RANT about "How did you lose your weight?"



  • TakuraHunt
    TakuraHunt Posts: 208
    I have told many people about this site... a few have joined, but don't use it (whats the point in joining and creating an account and not using it - duh). Like I have been told countless times "Anything worth having is worth working hard for". I'm sure if we could wish ourselves fit and thin there would be no overweight people anywhere.

    Now I tell people "if you are not serious about losing weight and getting healthy - don't ask me any questions"
  • JessieGurl
    JessieGurl Posts: 27
    I get that all the time. People on FB ask me how I am losing the weight, I tell them about MFP..fast forward two weeks.. I post about how much weight I have lost this week and total..Same people, same question.. How did you do it! Then I get private messages asking what diet pill I'm taking! I consider it a compliment now. Its frusterating but I know I'm doing something right.

    I sent my mother in law a text telling her that I finally hit 40lbs lost. She asked what pills I'm taking. Said no pills using MFP and explained it to her. She said I CAN NOT LOSE WIEGHT eating as much as I do during the day and insisted I am taking pills.

    I am proud of what I have accomplished so far and if people don't want to believe that I'm losing all this weight just by holding myself accountable ..that's their loss! They can keep searching for the magic pill while I keep losing. :-)
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i always get "oh youre so lucky youre so slim"

    As if i just LIKE watching everything i eat and exercising so much.

    People would much rather believe that there was some magic formula that didnt require effort or willpower
  • garreltsnk
    garreltsnk Posts: 19
    My mom asked me how I was losing all the weight, and I told her MFP. I even got her signed up. Thanks MFP
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    When people ask me how ive lost weight I do not tell them with MFP.I tell them I lost weight by watching what I ate and exercising.MFP was just a tool I used because its a whole lot easier than pen and paper.I still would have lost the weight with it or with out it. I might mention MFP as a tool but thats it. Now if they keep asking because they expect me to give them an oh you take this pill type answer I tell them the real secret is every full moon they must dance naked outside shaking chicken bones chanting unga bunga over and over.They usally do not ask me again after that.

    I've got to use this one!!!!! ROTFL!
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    I get ask all the time, it can be annoying at times. When I say I have another 30lbs to go, they look at me as if I was crazy. So Now I just tell them Im trying to get to my healthy weight. Some people is nice and just compliments me. tell you the truth I dont like the attention that much. Its nice sometimes but 5 or 6 times a day is annoying.
  • jraps17
    jraps17 Posts: 179 Member
    I have told many people about this site... a few have joined, but don't use it (whats the point in joining and creating an account and not using it - duh). Like I have been told countless times "Anything worth having is worth working hard for". I'm sure if we could wish ourselves fit and thin there would be no overweight people anywhere.

    Now I tell people "if you are not serious about losing weight and getting healthy - don't ask me any questions"

    I acutally helped someone that asked me about it install it in their phone but when she opened it and it started asking her all the info we all had to fill she gave up at that point!
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.
  • Sarabeth5
    Sarabeth5 Posts: 134 Member
    That frustrates me to no end! A lot of people ask how I've done it but they want to hear about a magic pill I've taken. They don't want to hear about watching what I eat, cutting out sugar and processed foods, fitting in activity every chance I get. And they certainly dont want to actually DO any of that. They want to continue to eat whatever they want, smoke, drink and then lay on the couch exhausted every night and complain about their health. I"m sick of hearing it! And THEN they tell me I"m being too strict when I don't eat the cookies at the potluck or agree to meet for dinner AFTER I"ve gone for my run...

    And thus ends MY rant... Sore subject for me right now but I'm so gald to have this site for all the support!!! Thanks all!:happy:
  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    I have been on both sides...asking people who have lost a lot of weight how they did it only to toss aside their information and continue to try and do things "my way". I was always amazed at how people could do that. Eat less, move more and YES lose weight!

    Well, then it finally clicked in my head after trying most diets that are out there, and then thinking that I would wire my jaw shut or have surgery. I couldn't afford the surgery and so I finally got REAL with myself. I finally understood that doing things "my way" was not working nor was it ever going to work in the long run. I have keep off most of my weight...give or take 3-5 pounds for about a year, and that's HUGE for someone who was barely able to keep of a 5 pound weight loss without gaining back 15.

    It is all about a lifestyle change and when that started to happen I started to lose the weight.

    I'm not at my goal and I'm on the extended journey, but I've accomplished a lot by making changes, a lot of small changes that added up to big results. I can still get into my "quick-fix" mind-set, because I have done that for so long, but that is going away as well.

    Today I eat 4-6 small meals a day. I eat as clean as possible and I try to workout 4-6 days a week. I'm not perfect, nor do I claim to be...but I live a lot better today than I did several years ago. I have added years to my life by making those changes. I also quit drinking and smoking, which has helped extend my life even more.

