Paleo, anyone?



  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Thank you for clarifying your position on the Paleo diet - I am glad we can agree that it is a healthy way of eating.

    And please don't misunderstand - I wasn't speaking to you personally. I was actually speaking to my OWN experience with certain friends and family acting as if my decision to eat Paleo-style was the end of the world, and only stated that previous posts illustrated the heated and varied responses someone starting out on Paleo can expect to receive.
    I'm a firm believer of, "live and let live." When people start to demean me for my diet and tell me my diet is unhealthy (solely due to incorporating whole grain tortillas and dairy), then they're kind of infringing on my living in my mind. If you don't do that, I won't. I have plenty of people I get along with regardless of diet - unhealthy, healthy, paleo, vegetarian, whatever.

    I understand you weren't speaking directly at me. No worries! I can promise I would never have an issue with you and your dietary habits because you don't seem to concern yourself with mine.
    I see more judgemental posts towards people eating Paleo than the reverse.
    How should I react when someone tells me I'm going to die of cancer for eating grains when they have zero scientific basis for that claim? Or brain washed for believing grains are perfectly healthy, or at very least, not detrimental to health? Feel free to share.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member

    Boy oh boy.
    Why did you even show up on this thread?

    Did you read what I said? It was meant to be lighthearted and I did say that I wasn't picking on your choice.
    Lighten up for God's sake.

    I'm on this thread for the same reason you are. Someone asked for opinions on Paleo and I gave mine. It's a simple reason, really.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've been eating Paleo for two weeks and have already noticed a HUGE difference in my energy level, ability to focus, and just how I generally feel: lighter, happier, healthier. I have told many of my friends that it is not a diet that will work for everyone, but if you are interested, I strongly encourage you to read The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf (it's an entertaining and informative read) and to research other sources as well. Look into both sides of the argument; it can be a significant lifestyle change and I think anyone considering it should make an informed choice. For me, it has been the best choice I have ever made and I'm never going back! But ultimately, the choice is yours.

    (As you can see from the posts above, the Paleo diet can extract heated responses from both sides. Be aware that if you decide to "go Paleo," not everyone will be supportive of your choice. I'm learning to let that be o.k. The Paleo Group on MFP has been an incredible source of support and wisdom for me on my journey, so I encourage you to join us if you decide to try it).

    Best of luck to you!
    I support anyone who goes paleo, particularly those who have actually done the research, and most importantly, aren't dogmatic and judgmental. I already called the diet healthy, but as far as science shows, it's no healthier than any other diet that matches macros/micros. PERIOD.

    The issue I have with paleo is they (many - but not all) have a tendency to:

    A) make claims that aren't founded in research.
    B) judge people who don't eat paleo and pretend their paleo diet is superior.

    Don't do those 2 things and we don't have an issue.

    I see more judgemental posts towards people eating Paleo than the reverse.

    If you read these boards much it runs both way pretty heavily. The Paleo crowd does tend to get a "I'm better than you" attitude quite often from I've seen. Almost always there are posts saying "they'll never get it" (talking about those that choose a non-Paleo diet). As we poor grain and legume eaters are just oh-so-ignorant.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I've been eating Paleo for two weeks and have already noticed a HUGE difference in my energy level, ability to focus, and just how I generally feel: lighter, happier, healthier. I have told many of my friends that it is not a diet that will work for everyone, but if you are interested, I strongly encourage you to read The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf (it's an entertaining and informative read) and to research other sources as well. Look into both sides of the argument; it can be a significant lifestyle change and I think anyone considering it should make an informed choice. For me, it has been the best choice I have ever made and I'm never going back! But ultimately, the choice is yours.

    (As you can see from the posts above, the Paleo diet can extract heated responses from both sides. Be aware that if you decide to "go Paleo," not everyone will be supportive of your choice. I'm learning to let that be o.k. The Paleo Group on MFP has been an incredible source of support and wisdom for me on my journey, so I encourage you to join us if you decide to try it).

    Best of luck to you!
    I support anyone who goes paleo, particularly those who have actually done the research, and most importantly, aren't dogmatic and judgmental. I already called the diet healthy, but as far as science shows, it's no healthier than any other diet that matches macros/micros. PERIOD.

    The issue I have with paleo is they (many - but not all) have a tendency to:

    A) make claims that aren't founded in research.
    B) judge people who don't eat paleo and pretend their paleo diet is superior.

