Pre-Marital test has me feeling depressed!



  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    i think 67% is great. remember, you are bringing two very different people together. your biggest challenge will be learning how to combine these two lives together and be happy. my husband and i only have a few things in common but we compliment each other really well. and we're best friends! also, i think this test is awesome. it now gives you guys things to work on BEFORE you get married. it's better to work it all out before than to get married and have big problems. so look at the test and figure out what needs work and work on it. marriage is so awesome but it's also a lot of work. good luck hon!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Dear I understand your stressing but honestly, when you love someone you overlook certain things and you learn about one another and eventually mesh...If you guys have no problems warning signs etc other than a test honestly I wouldn't let it get to you. It will never be a high percentage for anyone becasue everyone is SOOO different no matter how much you have in common. Just breathe remember that if ya'll are insync like my husband and I any stress that you have can rub off on your man. My husband and I never did good on those types of test. I have known him for 12 years we are newlyweds and yes we have our moments but everyone does........Best of luck to you atleast now you have something you can work on if you think it is an issue. the test isn't meant to tell you your not meant to be but to bring up things that could be an issue later. Stay positive!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I just had another thought about this - be happy that your fiance felt he could be honest about his feelings on these matters. Not everyone would express how they feel because they're afraid to hurt the other person's feelings or afraid of how it would look to the counselor who's reviewing the results. Better to be out in the open so it can be dealt with than hidden and causing resentment.