Do you ever have to make yourself eat?



  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    This calorie level is what she is used to and will offer no undue stress. As one of the ladies said above "eating too much and eating too little can be dangerous" yes this is true, but what is "too little or too much" depends on the person CURRENT metabolism.

    LadyHawk, I read those studies, VLCD results in death. What is a VLCD? once again its "relevant to the person"

    That could be true, not for me to debate. What I can debate is that you don't know what my body is accustomed to. That is NOT 800 calories. I'm a month into this, as you said... and a month ago I was eating 2200 calories. However, once I start to reduce, my body and appetite go too far. Finding that middle ground is a struggle... but as I said... I wasn't looking for advice.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    You don't think this post was misguided? I am starting to think that you are an attention seeker, you are just posting the most outragious things on here to get attention and start fights...negative attention is better than no attention right? I have read dozens of your posts where you say the same thing over and over again

    You seem to have all the answers and have all the advice that you give contradicts what MFP stands for, if you really believe what you say, why do you need this site? You should go join a site that advocates fasting and starving yourself. Feel free to go, we will do just fine without you here!
    Yes I know that can be looked at in a wrong way eating the 800 calories. If i said "what's the difference between these 2 colors?" one is black and one is white. It's obvious. What if I had a color "white" and "white with 1 shade darker?" you may not even be able to see it. Looking at things from a higher opposition lets you see the big picture. It's true what I said also, "what's wrong with eating 800 calories?" Is it bad? is it right? There are many factors that come in to play. Some one to just blindly state something such as "eating 800 calories is bad" is wrong. There are variable conditions where it would be acceptable. What about little children, what about people over 100yrs old, what about people who just went through gastric bypass? I agree "800 calories" for the "general" population isn't the best idea. That isn't the point though, the point is you can't apply a one size fits all approach to every situation.

    I never told the OP to eat less. My general point was "don't put stress on yourself." I am a good example of this, right now I am doing a low carb diet to reduce bodyfat. Is it fair to say "to lose body fat do low carb?" no... that's not right. THe thing with overweight people is that carbs give them a bigger insulin spike compared to a thinner person. I will increase my carbs eventually, but "IN MY SITUATION" since everything is based on condition... it's not the best idea to eat high carbs.

    My calories are also lower, i eat about 2500-3000 calories a day. My AMR is about 3800 calories a day right now. I currently can't exercise like i used to. Once I get in to better shape, I plan to increase my calories to my AMR and burn off the excess fat with exercise. Notice how my calories, and my carb intake will change as I get in to better shape. The point of this there is no "one size fits all approach." 1200 calories starvation mode? as you probably heard me state many times "a 4,10" woman who weighs 110lbs" won't be in this supposed starvation mode.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    This calorie level is what she is used to and will offer no undue stress. As one of the ladies said above "eating too much and eating too little can be dangerous" yes this is true, but what is "too little or too much" depends on the person CURRENT metabolism.

    LadyHawk, I read those studies, VLCD results in death. What is a VLCD? once again its "relevant to the person"

    That could be true, not for me to debate. What I can debate is that you don't know what my body is accustomed to. That is NOT 800 calories. I'm a month into this, as you said... and a month ago I was eating 2200 calories. However, once I start to reduce, my body and appetite go too far. Finding that middle ground is a struggle... but as I said... I wasn't looking for advice.

    2steps, I said a few times "no one knows this woman's situation, you don't know how much she's exercising, if she's even exercising, if she started eating at 1000 calories or more, no one knows, only her" As I said in my previous post I was saying don't put excessive stress on your body, by over eating or under eating.
  • xXxKayleighxXx
    I have a recurring problem... every time I start focusing on nutrition and health in general, I start watching my portion sizes and increasing my water intake... and I start losing my appetite. Its 9 pm here, and I have 800+ more calories to eat for today. Nothing sounds good, but I know I need to eat. *sigh*

    Suggestions? Does anyone else have this problem?

    Hey i can never eat all my calories and the water fills you up and makes you want to eat less.

    I usually end up drinking quite a few calories. Not alcohol, but i really like milk or juice or something. I have cut out the fizzy drinks. If i didn't drink, i don't think i could eat it.

    I haven't looked at your profile, but maybe you could keep something like a protein shake or breakfast bar around for quick cals.

