The Beck Diet Solution. How to think like a thin person.



  • Ready2BEthin
    Ready2BEthin Posts: 133 Member
    I just bought this book and started day 1 today. Im sick of losing weight and just gaining it back. Ready to get these 65+ lbs off for good!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I signed up for an online six week exercise bootcamp. I am hoping that the extra encouragement will get me back on the exercise bandwagon. I finished up week two of the hundred pushup challenge. I just pulled out the book again today. I am realizing I am full of every excuse possible. I believe my excuses and so give up easily. I am going to work on that. The workbook is just a bit different from the regular book but you can use either one separately. If you were wondering. I will start listing the challenges again soon. I am going through them again. Working on it more. Getting my mind back where it needs to be.
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    I'm on day 5 of the Beck Diet solution- again! I bought the book 3 years ago but found it 'too hard', so gave up....excuses which I can spot a mile off now. So funnily enough, I started the book again from scratch and found that I put my starting weight in last time....15st 8lbs (218lbs) three and a half years ago.....and my starting weight this time is 222lbs! SO I am going to really put the effort in this time, because if there's one thing those figures show, it's that I do not successfully lose weight doing what I've been trying for the last 3 years. TIme to try something tackling my faulty thinking.

    Why is sitting down to eat, not to mention eating slowly and mindfully SO difficult? I swear I eat like an eagle is about to swoop down and nick all my food....:ohwell:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I understand the too hard feeling. I should never read ahead. I think that is what got me falling off the wagon. Part of me doesn't want to deal with the whole emotional eating problem. I hide my emotions and stuff them down with food. I am scared to really feel them sometimes. I pledge to pickup the book and read a chapter this week! I will quit whining that I don't have time and just do it. This is for me! You can all do the same! :)

    See you soon with a new chapter...
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Go girl!

    Hope you don't mind me hijacking your thread, but I just wanted to give myself a massive pat on the back for feeling like buying a bottle of wine tonight, remembering to read my 'advantages response card' that I made specifically for alcohol (in addition to the one for food) and then walking past the wine in Co-op. This is a big victory for me, and a real step in the right direction :bigsmile:

    I can and will do this... and you can to if you want it enough :flowerforyou:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Rosy, I don't think of this as "my thread" I hope everyone will share their progress and victories! I started reading my next chapter and will finish here soon--It's been crazy around here lately!

    I am so proud of you for pulling out your ARC! I am such a forgetful person, I don't remember unless it is right in front of my face. So I am working on finding ways to remind myself. What prompted your reminder for the card?
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    I've written my response cards out in the notes on my iphone so I've got them wherever I go. The wine buying thing is something I'd usually have an argument with myself about, and so it wasn't difficult to remember to look at my phone. I have actually written a response card for the times when I know I should look at a response card and I'm tempted not to, so I don't persuade myself out of doing something I have an impulse to do!
    I have just downloaded an app on my iphone called RE.minder which I can set to chirp at me every minute or two at a certain time, until I tell it I've done the task it's reminding me about. I might set it up to bug me to read my advantages at certain times of the day- especially risky times. That might help.
    Still struggling with eating slowly and mindfully, but then i have had 44 years practice at wolfing absently, so I just have to practice. I usually eat next to my laptop, so I might do a screensaver that says 'Eat Slowly'. I haven't been taking on new tasks every day as I was on a training course last week, but I'm planning on doing one or two new things each week, depending on how difficult from my normal habits they are.
    Going to go and read the next week's challenges now!

    All the best

    Ros x
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Rosy thanks for the advice! I put the app on my phone and am playing with it. It'll be fun. I thought about putting a reminder in for jumping jacks and setting it for every hour or two. :wink:

    So I actually read a chapter, woohoo! Progress. Day 25, Identify Sabotaging thoughts. Was this book written for me or what. I sometimes can't believe how much my thoughts correlate with those that are the examples. The idea here is to start identifying those thoughts and learning how to deal appropriately with them. It says to carry your journal with you and write down your sabotaging thoughts as you identify them. If you find you want to eat something you shouldn't ask what was I just thinking? If you can't identify your thoughts then figure out what you definitely were not thinking. I like this part. I definitely wasn't thinking how horrible ice cream would taste. I definitely wasn't thinking that it will be easy to resist. For some reason I apapreciate the opposite factor.

    So I am going to write up a card for this, and maybe even set a reminder to read my response cards. I also pledge to read the next chapter this week.
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Good idea, Deb!
    I like your opposites if you can't get to the actual thought. Looking forward to that chapter ;)
    I'm scheduling time and choosing exercise this week...both desperately needed

    R x
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    I have just joined mfp and so glad to see a Beck thread
    I am today on day 8
    my two chosen diets are low carb and then just using mfp to look after everything

    I am a vegetarian and yes low carb is more than possible
    so looking forward to getting to know others on the Beck plan
    what days are you all on
    and do you have any advice for the future
  • hi there, ive just joined today ive 2stone to lose 3 really but i dont want to overface myself im really intrigued by this method your using i know i have a problem with food hence im back on my usual weight loss journey been on it most of my life up and down low self esteem and even worse passing it on to my daughter really need to get my thinking straight about food :smile:
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I like all the new faces! Thanks for commenting! I had my hubby go out of town and then I came down with a cold last week. No books read for me! I allow just the little things to get in my way. Time to quit making excuses! I am still recovering so as soon as I can read and comment I will!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I ended up with bronchitis. Boy have I been miserable. I am working on the commitments I made last time (yes I am a procrastinator!) I will look to the next chapter after that, as they go together... I am doing this book with my brother and he is doing so much better than I am. I read a quote earlier that if you want something you find a way and if you don't you find an excuse. I sure am full of excuses about why I can't or don't do this. I guess I need to just jump in again and not let anything get in my way!