i have either an infection in one of my teeth or sinus,,,and the more I move the more it throbs,,so I have laid low this week.
    Get to a doctor..infections have a pesky habit of spreading.
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    8 miles. I just recently found out I am pregnant (yeah!) and it has taken a lot out of me. I was hoping to get more miles in after dinner every night but lately I come home and fall asleep.:yawn:
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    8 miles. I just recently found out I am pregnant (yeah!) and it has taken a lot out of me. I was hoping to get more miles in after dinner every night but lately I come home and fall asleep.:yawn:
    Congrats! It may be harder now, but it'll be even more incentive to get out and walk for the baby..keeps you both healthy. Plus, walking helps make for a quicker labor. When my mom was pregnant with me (her first kid), she walked about 5 miles everyday for work (2.5 miles each way), and with all those miles in, she had me in only 6 hours. If that doesn't get you excited to walk, nothing will. :laugh:
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member

    Congrats! It may be harder now, but it'll be even more incentive to get out and walk for the baby..keeps you both healthy. Plus, walking helps make for a quicker labor. When my mom was pregnant with me (her first kid), she walked about 5 miles everyday for work (2.5 miles each way), and with all those miles in, she had me in only 6 hours. If that doesn't get you excited to walk, nothing will. :laugh:


    That is definitely an incentive to walk. I had to have a c-section with my daughter but I am hoping for a vbac this time around so anything that makes it easier is good with me.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I'll keep my fingers crossed for an easy pregnancy and a healthy vbac :smile:
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Checking in - 14.1 miles last week - I was feeling a bit sluggish - will try to do better this week, but my total is now 37.7 miles.

    LynnMPip - Congratulations! That's great news :-)
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Nice job! I need to stop slacking, but it's hard when it's 107 degrees after the sun goes down. But I did do 2 miles today, so hopefully this is a good sign for the week.
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member

    LynnMPip - Congratulations! That's great news :-)

  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    I'll keep my fingers crossed for an easy pregnancy and a healthy vbac :smile:
    Thank you!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I really wish I had a pool so I could swim some miles. It's too freaking hot here! It's 9:30 pm and still over 100 degrees outside. (By the way, this exact reason is why my miles have been slacking so much this week. But I've done more than last week, so...)
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I really wish I had a pool so I could swim some miles. It's too freaking hot here! It's 9:30 pm and still over 100 degrees outside. (By the way, this exact reason is why my miles have been slacking so much this week. But I've done more than last week, so...)

    I can so relate - it's over 100 where I'm at too - I tried swimming, though, and discovered I have so little endurance I don't get very far - it would take me years to get across TX swimming :-)
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Options could take years to walk it, too. We're not in competition to see who can do it the fastest; I started this just so I could make a conscious effort to get out and walk more. We're all doing our own things. As long as you keep track of the miles, you can walk, run, bike, swim, unicycle, skip, do cartwheels. lol
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Actually, I wasn't worried so much about how fast it added up - counting the swimming was a logistical problem too - if I can't even get to 0.1 miles, I couldn't see adding it - all those tiny numbers after the decimal point were going to get too confusing LOL. Seems like I should be getting further, considering how tired my arms are afterwards :-) Maybe once I get to where I can swim a tenth of a mile in one shot I'll start including it :-)
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Haha..I wish I could find a lap pool that measured distance in terms of fractions of a mile. But swimming is a really hard workout because it works everything, so don't feel bad about .1 mile..haha, 10 days of that and you'll have a whole one!