Dont tell me your dieting while eating a snickers.....



  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Well, to be fair, you don't know what her eating habits were before. It isn't easy to just cut out everything bad for you at once- Hell, I am "dieting" but will still have bad moments where I will easily scarf down 2-3 warm glazed Krispy Kreme donuts. I am not perfect and I am sure not going to worry about others judging me for not being perfect either

    This! We don't know if this is a major improvement or not for her. I started MFP eating 12 cookies and a chocolate pudding every day. Is this good? No. Was it better than the 1lb+ of chocolate I was eating before? Hell yes! Almost 20 lbs down the first month. And now only 4 cookies and the pudding. Small changes can equal huge results.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I honestly came to this topic prepared to say "there is nothing wrong with eating a snickers" but 3 is a lot whether you are trying to lose weight or not, don't think I could have eaten 3 at once even before I was counting calories.
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    If she was eating the full sized ones, which you didn't specify, she is likely sabotaging her new way of life but we don't know. If they were bite sized, who cares.,..she worked out and we're not sure if she counted the calories or, it's not clean eating but she may be weaning herself off the sweets which may be like an addiction that many of us are working on. I burn about 600-1200 calories a day in exercise per day to allow myself 3-4 alcoholic drinks every few days which used to be DAILY, so in my opinion and the opinion of my FRIENDS here on MFP, I'm doing great...weaning myself...don't judge until you know this lady's story. My guess is she needs to loose a bunch and if 3 snickers & a coke is less than she's used too...she's making good progress & weaning don't know, so you have no authority to judge her. Shame on you. You don't know her story. What's yours? It's probably not hers.
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    Well, to be fair, you don't know what her eating habits were before. It isn't easy to just cut out everything bad for you at once- Hell, I am "dieting" but will still have bad moments where I will easily scarf down 2-3 warm glazed Krispy Kreme donuts. I am not perfect and I am sure not going to worry about others judging me for not being perfect either

    I agree here. It's kinda like when one of my friends quit smoking and I did not. He was constantly telling me about how bad it is for me, and how much the smoke bothered him (though, we don't smoke in our home, only out on the balcony which he chose to come out on with us when we went out to smoke).

    It's great that you're working so hard for you, but I kinda think it's a bit judgmental to go criticizing someone else. When I first started going to the gym, I still wasn't doing so great at eating right. I got to the point where I didn't want to eat bad things anymore because I started tracking how long it took me on the eliptical to work them off (that is a real eye opener!). I still eat ice cream sometimes (though stick to one portion and feel satisfied) and tonight I had wine and sugar cookies with a friend of mine. I busted my butt at the gym today, so I still managed to stay under my calories, but I had two glasses of wine and five sugar cookies! I was disappointed with myself for eating five of them, but so happy when I found I was still under my calorie limit!
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    I am so pissed at this thread.

    All I can think about now is snickers.

    Candy Bars Starting at :14
  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    If she was eating the full sized ones, which you didn't specify, she is likely sabotaging her new way of life but we don't know. If they were bite sized, who cares.,..she worked out and we're not sure if she counted the calories or, it's not clean eating but she may be weaning herself off the sweets which may be like an addiction that many of us are working on. I burn about 600-1200 calories a day in exercise per day to allow myself 3-4 alcoholic drinks every few days which used to be DAILY, so in my opinion and the opinion of my FRIENDS here on MFP, I'm doing great...weaning myself...don't judge until you know this lady's story. My guess is she needs to loose a bunch and if 3 snickers & a coke is less than she's used too...she's making good progress & weaning don't know, so you have no authority to judge her. Shame on you. You don't know her story. What's yours? It's probably not hers.

    This is exactly how I feel. I still go out to eat, a lot, but not as much as I use to. I still eat candy and cake and all that, I just allow myself to have the time to workout and the cals to eat it with. I am trying to eat cleaner but it has taken me a year and a lot of hard work to get to this point. Don't judge others, just encourage. I know it might be "funny" when someone orders a big mac super sized and then orders a diet coke...haha...but we also might say that diet coke is a step in the right direction. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you...if maybe at one point in your new "diet" (which I would call MFP a lifestyle change and not a diet...wrong website if that is what you are looking for) you decide to have a piece of cake you are going to hope no one judges you for it. Encourage her to make better choices and to keep up the good work with her walking...don't be a hater.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    It's true that we don't know her story and her behavior could be an immense improvement. But the criticism here doesn't have to be ad hominem. We can make something productive out of this and talk about self-sabotaging *in general*, reminding ourselves to be aware of what we're eating. Or we can talk about how to encourage people to get out of their bad habits in a friendly manner. etc etc.

