fit for october challenge



  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member

    today is 135 days logging i am a ston elighter than when i started but also stuck at this weight :(

    todays plans walking and cleaning my house is a bomb site again which i cant understand when no one is in all week i think i have mess gnomes im also taking a friend shopping this afternoon i cannot wait until tomorrow when i can have a lie in bed for a change
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Woo Friday!
    I have to say I've been very bad this week with my exercise (Food has been pretty good!). I haven't been able to make it to the gym, and getting up in the morning is almost impossible due to the fact I'm always exhausted. When I say exhausted it's not just I can't be bothered to get out of bed, its a thing of getting up and then almost falling asleep over breakfast! That said I have done half an hours walking at lunch time, which is better than sitting and stuffing my face with vending machine treats!
    I am away for a few days over the weekend. Taken some time off work and getting out of town for a few days as my boyfriend and I have both had stressful few weeks at work and needs to get away from it all! So a few treats are in order, but lots of walking in order. I am hoping I will come back refreshed and ready to go again.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    morning i do like a saturday i can sleep in well for an extra half hour but i so needed it

    cdpm enjoy your weekend break i have 5 weeks 1 day left for my break and the days are dragging now i need it to hurry im desperate for this time to myself its a good chance for us to catch up on some sleep and relax

    todays plans need to involve tackling the mess upstairs and the grotty bathroom i avoided it yesterday after spending th emorning cleaning and the afternoon out with a friend so i need get a boot in my rear to do it today

    hope everyones having a good weekend
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    id say happy sunday but that just means the weekend is over :(

    i hope youve all had fun this weekend ive helped a friend sorting her house and gained a exchange of help fos a late auntumn spring clean in mine i need to get organised and clean out all the cupboards under the beds move furnitures dust book cases i havent touched in ages so we exchange i help de clutter her house calorie burning she helps me deep clean i like th eplan both ways i burn calories and cleaning etc is always more fun when theres 2 of you plus i get some company

    i hope youve been good this weekend i wasnt yesterday way too much in th eline of carbs with potato and cauliflower curry 3 helpings is not productive to dieting lol
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    urghhhh monday again

    nelski i hope your being good this weekend
    cdpm i hope your having a fun trip
    bjshooter how are you doing

    and we seem to have lost mabrywnn and sarahliz :(

    hopefully my kitchen is getting the deep clean scrub today all the cupboards emptied cooker pulled out etc not looking forward to it but i am going to enjoy calories burned
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Well, I of course was not so good this weekend but had a good time. I probably didn't eat as bad and drink as much as past camping weekends but I still was bad. We did some walking and bike riding around the campground but I know it wasn't nearly enough.
    I'm starting the 2nd phase of ChaLEAN Extreme today. It focuses more on less reps with heavier weights, I think I will like that.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    nelski i dont know how you keep at it since school started again i find myself so busy rushing to and from school and shopping and various other out of the house things the only exercise i seem to get is walking by ttime im pooped and ready for bed i love the 6 week break but its left me out of sync and now im struggling to get back into the routine of all the school stuff and kids and fitting exercise in there
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I don't have kids so that makes it easier to find the time. I should never have any excuses for not exercising when I see all of you with kids or just a lot more going on fitting it in.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    morning happy tuesday i think i didnt get all kitchen finished yesterday the cupboards are done my neighbour is a star i emptied she cleaned while i emptied another then replaced the first today is tackling the fridge cooker skirting boards and doorframes i detest this kind of deep clean i dont mind the move the furniture so i can clean under and behind deep clean but the empty everything yuk

    nelski maybe i could loan my kids out so i can exercise altho with the cleaning i better lose something
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Hello everyone.
    Back from my break and yes I did put on a bit of weight. I am surprised as I thought it would be more. I ate a serious amount of bad food. That said we did do a fair bit of walking.
    My favorite thing having more for breakfast than just weetabix. I had white toast and butter! I've not had white toast in an age, so I definitely appreciated it.
    After 2 days of eating whatever we wanted (and yes it was mostly rubbish - cheesy chips, curry etc) I have to admit we both felt greasy and we did not want to eat like that anymore.
    So the healthy eating I think is defiantly embedded into our system now.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    morning very happy hump day

