RANT about "How did you lose your weight?"



  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i saw this on another thread and ended up blogging it cause i think it is soooooo true....

    Interested vs. Committed

    People who are interested in losing weight:

    1. Stick with in until something better comes along
    2. Take action only if they "feel like" doing it
    3. Need to see results in order to stay motivated
    4. Blame people or circumstances for their struggles
    5. Easily give up when they face challenges

    People who are committed to losing weight:

    1. Stick with their plans no matter what
    2. Take action whether they feel like doing it or not
    3. Assume that if they stay motivated, results will follow
    4. Take responsibility for their own actions
    5. Keep going in spite of challenges and setbacks
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Actually, I've had the opposite experience. Four of my friends have joined MFP since I told them about it!

    I think I have about six or seven!

    I usually don't tell people "I lost weight using a website." I tell them I tracked what I ate, and exercised my butt off. But my weight loss status posts to Facebook, with the MPF link attached, so if they seem interested, I'll tell them more.

    Pretty much everyone who knows me even peripherally knows I've taken up running, what with all the blabbering and photos of Warrior Dash. And my Runkeeper status goes to Facebook, too, so when you're running a number of miles a day on trails and hills, and hiking those hills with the dog on "rest" days... it's pretty obvious it's not a magic bean. :happy:

    Although I do like adding black beans to just about anything. I mushed some up in burgers yesterday. Fiber-licious! :laugh:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    i saw this on another thread and ended up blogging it cause i think it is soooooo true....

    Interested vs. Committed

    People who are interested in losing weight:

    1. Stick with in until something better comes along
    2. Take action only if they "feel like" doing it
    3. Need to see results in order to stay motivated
    4. Blame people or circumstances for their struggles
    5. Easily give up when they face challenges

    People who are committed to losing weight:

    1. Stick with their plans no matter what
    2. Take action whether they feel like doing it or not
    3. Assume that if they stay motivated, results will follow
    4. Take responsibility for their own actions
    5. Keep going in spite of challenges and setbacks

    DING DING DING! We have a winner! :happy:
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I just don't talk to people.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I think that in general people are hoping to hear that there is some easy way to lose weight. They just want an easier way than eating better and exercising. I tell people that I have been losing weight on the 'Stop eating like a moron and get off your fat *kitten* and go for a walk diet'.

    And the funny thing is... just about everyone I know who's tried has said, "This is so much easier than I thought! You mean all I have to do is track what I eat?!"
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    I think maybe I'm a bi**h or something cos after they have asked once and don't listen I tell them I imported a pill off the internet called Yuwish and I take one of them a day, but also watch what I eat and go for the occasional walk. They look dead interested until they figure it out.

    Yeah you wish!!!!!
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    LOL tell them you use the new mayo diet.

    You put a jar of mayo on the out of the fridge for a few days then you take one spoonfull everyday.!!! Food poisoning work wonders.

    LOL what we are doing is hard work...if it was easy everyone would be healthy. They will understand when their time come....or not.
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    Here's the problem with MFP: It's all about taking responsibility for your own life. People hate that.

    When someone says, "How did you lose weight?" what they mean is, "Please tell me there's a magic pill I can take to be skinny!"

    MFP is a great tool, but let's face it: There's nothing revolutionary here. Everyone knows how to lose weight: You eat less calories than you burn off. MFP helps you track that so that you know that that's what you're doing. But the people who keep asking are looking for a solution that will allow them to sit on the couch eating potato chips 24/7 and still lose weight.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    LOL, I think most people want an answer that does not involve eating less/better and working out.

    And they want it to be something that'll take the weight off NOW vs in a month or 6 months or even a year. You didn't put the weight on overnight, be realistic when it comes to getting it back off too. Ya know?

    the last conversation i had about this was with a sales clerk. she asked if i was looking for anything specific and i told her i had to replace all my staples, i'd lost weight and they just don't fit anymore. she said "ooohhh, what's your secret." I said, "no secret, i exercise and eat better." she turned to the other clerk and said "my mom made me try insanity, i couldn't get through it, looks like i'll have to find another way to lose weight." all i could think was "wtf?"
  • ccmulder5
    ccmulder5 Posts: 75 Member
    well.. i still have lots of weight to lose.. but i found this saying and it really hit home...