    It's definitely a fine line, however... I guess it's safer to use examples of people that we personally know, e.g. a sibling or a roommate who works out but eats junk food every day. One would still have to make sure the conversation remains productive and doesn't turn into an attack on the individual, though.
  • Weight loss is a big mental don't know what's going on in her head & to criticize her on here is a bit mean spirited :/
  • tweety170
    tweety170 Posts: 167
    WOW! Three?! That's way too much.
  • CynthiaS
    CynthiaS Posts: 208 Member
    I understand where the other's are going with not judging hell I myself can eat about 4 snickerdoodles when I make them but still if It was full size candy bar's that a bit much for anyone & then to top it off with a soda I really hope she open's her eye's soon to what she is doing to her body ! btw good for you fitting in more exercise after lol
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    I don't get starting a thread about something and not participating in the discussion. So many posts being critical of this woman, and it still is not clear if they were fun size or full size candy bars. It could be this woman is on MFP and knows exactly how many calories she has remaining for the day, and treating herself was reasonable.

    I had a triple chocolate sundae cone after dinner today. Just had two double stuff oreos.

    I finished with over 400 calories remaining and I have lost 46 lbs in 16 weeks.

    Stop judging people you don't know and focus on your own fitness!
  • GoneWithTheWhinge
    GoneWithTheWhinge Posts: 168 Member
    I am so pissed at this thread.

    All I can think about now is snickers.

    Me too, not had one in aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages but sheesh do I ever have a craving for one now!
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Hm... my first >thought< is that she's not doing the fitness thing for herself if she's just undoing all her work with the trainer. She'll come around to really doing it for herself when she's ready like the rest of us. In the meantime, yeah... I'd switch off my iPod on my phone and show her this really great website that has helped me ;)

    That being said, I had KFC for dinner tonight and I'm STILL 781 calories shy on my net for the day! That just isn't going to be happening before bedtime tonight. Ah well, better planning tomorrow. (Seriously?!?! I have NO freaking clue how the "clean" or "paleo" people do it! They must literally eat all day long!)
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    I am so pissed at this thread.

    All I can think about now is snickers.

    Me too, not had one in aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages but sheesh do I ever have a craving for one now!

    Definitely craving one as well. I'm going to work it in tomorrow.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Don't you judge me monkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    >_____> <_____< jk.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Don't you judge me monkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    >_____> <_____< jk.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Don't you judge me monkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    >_____> <_____< jk.

    lolz That quote gets tossed around this house a LOT.

    When I was in Louisiana a bit over a week ago, I went on a 3 hour hike in the mid-day LA heat with my brother. I burned over 1200 cals. That day, I ate 2 candy bars (regular sized) and had a bottle of Dr. Pepper. Yes I did and I enjoyed it very much. I was on vacation and took full advantage. When I got back and weighed myself, I had lost 1.6 lbs though, so go me.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Hey! I am totally that woman on the bench! I just ate 3 smores cups instead of dinner. :noway: But I'm still in my calories.

    I don't understand why people get so pissy over posts like this. She was just expressing how she felt after meeting this person. Its not like she came on here and posted a picture of her and was like "This girl is fat" or something.

    I totally get where your coming from. I have people I know that will say they are "dieting" or "watching what they eat"....and then order a value meal that totals over 1000 calories, and then get a few refills on their 32oz soda....

    I get it, we all fall off the wagon sometimes. We all make choices that aren't always great (like my smores vs chicken dinner decision) .... but it is a bit annoying when your listening to someone talk about how they are watching what they eat, or dieting, or trying to lose weight....and then woof down a 900 calorie triple from Wendys....
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    Come on...tell me every one of us hasn't had a "cheat day" or three or more...goodness...give her a break. Even if they were full sized bars, maybe she could afford it calorie wise. I'm embarassed to say I'm associated with such critical people. This is why I choose only encouraging friends on here. I had a few days not long ago when we were in the process of moving where I was over calories by 1000 ore more calories...not much more but still VERY much over...but, I got back to it and since LATE February, I've managed to loose 15 lbs. Like I said earlier...shame on you. I would delete you as a friend in no time flat if I saw you talking about anyone in such a judgmental way.

    I bet the originator of this thread will abandon it and not ever reply. She should be ashamed. I'm sorry for being so pissy but this really rubs me wrong. It's NOT what this site is all about. I'm so used to encouragement and support here that this really strikes a chord with me.
  • I burned 500 calories yesterday. walking to the shop to get bread and milk. while there i bought a small packet of chips (crisps) aaand. 2 snickers bars. and 2 chocolate milks (feel good FTW. they're 175cals per serve) - anyway. my son didn't wanta snickers. soooo i ate two. but boy were they tasty! i was craving nuts. and I think my almonds have gone off in the pantry in the air tight container, they taste wrong. anyways. my rant's over.

    sometimes. we faulter. I know what I did was wrong. I just went out and burned another 300 calories and I know my scale probably won't shift this week. the only person she's hurting is herself.
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