    140days logging today woohoo i might not be losing the weight but im not quitting either thats a huge step for me

    cdpm we all gain when we go away its because we relax and eat all the stuff we usually avoid its part of what going away is taking a break from everything i definately wont be eating healthy when i go away in 4 weeks and 5 days not that im counting or anything lol its a hotel breakfast so toasts butter marmelades/jams and then cooked meal so whole yards except the meat and restaurants every night im there italian indian and chinese over the 3 days as well as any junk we see and eat in the day i may end up back at my starting weight but it will have been sooo worth it lol
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I actually went and lost 1lb this week, new number, FINALLY, 138lb
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Great job Bjshooter!

    Monkeysmum, I think we live a little too far from each other for you to loan your kids out to me lol.

    I'm feeling good today. I think all the excess bloat from the weekend is finally off. I got in a good TurboFire workout last night with a good calorie burn. I also signed up to be a Beach Body coach so I'm hoping it will help be stay on track by motivating others and them motivating me. If any of you are members of, look for me so we can be buddies. My screen name is littlefieldsy.

    So far I've eaten pretty good this week, just gotta keep it up!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    bjshooter well done on dropping the 1lb i wish my scales would be that nice

    nelski you may be right im not sure child services agree with airmailing kids they may think its slightly cruel lol i am hoping once i get back into the school run routine i can start to fit workouts in again at the minute ive all on staying awake its tiring me out trying to fit in school stuff and house stuff and life i need more hours in the day or maybe and extra day in the week
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    morning on this dull thursday

    roll on the weekend i am so tired and i have a full day im taking my littlest to libray this morning for a read and rhyme time some cleaning for a couple hours getting paintwork clean in my kitchen ready for hubby to decorate and then a stay and play for 2 hours this afternoon im worn out just thinking about it but by end of next week when my week is full again i can start to get back used to it and then try to build more exercise into my day

    have a fun thursday everyone
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    wooohoooo friday and that means weekend starts at 4pm for me i cant wait and after a pretty crappy week next week is going to be awsome i have exercise planned in and a maths course to start so no boredom snacking in an afternoon roll on weekend start
    whats everyone else got planned?
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Good morning. Yayyy for Friday!
    I'm down a pound so that's a good start. :)

    This weekend plans are: visit friends to meet their new baby tonight, farmers market tomorrow morning, going out to dinner tomorrow night. I have workouts scheduled for after work today and some time tomorrow too. Other than that I think I just need to get some cleaning done and grocery shopping. It's supposed to be rainy for a couple days so looks like no outdoor fun.
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Ergh! Today I'm not feeling great. I have had a good day at work and have been watching what I've been eating, but I have felt fat and bloated and sluggish all day which has put a massive dampener on my motivation. So tonight I have decided to get into comfy clothes and with a cheeky end of week glass of wine, get on the job hunt. I have managed to find the 'perfect' job, it's quite frustrating trying to apply to it without my other half at home to give it a check over for any spelling or silly grammar mistakes!
    Back on topic, I am hoping that I will be feeling less bloated and fat tomorrow so that I can get stuck into the gym again. I've had a break for too long and I don't want to extend that break any longer!!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    wooohooo weekend at last

    i wish i could say ill be good but this weekend is at a loss my sister is coming and that means we will eat too much junk foods but have lots fun and tomorrow im at my mums all day while my brother fixes my car my mum is planning loads mash with veggies and well junk stuff roll on monday when i can go swimming again with little one

    cdpm i hope you had luck with the job hunting and cv writing comfy clothes and a galss of wine sound good to me even if it is only 8:20am lol

    nelski great job on the 1lb loss and the farmers market sounds fab
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    This weekend is shaping up to be a 'sort your life out' weekend. I am still working on my CV as I want to nail this job application. I also received in the post today my mum's used copy of Womens fitness (She buys them, reads them, passes it around at work, then posts it to me!). This issue seems to address all the problems I'm currently having my weight loss, so it's been a mega boost of confidence.
    That combined with the fact my parents are visiting for a week next week and I haven't actually lost any weight or inches since I last saw them, I need to do everything I can this week to get my bum in gear again! I'm not hoping to lose a drastic amount, just use their visit as an incentive to get going again.