Paleo, anyone?



  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    LOL....some differences of opinion, I see!!! Thanks for the link to the Paleo group! I have to agree, I don't see where eating humanely raised meat, natural fruits and veggies and taking out chemicals is extreme!!!

    I was referring to the story that another poster posted about getting a divorce over her husband's extreme habits. That is what I meant by taking it to an extreme, so I apologize if this "extreme" vegan didn't get her point across. Wow, I've heard that meat raises your testosterone and your adrenaline, but I had no idea that a tiny misread in what I said could get so many panties in a bunch.

    Well,,,, No,,,, that's not what you said, you said
    but the paleo path seems a little extreme,
    . then you added like the one husband, two different statements, with two different meanings. If you say you meant it otherwise I believe you , but we did not misread it, you miswrote it.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    So many ridiculous, ill-informed anti-Paleo posts on this thread. SMH
    Kind of an interesting statement considering how ill-informed the paleo doctrine seems to be and how it stands on zero science that is remotely relevant to our interests. I mean, Robb Wolf has implicated that his diet is a cure for neurodegenerative disorders.

    I mean, I just laughed out loud when I heard that.

    Actually there is plenty of science, so please if you disagree with the life style state so, but don't lie about it.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    People are denying that paleo is extreme? The main proponents of paleo declare things like dairy, whole grains, and legumes as being a major source, if not THE major source/sole source, of cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and terrorism.

    Are you really going to put up the argument that this kind of thought is NOT extreme?

    ...really though?
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Actually there is plenty of science, so please if you disagree with the life style state so, but don't lie about it.
    I would love to see some that is of relevance. Please exclude all:

    -Ex vivo studies.
    -Studies done on rodents.
    -Correlational research.

    Please include all:

    -Clinical trials that maintain macronutrients/micronutrients.

    Hint: those trials don't exist.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    LOL....some differences of opinion, I see!!! Thanks for the link to the Paleo group! I have to agree, I don't see where eating humanely raised meat, natural fruits and veggies and taking out chemicals is extreme!!!

    I was referring to the story that another poster posted about getting a divorce over her husband's extreme habits. That is what I meant by taking it to an extreme, so I apologize if this "extreme" vegan didn't get her point across. Wow, I've heard that meat raises your testosterone and your adrenaline, but I had no idea that a tiny misread in what I said could get so many panties in a bunch.

    Well,,,, No,,,, that's not what you said, you said
    but the paleo path seems a little extreme,
    . then you added like the one husband, two different statements, with two different meanings. If you say you meant it otherwise I believe you , but we did not misread it, you miswrote it.

    Freerange, you have a right to your dietary choices and I have a right to mine. I was in no way disrespectful, and I already apologized for not clearly enunciating my point. What more do you want from me? You clearly don't care to read the post where I encouraged the topic starter to eat meat if it's what she needs, because we all have different needs. You only choose to attack what you can find wrong with me, which is rude and uncalled for.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    So many ridiculous, ill-informed anti-Paleo posts on this thread. SMH
    Kind of an interesting statement considering how ill-informed the paleo doctrine seems to be and how it stands on zero science that is remotely relevant to our interests. I mean, Robb Wolf has implicated that his diet is a cure for neurodegenerative disorders.

    I mean, I just laughed out loud when I heard that.

    And I laughed out loud at the "wreak havoc on your kidneys" and "40 year life expectancy during Paleo times" comments. Ummm...last time I checked, Paleo man didn't have access to a shot of penicillin or other modern drugs when they got a "boo boo." Plus, I don't recall ever being chased as "food' in my modern life. The "40 year life expectancy" wasn't likely due to a poor diet.

    Gotta love when someone starts a Paleo thread though when all of the "know it all" naysayers want to turn it into a urinating match without really doing any research beforehand.
  • kellibean13
    kellibean13 Posts: 92 Member
    I've been eating Paleo for two weeks and have already noticed a HUGE difference in my energy level, ability to focus, and just how I generally feel: lighter, happier, healthier. I have told many of my friends that it is not a diet that will work for everyone, but if you are interested, I strongly encourage you to read The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf (it's an entertaining and informative read) and to research other sources as well. Look into both sides of the argument; it can be a significant lifestyle change and I think anyone considering it should make an informed choice. For me, it has been the best choice I have ever made and I'm never going back! But ultimately, the choice is yours.