    Don't do those 2 things and we don't have an issue.

    So have you ever actually done a Paleo like diet yourself? Just curious...
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    If you read these boards much it runs both way pretty heavily. The Paleo crowd does tend to get a "I'm better than you" attitude quite often from I've seen. Almost always there are posts saying "they'll never get it" (talking about those that choose a non-Paleo diet). As we poor grain and legume eaters are just oh-so-ignorant.
    Bingo. One of the issues I think is that the masterminds of paleo turned it political, and thus the arguments are rooted in deep sociopolitical beliefs. People can be as passionate about paleo as they can be about gay marriage or health care.

    People who subscribe to paleo, many of them (not all, maybe not most, but most that I personally have encountered) are very holier-than-thou. I'm wrong for eating grains, and I'm worse for believing it's okay. I've been brain washed. I'm not capable of thinking for myself.

    Which I find hilarious since I HAVE tracked down the direct sources quoted by Wolf and Cordain, where as many paleo adherents just read the books and assume the presentation of those research studies are 100% accurate. Spoiler alert: they're not.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Do you guys show up on the HCG threads, too?
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    If you read these boards much it runs both way pretty heavily. The Paleo crowd does tend to get a "I'm better than you" attitude quite often from I've seen. Almost always there are posts saying "they'll never get it" (talking about those that choose a non-Paleo diet). As we poor grain and legume eaters are just oh-so-ignorant.
    Bingo. One of the issues I think is that the masterminds of paleo turned it political, and thus the arguments are rooted in deep sociopolitical beliefs. People can be as passionate about paleo as they can be about gay marriage or health care.

    People who subscribe to paleo, many of them (not all, maybe not most, but most that I personally have encountered) are very holier-than-thou. I'm wrong for eating grains, and I'm worse for believing it's okay. I've been brain washed. I'm not capable of thinking for myself.

    Which I find hilarious since I HAVE tracked down the direct sources quoted by Wolf and Cordain, where as many paleo adherents just read the books and assume the presentation of those research studies are 100% accurate. Spoiler alert: they're not.

    Bingo to your bingo :-)
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    So have you ever actually done a Paleo like diet yourself? Just curious...
    The closest time I did anything paleo-like is when I dabbled in low carb. It wasn't full paleo since I was still eating cheese, and veggies/fruit were sparse in that diet.

    How paleo makes individuals feel is not my concern. If someone says they feel better eating paleo, fantastic. More power to them. But don't tell me it's scientifically valid in its claims, and don't tell me it's better than my diet when our macros/micros are probably pretty similar. That's all.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you read these boards much it runs both way pretty heavily. The Paleo crowd does tend to get a "I'm better than you" attitude quite often from I've seen. Almost always there are posts saying "they'll never get it" (talking about those that choose a non-Paleo diet). As we poor grain and legume eaters are just oh-so-ignorant.
    Bingo. One of the issues I think is that the masterminds of paleo turned it political, and thus the arguments are rooted in deep sociopolitical beliefs. People can be as passionate about paleo as they can be about gay marriage or health care.

    People who subscribe to paleo, many of them (not all, maybe not most, but most that I personally have encountered) are very holier-than-thou. I'm wrong for eating grains, and I'm worse for believing it's okay. I've been brain washed. I'm not capable of thinking for myself.

    Which I find hilarious since I HAVE tracked down the direct sources quoted by Wolf and Cordain, where as many paleo adherents just read the books and assume the presentation of those research studies are 100% accurate. Spoiler alert: they're not.

    You started off agreeing with me, but then turned it into a "holier than thou" rant, thus making the opposite of my point. Except the first point I made which is that it runs both ways pretty deep. :ohwell:
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I've been eating Paleo for two weeks and have already noticed a HUGE difference in my energy level, ability to focus, and just how I generally feel: lighter, happier, healthier. I have told many of my friends that it is not a diet that will work for everyone, but if you are interested, I strongly encourage you to read The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf (it's an entertaining and informative read) and to research other sources as well. Look into both sides of the argument; it can be a significant lifestyle change and I think anyone considering it should make an informed choice. For me, it has been the best choice I have ever made and I'm never going back! But ultimately, the choice is yours.

    (As you can see from the posts above, the Paleo diet can extract heated responses from both sides. Be aware that if you decide to "go Paleo," not everyone will be supportive of your choice. I'm learning to let that be o.k. The Paleo Group on MFP has been an incredible source of support and wisdom for me on my journey, so I encourage you to join us if you decide to try it).