    I hope you got a few replies that you were looking for xx
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    This calorie level is what she is used to and will offer no undue stress. As one of the ladies said above "eating too much and eating too little can be dangerous" yes this is true, but what is "too little or too much" depends on the person CURRENT metabolism.

    LadyHawk, I read those studies, VLCD results in death. What is a VLCD? once again its "relevant to the person"

    That could be true, not for me to debate. What I can debate is that you don't know what my body is accustomed to. That is NOT 800 calories. I'm a month into this, as you said... and a month ago I was eating 2200 calories. However, once I start to reduce, my body and appetite go too far. Finding that middle ground is a struggle... but as I said... I wasn't looking for advice.

    2steps, I said a few times "no one knows this woman's situation, you don't know how much she's exercising, if she's even exercising, if she started eating at 1000 calories or more, no one knows, only her" As I said in my previous post I was saying don't put excessive stress on your body, by over eating or under eating.

    Dude. Please. Enough.
  • grimnir
    grimnir Posts: 61 Member
    I've frequently found myself not feeling hungry at the end of the day while still having 600-800 calories left, though it usually doesn't happen on workout days, even though I set my daily goal 375 calories lower than MFP suggested (this way I don't ever feel bad about going a hundred calories or so over, and feel good about eating up to 375 exercise calories if I really want them, though I'm usually satisfied enough without). Mind you, I'm 6'7 and am working with a personal trainer, so 375 calories as a % of my diet is a lot different for me than someone 5'3.

    Most of the time when I eat something when I'm way below on calories, even though I don't think I'm hungry, I realize I was actually very hungry and just wasn't getting the right signals about it because I'm not having low blood sugar crashes to tell me to eat, what with eating so few carbs and 4 little meals instead of two huge ones. I've also noticed that when I have a bunch of my calories from carbs, I'm way more likely to feel hungry and wish I had more to eat at the end of the day, so I've cut way back on carbs just to make it easier on myself.

    I think it's really important to note how totally ****ed up my old notions of hungry and full were, and that it takes time to figure out exactly where those points should be. I'm still figuring it out, and this isn't even my first serious diet (the first one I lost 80 lbs in 5 months, didn't gain any back, either, I was just that huge).
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    To the OP yes I sometimes gotten to the point were I'm am eating when I don't really feel hungry. It is usually when I want to mentally "ki k things up" but one thing that I have notice after all of my weight fluctuations and various eating patterns is that my mind hunger and body hunger aren't quite in sync. My bodies cues aren't always apparent to me so I use the tools on MFP to help me get over my head issues and relearn how to fuel my body correctly. What sucks is I'm always more hungry when I am doing things I don't like at home versus being out and active, do you think they are related,lol.
  • AlexandraLove
    On days I don't exercise, or when I'm in a funk, I have to force myself to eat. It's not great, but I know I need the calories. Sometimes I'll give myself a pass if I know I'm going to be eating higher-calorie meals later in the week.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    It may have been said, but common sense tells me that paying attention to my body's cues (and learning to figure out what those cues are, instead of getting caught up in my head, which may or may not know what is going on in my body LOL) is always the best option. My body is made to thrive. It is pretty finely calibrated. I just have to feed it right. Which means some days it will tell me to eat more. And some days it will tell me to eat less. Stuffing food into my mouth when I'm not hungry is against common sense. Depriving myself of nutritious food when I'm ravenous is against common sense.

    Our fears and thoughts, and honestly *too much information* can easily get in the way of our ability to accurately read our own body's cues, and even when we can, trusting our own body's messages is something we've been trained out of most of our lives, and learning to trust what our body tells us is IMO a huge part of this journey. At least for me - it's not about controlling anything, it's about reconnecting with something that used to be intuitive.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    *double post* Sorry!!!
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    If I find myself short of my calorie goal I try to eat something that is healthy but still high in calories but that isn't going to make me feel bloated like a handful of peanuts or peanut butter.

    It's important to reach our calorie goals at the very least. It's hard on your body when you ask it to function on 800 calories a day. Maybe every once in a while you can get away with it but it's definitely something you do not want to make a habit out of.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    The sky is purple. Look, I can misinform people on the internet too. How cool.

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