    (As you can see from the posts above, the Paleo diet can extract heated responses from both sides. Be aware that if you decide to "go Paleo," not everyone will be supportive of your choice. I'm learning to let that be o.k. The Paleo Group on MFP has been an incredible source of support and wisdom for me on my journey, so I encourage you to join us if you decide to try it).

    Best of luck to you!
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    And I laughed out loud at the "wreak havoc on your kidneys" and "40 year life expectancy during Paleo times" comments. Ummm...last time I checked, Paleo man didn't have access to a shot of penicillin or other modern drugs when they got a "boo boo." Plus, I don't recall ever being chased as "food' in my modern life. The "40 year life expectancy" wasn't likely due to a poor diet.

    Gotta love when someone starts a Paleo thread though when all of the "know it all" naysayers want to turn it into a urinating match without really doing any research beforehand.
    Please don't tell me you're implying I haven't done my research.

    I've seen Wolf's videos, I've seen the studies done on pigs where one group was fed paleo and another cereal, I've seen the studies on Mediterranean diet vs. paleo diet.

    I'm willing to bet that I've done more research on paleo than most adherents of paleo, considering most people I've encountered that subscribe to paleo have merely read a book. It's hilarious to see people read about the biomechanics of food, and then assume that the biomechanical research is REMOTELY relevant to the practical application. I could do a biochemical study where I feed rats a ton of apples, report the research in a misleading way, and scare people out of eating apples.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    Look. I can't speak for the science, but since starting Paleo I have felt better, gotten leaner, and improved my performance in the gym. That's all the proof I need that thhis works for ME. Do I think people can take it to extremes? Hell yes. Just like everything else out there.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I have been reading about Paleo like crazy lately, I have Celiac and thus can't eat most grains, and I'm lactose intolerant and thus can't eat most dairy, I avoid soy and I realized that my body is naturally pointing me in the direction of Paleo, I haven't gone full Paleo yet, but I know that cutting grains literally saved my digestive track because of my celiac.

    I haven't heard anything about kidney problems.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Please stick to the subject and refrain from personal attacks.


    My Fitness Pal Forum Moderator
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    People are denying that paleo is extreme? The main proponents of paleo declare things like dairy, whole grains, and legumes as being a major source, if not THE major source/sole source, of cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and terrorism.

    Are you really going to put up the argument that this kind of thought is NOT extreme?

    ...really though?

    I'm not anti-Paleo but the whole idea that legumes are "poisonous" is so completely ridiculous. I've not read the book but have read several Paleo threads on these boards which have said that. I thought of that last night as I picked legumes from garden, popping several into my mouth before I could make it to the kitchen to cook them up for dinner. They were still warm from the sun and I just couldn't resist.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    I've been eating Paleo for two weeks and have already noticed a HUGE difference in my energy level, ability to focus, and just how I generally feel: lighter, happier, healthier. I have told many of my friends that it is not a diet that will work for everyone, but if you are interested, I strongly encourage you to read The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf (it's an entertaining and informative read) and to research other sources as well. Look into both sides of the argument; it can be a significant lifestyle change and I think anyone considering it should make an informed choice. For me, it has been the best choice I have ever made and I'm never going back! But ultimately, the choice is yours.

    (As you can see from the posts above, the Paleo diet can extract heated responses from both sides. Be aware that if you decide to "go Paleo," not everyone will be supportive of your choice. I'm learning to let that be o.k. The Paleo Group on MFP has been an incredible source of support and wisdom for me on my journey, so I encourage you to join us if you decide to try it).

    Best of luck to you!
    I support anyone who goes paleo, particularly those who have actually done the research, and most importantly, aren't dogmatic and judgmental. I already called the diet healthy, but as far as science shows, it's no healthier than any other diet that matches macros/micros. PERIOD.

    The issue I have with paleo is they (many - but not all) have a tendency to:

    A) make claims that aren't founded in research.
    B) judge people who don't eat paleo and pretend their paleo diet is superior.