    Best of luck to you!
    I support anyone who goes paleo, particularly those who have actually done the research, and most importantly, aren't dogmatic and judgmental. I already called the diet healthy, but as far as science shows, it's no healthier than any other diet that matches macros/micros. PERIOD.

    The issue I have with paleo is they (many - but not all) have a tendency to:

    A) make claims that aren't founded in research.
    B) judge people who don't eat paleo and pretend their paleo diet is superior.

    Don't do those 2 things and we don't have an issue.

    I see more judgemental posts towards people eating Paleo than the reverse.

    If you read these boards much it runs both way pretty heavily. The Paleo crowd does tend to get a "I'm better than you" attitude quite often from I've seen. Almost always there are posts saying "they'll never get it" (talking about those that choose a non-Paleo diet). As we poor grain and legume eaters are just oh-so-ignorant.

    Oh here we go again.

    No....people can eat Vegan. Great. People can eat Vegetarian. Great. People can eat "in moderation". Great. People can eat cats, dogs, and unicorns. Great. But around here you mention the word Paleo and all sorts of ideas and assumptions come out of the wood work to the point of being ridiculous.

    Frankly, everyone has their opinion....that is FINE. But unless you haven't done Paleo/Primal or whatever lifestyle that is similiar, all you are doing is stouting off the huge amounts of different opinions of other people and other books.

    OP-try it and if you like it, than great! Many people don't tolerate grains, dairy and such so it's a great choice. There are people that can take any diet to the extreme...but it really comes down to you.

    I'd recommend the book Everyday has a ton of great recipes and ideas, especially if you have kids because no diet should be about eating different from everyone else but Paleo is completely DOABLE for the whole family.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've been eating Paleo for two weeks and have already noticed a HUGE difference in my energy level, ability to focus, and just how I generally feel: lighter, happier, healthier. I have told many of my friends that it is not a diet that will work for everyone, but if you are interested, I strongly encourage you to read The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf (it's an entertaining and informative read) and to research other sources as well. Look into both sides of the argument; it can be a significant lifestyle change and I think anyone considering it should make an informed choice. For me, it has been the best choice I have ever made and I'm never going back! But ultimately, the choice is yours.

    (As you can see from the posts above, the Paleo diet can extract heated responses from both sides. Be aware that if you decide to "go Paleo," not everyone will be supportive of your choice. I'm learning to let that be o.k. The Paleo Group on MFP has been an incredible source of support and wisdom for me on my journey, so I encourage you to join us if you decide to try it).

    Best of luck to you!
    I support anyone who goes paleo, particularly those who have actually done the research, and most importantly, aren't dogmatic and judgmental. I already called the diet healthy, but as far as science shows, it's no healthier than any other diet that matches macros/micros. PERIOD.

    The issue I have with paleo is they (many - but not all) have a tendency to:

    A) make claims that aren't founded in research.
    B) judge people who don't eat paleo and pretend their paleo diet is superior.

    Don't do those 2 things and we don't have an issue.

    I see more judgemental posts towards people eating Paleo than the reverse.

    If you read these boards much it runs both way pretty heavily. The Paleo crowd does tend to get a "I'm better than you" attitude quite often from I've seen. Almost always there are posts saying "they'll never get it" (talking about those that choose a non-Paleo diet). As we poor grain and legume eaters are just oh-so-ignorant.

    Oh here we go again.

    No....people can eat Vegan. Great. People can eat Vegetarian. Great. People can eat "in moderation". Great. People can eat cats, dogs, and unicorns. Great. But around here you mention the word Paleo and all sorts of ideas and assumptions come out of the wood work to the point of being ridiculous.

    Frankly, everyone has their opinion....that is FINE. But unless you haven't done Paleo/Primal or whatever lifestyle that is similiar, all you are doing is stouting off the huge amounts of different opinions of other people and other books.

    OP-try it and if you like it, than great! Many people don't tolerate grains, dairy and such so it's a great choice. There are people that can take any diet to the extreme...but it really comes down to you.

    I'd recommend the book Everyday has a ton of great recipes and ideas, especially if you have kids because no diet should be about eating different from everyone else but Paleo is completely DOABLE for the whole family.


