30DS Starting 6/15 or 6/16



  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Happy Friday to you all. I was eating right and exercising and still gained this week. It's funny how I thought it would still all be good if I did both of those things - WRONGO!!!! My sleep has been so off and my anxiety and stress is through the roof. I work at a university and the end of summer means preparing for the fall and trying to help students who leave everything until the last minute. Accountants have tax season, I have the end of July / early August!!! It's so not fun. My doctor also says it's because I've been working out at 6am and 6pm (ish) and I'm not giving my body a chance to recover - how can I expect to sleep when my body's in "go go go" mode early in the morning and later at night? That's why she gets paid the big bucks! :wink:

    This morning, I wanted to give up. I was done. I didn't ever way to see the number on the scale go up, but there it was!! I'm not quite sure where I am right now. I started this month 'o challenges and feel that I could push myself through that. This pity party better be over soon because I have a lunch date with the bf this afternoon - the pity party would push me to have a buffalo chicken wrap. The Mo that I've come to appreciate and love would pick the chicken avocado salad with mango. Please please please win, new Mo....I like you! Am I serioulsy fighting with myself here?!?! :laugh: damn that scale!!

    Any way, I've given Jillian a rest too. I've gone back to my running and did P90X for 2 days. I just don't like Tony. He's not mean like Jillian and I'd rather be yelled at than hear his dumb jokes.

    Butter - I hope things went well at the nutritionist - how are you feeling with school starting soon?

    Keda - Awesome committment to both programs! You go with your bad self!!!

    Laz - I missed your posts when you were on vacation. I hope you're all ready to keep kicking butt. And way to go on the 20 - I hope to join you in that group next week!
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    How is everyone doing? This thread has kind of died off. I am hoping that you are all keeping the momentum going along woth the scale!

    I am continuing to plug away, unfortunately the scale is not moving. My eating hasn't seemed to be too bad the last few weeks, but I haven't been tracking on MFP so I'm sure I am decieving myself in that thought!

    I've been a little lax on the exercise too. I am debating whether to invest in a gym membership. I have had them memberships before and not used them. Mainly because I have exercise equipment at home, but there is something about the atmosphere at the gym that motivates me. Plus I enjoy the group classes. On the other hand, it takes me more time to go to the gym than to work out at home. Plus the weather is getting cooler, so I will be more apt to get outside and run or walk. But that will change when that wonderful Michigan winter hits!

    Anyway, I hope you all are doing well. I have reset my goal and I am shooting to be at goal by Christmas, halfway by October 1. I only hae 30 pounds to go so I know it is doable!