    Don't do those 2 things and we don't have an issue.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    deleted for being redundant.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Look. I can't speak for the science, but since starting Paleo I have felt better, gotten leaner, and improved my performance in the gym. That's all the proof I need that thhis works for ME. Do I think people can take it to extremes? Hell yes. Just like everything else out there.
    No problem. Just don't tell me grains are going to give me cancer and end my future marriage in divorce, and we don't have a problem. Also be very careful when you talk about the "scientific backing" of paleo.
    I have been reading about Paleo like crazy lately, I have Celiac and thus can't eat most grains, and I'm lactose intolerant and thus can't eat most dairy, I avoid soy and I realized that my body is naturally pointing me in the direction of Paleo, I haven't gone full Paleo yet, but I know that cutting grains literally saved my digestive track because of my celiac.

    I haven't heard anything about kidney problems.
    Paleo is absolutely for you given clinical intolerances. For someone like me, however, I don't NEED to cut out grains. I'm fine.
    I'm not anti-Paleo but the whole idea that legumes are "poisonous" is so completely ridiculous. I've not read the book but have read several Paleo threads on these boards which have said that. I thought of that last night as I picked legumes from garden, popping several into my mouth before I could make it to the kitchen to cook them up for dinner. They were still warm from the sun and I just couldn't resist.
    I'm not anti-paleo, either. I'm anti-misinformed. And the vast majority of paleo is misinformed. A scientist with a degree writes up a diet, says there's scientific backing, and people accept it without finding the DIRECT sources themselves and not differentiating between studies that find biochemical markers, and those that find the practical application of those markers in real life scenarios.

    "Let's feed a pig 2,000 calories of cereal vs. 2,000 calories of paleo diet - oh my gosh, the paleo pig is healthier!"

    Really? Who is surprised by that? And yet the paleo heads hold that up as scientific gospel declaring grains as bad and paleo as the ultimate diet. Really? Has anyone else READ this study? Or did they just take Wolf's word on the results and implications?
  • tmaksparkie
    tmaksparkie Posts: 279
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  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    OH MY GOD...That's a really sad story! I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through that. I would never impose what I do on anyone else, I figure everyone is the master of their own body and I truly, truly, believe that different things work for different people - for instance, I tried for years and years to be a vegetarian, and I just kept getting sicker and sicker. I came to the realization that I NEED meat. Really. But thank you for sharing your story and I wish you luck on your own journey! :heart:

    Like you said, you NEED meat. I'm vegan, have been most my life, and have become violently ill any time I've tried to incorporate non-vegan things into my diet. I truly believe that each path is different, but the paleo path seems a little extreme, like one woman said, her husband took it to the extreme extreme. All diets need a sense of moderation to them to make them an actual lifestyle, and you have to choose the path that's right for you. Good luck with whatever you choose!

    LOL ... do you not find it funny that as a Vegan you're calling Paleo extreme?

    I'm not picking on your choice of lifestyle at all but I did find this funny. :happy:

    No, I do not, and as I have stated in a previous post, I MEANT, that the woman's husband took it to extremes, just like you can do on any diet/lifestyle change. I know extreme vegans, I know extreme Atkin's, I know extreme dieters, period, and no, I don't think that it's funny, because I don't consider myself extreme. Hell, I prepared chicken for my family the other night...I hold no judgements on another person's choice of what to eat, and I would hope that I could be respected in the same way. I only voiced my opinion, which I thought was allowed here, but clearly it's only allowed if you agree or side with one specific viewpoint.
  • kellibean13
    kellibean13 Posts: 92 Member
    I've been eating Paleo for two weeks and have already noticed a HUGE difference in my energy level, ability to focus, and just how I generally feel: lighter, happier, healthier. I have told many of my friends that it is not a diet that will work for everyone, but if you are interested, I strongly encourage you to read The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf (it's an entertaining and informative read) and to research other sources as well. Look into both sides of the argument; it can be a significant lifestyle change and I think anyone considering it should make an informed choice. For me, it has been the best choice I have ever made and I'm never going back! But ultimately, the choice is yours.