    You don't get it by STARING, You don't get it by WISHING, You don't get it by DROOLING, You don't get it by HOPING.. You don't get it EASY... You get it by GETTING OFF YOUR *kitten*.. WORKING FOR IT.. EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY.. FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE...

    I have the set on my Home Screen on my phone.. It keeps me motivated.. EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY!!!
  • tcrowe14
    tcrowe14 Posts: 1
    I think every person wants to lose a certain amount of weight. You look great, and I admire putting in the hard work. It is better what you are doing rather than being like professional grounds keepers who never mow their own grass. Thanks for the motivation in what you are doing.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    So true! I have told SO many people about MFP... and many of them joined, only to never really commit to it or stop after a little while, even though it was working.

    Yup, I just went through my friend's list and counted- 11. 11 people joined after they saw how much weight I lost and they wanted to try it out too, and not a single one of them still uses the site. Only one or two of them ever really used it at all.

    It really does work, if you just do it!!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I tell people that I have been losing weight on the 'Stop eating like a moron and get off your fat *kitten* and go for a walk diet'.
    That's pretty much what I say too, it's not rocket science - but people simply don't want to hear it.

    After all, it's hardly going to be a revelation, to even the most stupid of people, that they'd benefit from taking exercise and eating healthily.
  • mdickhaut
    mdickhaut Posts: 26 Member
    I make things up, because I think everyone knows how to lose weight, they just get their hopes up with all the products out there. 'One may work, and I wont have to do anything, or wait a long time to see results. I'll just sit back and wait for someone to figure it out first.'
  • Christina269
    Christina269 Posts: 110
    I was absolutely one of "those" people! I kept thinking that they lost weight because it "happened to them"... like something finally clicked in their brain.

    Then I finally understood that things don't happen TO US like that... Good things are achieved!! I suppose I did have a HUGE mind change and that's why I'm able to lose the flub now, but I was, FOR SURE, one of those people... ha ha!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    You're not alone, no. Too many people want the magic bullet that allows them to awaken one morning looking like a fitness model. I wish them good luck with that. ;)
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Them: How did you lose weight and get so fit?

    Me: Don't ask unless you want to know the truth.

    Them: Please tell me!

    Me: I put the fork down and I put on a pair of gym shoes and I worked out. I logged every piece of food and every workout on MFP and made sure that I wasn't eating more than I needed.

    Them: Have you tried the HCG diet or the Dukan Diet? I heard Kate Middleton used it. Are you taking any pills? Like Trim spa? Kim Kardashian swears by it.

    Me: ARGH!!!!! *rolls eyes*
  • ladybarometer
    ladybarometer Posts: 205 Member
    I think some of you guys are being a bit harsh. I am off my *kitten* working out and eating right, and have stalled for a long time, and look to NICE people who have has long time success for inspiration and advice. I don't understand the anger.
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member

    (This question may be directed more towards long time MFP users) those of you who have been asked, "How have you lost so much weight?" and then told that person, "I lost it with MFP."

    Later, to be asked the same question again by the same person and you tell them about this wonderful website called MyFitnessPal and how great it is and what an awesome tool it was for your weight loss.

    Then again later, have to hear the same person complain about how they're not losing anything w/the 'Fad Diet' they're doing and asked "How did you lose all of your weight?" AGAIN!

    I've told over hundred people, who've asked, about MFP and only one has actually joined. But, they all still complain about wanting to lose weight.

    Am I the only one who gets asked this over and over?

    I've had the same experience where people ask me how I lost my weight and I fill them in about MFP. They kinda nod their head and say interesting. Only one of my friends joined out of all the ones I talked to. Guess they want magic pills or something. Hmmph!
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Actually, I've had the opposite experience. Four of my friends have joined MFP since I told them about it!
    That's awesome!!!!