    No? No what? My observation was not about anyone on this board or any one person. I was my observation of the posts inspired on Paleo boards. I don't care who eats Paleo, unless it was someone I cared about. Then I'd make an effort to learn more about it. People gotta do what works for them. I have no intention of trying it because I love grains and beans. Those are my diet staples. And it works for me. No tummy troubles, weight and blood work under control. It's all good. FOR ME.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Apparently, the ones who really follow this believe people should only eat 'wild game.' However, I very much doubt they are running after this game and kiling it themselves with handmade stone weapons! Also, why would anyone want to try to replicate the diet from a time period when the average life expectancy was 40 if you were lucky? I wouldn't ever wreak havoc on my kidneys like that diet does...

    *****Right on target my friend> >> > > perfect diet to rip up your insides. .. . ****** . .. . years ago I tried atkins and was already sworn off red meat. .. then I took nutrition and found out the real cruxt of the matter, and what it does and doen't supply your body with. .. . My advice. . do some investigation. .. .

    First invalid statement is the life expectancy ...they died from accidents, child birthing issues, massive infections... not dietary issues. Many who survived life lived extremely long, healthy lives. (90's)
    The kidney fallacy- My sister had a kidney transplant and gained weight from the prednesone and her nephrologist put her on Atkins to lose weight. High fat diets are actually quite healthy for kidney patients and can help reverse their disease. Notice I didn't say high protein... most Primal/Atkins followers eat rather moderate protein to fat to carb ratios.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Ok, and that's one is telling you to eat Paleo! That's the point! But when someone asks about Paleo and Paleo eaters provide feedback, it gets all mucked up with the people who just don't like what they read and are against Paleo for X reason..but have never actually tried the lifestyle.

    I was meaning "no" as in besides the HCG drops or whatever the diet, that no other diet is bashed as much as Paleo (IMO) on the boards.

    Personally, I don't need grains and dairy. Do I like them? You bet. But they make me feel like crap and what they have I can get in other foods. That's all. I feel like that message gets lost so often.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I'm a total fan of Paleo. It just makes sense. I've been a low carber for 25 years, with no adverse health effects. In fact I'm healthier than anyone I know...and I weigh less! Haven't even suffered from a head cold in over 20 years.

    The fear mongers out there will try and steer you away, but don't listen. Read the book. It's fascinating. You can, of course, take it to the extreme....someone just posted that you have to hunt wild game with stones...please.

    You can have tremendous success with just concentrating on lean meats, chicken and fish, and eating fruits and veggies.

    But hunting wild game with stones would get your exercise in. :laugh:
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    OP ...

    Here are two people who eat a Paleo type diet and have blogs that showcase their food.
    Both have an extensive recipe section.
    Perhaps you can peruse these for ideas for meals and see if this type of eating is for you.

    There are of course many others but these two are my favourites.

    Also, if you have others in your family that don't wish to follow this eating plan, it can be as simple as cooking up some rice, quinoa or other grains/seeds to add to their meals. It needn't be difficult for the whole family to enjoy healthy food and everyone can satisfy their particular tastes.
    I hope you find what works for you!
    Enjoy your day. :flowerforyou:
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    OP ...

    Here are two people who eat a Paleo type diet and have blogs that showcase their food.
    Both have an extensive recipe section.
    Perhaps you can peruse these for ideas for meals and see if this type of eating is for you.

    There are of course many others but these two are my favourites.

    Thank you for these resources, btw :smile:
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Also, if you have others in your family that don't wish to follow this eating plan, it can be as simple as cooking up some rice, quinoa or other grains/seeds to add to their meals. It needn't be difficult for the whole family to enjoy healthy food and everyone can satisfy their particular tastes.

    Exactly. I choose to eat this way but don't shove it down my family's throat. I do the cooking so the meal will always consist of some type of meat (for myself the rest will be Paleo) and something that my girlfriend and kids want. They like/want potatoes, etc so I'll make them for them.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member

    This is a public forum and ANYone is welcome to post on a topic, regardless of whether their opinion matches yours, the OP's or anyone elses. Debate is fine, but keep it respectful and on topic. Attacking, insulting or making derogatory statements about a person OR one group or another is unacceptable.

    Thank you for your cooperation.
    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member

    BTW, I misquoted some of what you wrote while quoting another comment....and then got them a bit confused so for that I apologize! :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    BTW, I misquoted some of what you wrote while quoting another comment....and then got them a bit confused so for that I apologize! :)

    No problem at all.