I'm very irritated by you "Friend" collectors



  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    People keep adding me. I think they think I'm supportive and 'up beat'. This tends to happen after a blog of mine gets posted. Then they are suckered into my tough love approach and 'fatty' manifestos! Bwuahahahaa. Seriously though. I have over 90 friends. I check daily for those who have not logged in for more than two weeks. They get removed. I try to reply to personal posts they do. Not so much to the exercise or diet completed, unless I know they've been having a particularly hard time at it. But I have to tell you, those 'great going' 'good job' and 'wtg' replies? They do the job. I always feel good seeing them pop up. just gives me the boost to know I am not alone. And when I am having real issues they respond to me with genuine friendship. So I get those posts and the deeper ones. I appreciate them all.
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    I agree as well =)
  • CynthiaS
    CynthiaS Posts: 208 Member
    yup me too. I don't expect a comment from everyone every single day but I am here for the support..I give it so its nice to get it back :)

    yep I totally agree
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    I agree. I met someone on here that "collects women". He ONLY befriends women and has over 600 of them. Being a psychology major I can't help but think he has some serious self-esteem/ inferiority complex issues going on. I deleted him when I realized I was just one of his cyber ho's. I found out he texts and calls many of his "friends". He actually said he uses this site as a dating site!! I think that's crazy, not to mention creepy!!:explode:
    Now that's an interesting fellah... He should just go to a real dating site!
    I had to comment on this, not only is this person creepy he is cheap and potentially a health hazard!
    Never meet up with someone who uses this free site as a way of picking up lots of potentially vulnerable men & women. Use a proper date site that is monitored. If you feel secure enough to meet up with someone then please be careful. It doesn't matter what sex or age you are make sure you meet in a very public place and make it very obvious that you have told your 499 other pals who you are meeting and where you are going.

    Hmmm perhaps I watch too much tv but that persons who collects woman friends sounds so dodgy!!
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    I'm going to keep my numbers limited as I'm already having trouble checking in with people every day.

    I can say this, I will always make the effort to see how my friends are doing and make a comment. Maybe not every day but at least once or twice a week.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i like getting friends if i get a good feeling from peoples posts, or i think they look cool, or reasons like that and i think id enjoy their status updates. It has zero to do with whether they will motivate me or not. I dont really feel like i need motivation from anyone other than myself, so it didnt really occur to me that people would need that from me. Funny thing to be irritated about
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    i like getting friends if i get a good feeling from peoples posts, or i think they look cool, or reasons like that and i think id enjoy their status updates. It has zero to do with whether they will motivate me or not. I dont really feel like i need motivation from anyone other than myself, so it didnt really occur to me that people would need that from me. Funny thing to be irritated about

    Dear Suzycreamcheese,

    At no point did I say i need to be motivated by anyone else, I was irritated that after an inital request to be added as a friend there is no communication what so ever.
    What am I a pokeman card? (Sorry showing my age there but can't hink what the kids collect these days lol)

    You carry on collecting people who you think look *cool*, you little "friend collector".

    ha ha ha ha ha
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    I agree with you all, I didn't even realize some people on here were friend collectors. I am all about motivation for and from my firends.

    You all made such good points, I'm sending each one of you a friend request... LOL.. JK. Actually, I saw one or two of my friends on this thread.
  • unaffected
    unaffected Posts: 154
    I think MFP is a very personalized experience, and you can make what you want out of it.

    For some people, that probably means having TONS of friends, so that seeing all of their NSVs and weight loss and tips and recipes, etc can help to motivate them. For others, that might just mean having a close circle of friends who support one another.

    IMO, why let it bother you so much what other people do with MFP? Focus on your own life and your own goals, and let other people do the same. Are they hurting you?
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I have a great group of buddies... I feel very motivated by ALL(well almost all) of them =)

    I LOVE my nosey_rosey!!!!! :)

    Love you too girl!!!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I just wish people would be more encouraging...it's always the same 3 people that tell me good job...and yes I'm that type of needy person that needs to hear that I did well today from complete strangers...that's what I'm here for. I don't have a lot of friends, but I find myself collecting more, hoping someone will say "wow that's fantastic"...I sure comment on everyone else's posts...because I know that I want to hear it too

    good job my friend :) LOL

    haha you're one of the 3~!~
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    I have a great group of buddies... I feel very motivated by ALL(well almost all) of them =)

    I LOVE my nosey_rosey!!!!! :)

    Love you too girl!!!!

    Ahhhhhhhhhh the affection generated is lovely. I'm glad there are supportive friends out there after all!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    I agree!!! And another thing that is bothering me, and maybe it shouldn't but it is.....I feel like if you are on MFP and looking for encouragement, motivation, and suggestions....but have your food diary set to "private", how can we do all those things. I also have a hard time congratualting someone who states they are "under calorie goal" for the day but you can't see what they have eaten. yes you are under, but is your goal set to 2000 calories and you hit 1999 and no excercise? And then the following week are asking for guidance on why the scale isn't moving? I don't look at all my friends food diaries daily, but I like the option (for ideas). Am I wrong?? I am contemplating dropping those friends, but feel bad.....but I am an open book and as far as I can see, no one is on this site to judge......that is what Facebook and Twitter are for, LOL!
    i agree with this completely.

    I agree too. I have a small group of freiends and one is still hiding her diary. It took months for her to put her picture up. Surely she can't be that shy that she doesn't want to show her diary.
    If you are under your calories and have exercised you should be proud of the efforts you have made. My diary isn't the healthiest at times but at least I can see where I am going wrong and enjoy the comments about the food. :tongue:
    I love to see my friends diaries it gives me meal ideas and an excuse to gently tease them :wink:
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    I am genuinely pleased when someone asks to be my friend. I take this as a compliment.

    Why do you ask to be my friend when you don't speak to me, you don't email me and you do not encourage me.

    I don't like this one sided relationship because I comment on your exercise, your diet and offer my encouragement.

    Why are people out there collecting MFP friends for no reason but to say they have lots of friends.

    I don't use face book or twitter but i have heard this happens there too.

    People collectors
    I thinks this is very sad.

    I revisited this post because almost a year later a friend collector has emerged and it does irritate me.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I am probably a bad friend, then. :laugh: I feel annoying congratulating people on every little thing they do, so I only really respond to them when they post something that makes me feel like they need encouragement.
  • mgaje
    mgaje Posts: 43 Member
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    I have a tiny handful of girls that are SO encouraging and when I hadn't logged in for a few days even commented on that, and it really pushed me to start being more motivational to my other MFP friends. I think it really does work.
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    I have a tiny handful of girls that are SO encouraging and when I hadn't logged in for a few days even commented on that, and it really pushed me to start being more motivational to my other MFP friends. I think it really does work.

    Yes it does work. It's great to have a nice group of friends to discuss the events of your day even if it's not always diet related.
    I always check up on my pals if they have been AWOL too.

    I don't expect comments everyday, but if you ask someone a question I think they should have the courtesy of answering you eventually.

    I have logged on for 465 days and I am usually carefully who I add because I like to play up too. I've slipped up but hey I know where the delete button is.
    TRISTAR Posts: 105 Member
    I am probably a bad friend, then. :laugh: I feel annoying congratulating people on every little thing they do, so I only really respond to them when they post something that makes me feel like they need encouragement.