    (As you can see from the posts above, the Paleo diet can extract heated responses from both sides. Be aware that if you decide to "go Paleo," not everyone will be supportive of your choice. I'm learning to let that be o.k. The Paleo Group on MFP has been an incredible source of support and wisdom for me on my journey, so I encourage you to join us if you decide to try it).

    Best of luck to you!
    I support anyone who goes paleo, particularly those who have actually done the research, and most importantly, aren't dogmatic and judgmental. I already called the diet healthy, but as far as science shows, it's no healthier than any other diet that matches macros/micros. PERIOD.

    The issue I have with paleo is they (many - but not all) have a tendency to:

    A) make claims that aren't founded in research.
    B) judge people who don't eat paleo and pretend their paleo diet is superior.

    Don't do those 2 things and we don't have an issue.

    Thank you for clarifying your position on the Paleo diet - I am glad we can agree that it is a healthy way of eating.

    And please don't misunderstand - I wasn't speaking to you personally. I was actually speaking to my OWN experience with certain friends and family acting as if my decision to eat Paleo-style was the end of the world, and only stated that previous posts illustrated the heated and varied responses someone starting out on Paleo can expect to receive.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I've been eating Paleo for two weeks and have already noticed a HUGE difference in my energy level, ability to focus, and just how I generally feel: lighter, happier, healthier. I have told many of my friends that it is not a diet that will work for everyone, but if you are interested, I strongly encourage you to read The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf (it's an entertaining and informative read) and to research other sources as well. Look into both sides of the argument; it can be a significant lifestyle change and I think anyone considering it should make an informed choice. For me, it has been the best choice I have ever made and I'm never going back! But ultimately, the choice is yours.

    (As you can see from the posts above, the Paleo diet can extract heated responses from both sides. Be aware that if you decide to "go Paleo," not everyone will be supportive of your choice. I'm learning to let that be o.k. The Paleo Group on MFP has been an incredible source of support and wisdom for me on my journey, so I encourage you to join us if you decide to try it).

    Best of luck to you!
    I support anyone who goes paleo, particularly those who have actually done the research, and most importantly, aren't dogmatic and judgmental. I already called the diet healthy, but as far as science shows, it's no healthier than any other diet that matches macros/micros. PERIOD.

    The issue I have with paleo is they (many - but not all) have a tendency to:

    A) make claims that aren't founded in research.
    B) judge people who don't eat paleo and pretend their paleo diet is superior.

    Don't do those 2 things and we don't have an issue.

    I see more judgemental posts towards people eating Paleo than the reverse.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    OH MY GOD...That's a really sad story! I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through that. I would never impose what I do on anyone else, I figure everyone is the master of their own body and I truly, truly, believe that different things work for different people - for instance, I tried for years and years to be a vegetarian, and I just kept getting sicker and sicker. I came to the realization that I NEED meat. Really. But thank you for sharing your story and I wish you luck on your own journey! :heart:

    Like you said, you NEED meat. I'm vegan, have been most my life, and have become violently ill any time I've tried to incorporate non-vegan things into my diet. I truly believe that each path is different, but the paleo path seems a little extreme, like one woman said, her husband took it to the extreme extreme. All diets need a sense of moderation to them to make them an actual lifestyle, and you have to choose the path that's right for you. Good luck with whatever you choose!

    LOL ... do you not find it funny that as a Vegan you're calling Paleo extreme?

    I'm not picking on your choice of lifestyle at all but I did find this funny. :happy:

    No, I do not, and as I have stated in a previous post, I MEANT, that the woman's husband took it to extremes, just like you can do on any diet/lifestyle change. I know extreme vegans, I know extreme Atkin's, I know extreme dieters, period, and no, I don't think that it's funny, because I don't consider myself extreme. Hell, I prepared chicken for my family the other night...I hold no judgements on another person's choice of what to eat, and I would hope that I could be respected in the same way. I only voiced my opinion, which I thought was allowed here, but clearly it's only allowed if you agree or side with one specific viewpoint.

    Boy oh boy.
    Why did you even show up on this thread?

    Did you read what I said? It was meant to be lighthearted and I did say that I wasn't picking on your choice, hence the freakin
    smiley face.
    Lighten up for God's sake.