    I hope that people out there suffering, like I was, will do it - I have found that getting healthy is not for people who need it or people who want it, it's for people who JUST DO IT! :)
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Ditto to just about everything said here. I get so tired of repeating myself that I've actually contemplated making business like cards with MFP's address to give to these people so I can be on my way.

    I have to say, the classic one is with my one aunt. Every time she sees me, she compliments me, asks me what I'm doing and then like 5 times, "what is it you eat??" As if I eat some food from another planet!
  • mellymink
    mellymink Posts: 72 Member
    When they've finally decided "enough is enough" they will come to MFP. But I agree, extremely frustrating to have people asking you for help and disliking the real answer, even when it isn't about weight loss. Everyone is on their own timeline.
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    I lost (and kept off) a ton of weight on Weight Watchers. People would ask me "how did you do it?" and I would say "I followed the Weight Watchers program" and they'd say "yeah yeah, but what ESLE did you do?" Uhm... nothing! I FOLLOWED THE PROGRAM. Nothing is off limits, I plan my meals so I can eat the foods I love, and I MAKE time to get to the gym!

  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    MFP is a very useful tool in the weight loss toolbox, but if you REALLY want to blow people's minds, tell them you lost weight by counting calories and exercising. They REALLY won't be able to comprehend that. :wink:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I get asked this question a lot by people who are on this website. "How did you lose all that weight? What's your secret to success?".

    I tell them I don't have a secret. I simply watch what I eat, drink tons of water and workout. It isn't rocket science. I've found people don't want to hear that's how I lost the weight. I truly believe they want me to fess up to a magic pill or drink or something. Nope. I did this without any "dieting" assistance. It's all about calories in/calories out, drinking water, working out and basically just taking care of yourself.

    I don't think it's a "secret" at all - just common sense.

    Same here. When they ask, I get all sneaky like and say "You won't believe it, but it's this CRAZY thing...this plan that is so simple...it's called eating right and exercising! It's nuts! Who'da thunk it?" :laugh:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I get asked this question a lot by people who are on this website. "How did you lose all that weight? What's your secret to success?".

    I tell them I don't have a secret. I simply watch what I eat, drink tons of water and workout. It isn't rocket science. I've found people don't want to hear that's how I lost the weight. I truly believe they want me to fess up to a magic pill or drink or something. Nope. I did this without any "dieting" assistance. It's all about calories in/calories out, drinking water, working out and basically just taking care of yourself.

    I don't think it's a "secret" at all - just common sense.

    Same here. When they ask, I get all sneaky like and say "You won't believe it, but it's this CRAZY thing...this plan that is so simple...it's called eating right and exercising! It's nuts! Who'da thunk it?" :laugh:

    LMAO! I'm gonna try that next time. People do wait in anticipation after they ask you - like you're giving away national secrets or something. lol
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I get asked this question a lot by people who are on this website. "How did you lose all that weight? What's your secret to success?".

    I tell them I don't have a secret. I simply watch what I eat, drink tons of water and workout. It isn't rocket science. I've found people don't want to hear that's how I lost the weight. I truly believe they want me to fess up to a magic pill or drink or something. Nope. I did this without any "dieting" assistance. It's all about calories in/calories out, drinking water, working out and basically just taking care of yourself.

    I don't think it's a "secret" at all - just common sense.

    Same here. When they ask, I get all sneaky like and say "You won't believe it, but it's this CRAZY thing...this plan that is so simple...it's called eating right and exercising! It's nuts! Who'da thunk it?" :laugh:

    LMAO! I'm gonna try that next time. People do wait in anticipation after they ask you - like you're giving away national secrets or something. lol

    They totally do! It's like they think I have a magic potion that I;m about to give them the recipe for.
  • pizzygirltx
    We have a girl here at work who fancies herself a nutrition expert (even tho she has NO degree and some of her information is wrong - but that is another rant). This girl went through ALLLLL the trouble of creating an excel spreadsheet so that she can help other track their calories. But what makes me so mad, is that she did this AFTER I spent 30 minutes on the computer with her showing her around my MFP account!!! She totally ignored what is already available and started her own document. Oh and BTW, NONE of her people are losing any weight!!!!
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I think that in general people are hoping to hear that there is some easy way to lose weight. They just want an easier way than eating better and exercising. I tell people that I have been losing weight on the 'Stop eating like a moron and get off your fat *kitten* and go for a walk diet'.
  • Dcgfeller
    Dcgfeller Posts: 83
    While frustrating to have other people bummed that there's no miracle, I certainly understand how they feel.

    Theres still plenty of times along my rollercoaster of weight loss that I have been discouraged by a pound or so a week and thought to myself "I wanna be thin NOW damnit!" It takes a lot to talk myself down and remember that I'm actually doing just fine, and even if I don't drop an ounce eating better and exercising sure as heck isn't bad for me.