6/20 30 Day Shred



  • vintagefool
    Still behind everyone, but Day 2, Level 1 completed. Confession: despite getting halfway through the 10 days doing Level 1 about 2 years ago, I've never ever pushed myself to do the shred two days in a row. That alone has made me proud! Keep pushing, everyone and I'll do the same :wink:
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    Still behind everyone, but Day 2, Level 1 completed. Confession: despite getting halfway through the 10 days doing Level 1 about 2 years ago, I've never ever pushed myself to do the shred two days in a row. That alone has made me proud! Keep pushing, everyone and I'll do the same :wink:

    Days 1 and 2 are definitely the hardest, I could hardly walk! I found that the pain goes after day 3 so keep pushing through. To be honest I don't think I would have kept at it if I wasn't on here!

    (By the way I made a mistake earlier, I'm on Day4 not 5 - I'm trying to skip a day already! :smile: )
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    DAY 4 DONE!!!!
    Anyone else think day 3 felt harder?!!!! I only burned 172 cals today as opposed to usual 200, plus I genuinely feel fine? I switch between the 2lb and 4lb weights, as I cant do the side lungey things with the weights to my eyes with the heavier ones!!

    I know this sounds mad, but I dont care...I do notice a difference lol. In fact Id nearly go so far as to say Im bulking up. LOL Only joking, not that bad, but I do notice a difference :)
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    PS Im getting excited :)
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    Everyone who is sticking with this killer workout deserved a HUGE pat on the back! (If my triceps weren't too sore to manage it! :laugh: )

    Did Day 2 Level 1 this morning since b/f isn't too keen on it and I'm having a friend over this afternoon to make homemade jelly/jam and then we're all going bowling after dinner. I knew this would be the only chance I had to get it in and I am bound and determined to do all freaking 30 days. I want a killer "after" photograph! :wink:

    So it looks like a lot of folks on here do the workouts in the morning. Do you like it better than in the evening? How about energy wise? Does it give you that "boost" for the rest of the day that folks so you get from working out first thing in the morning?

    Again, keep up the GREAT work and don't forget to keep eating under control too... so don't want to put in this much work to sabotage ourselves with food! :drinker:

    Its 23.30 at night here and this was my only time to do it!! id personally prefer morning, although maybe It was easier for me today because I had the whole day to loosen up! I had a run this morning with dog, before work, and I stand in work for 9 hours...so perhaps thats why its easier! Oh how dedictated we all are!! Great having a group!
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    DAY 4 DONE!!!!
    Anyone else think day 3 felt harder?!!!! I only burned 172 cals today as opposed to usual 200, plus I genuinely feel fine? I switch between the 2lb and 4lb weights, as I cant do the side lungey things with the weights to my eyes with the heavier ones!!

    I know this sounds mad, but I dont care...I do notice a difference lol. In fact Id nearly go so far as to say Im bulking up. LOL Only joking, not that bad, but I do notice a difference :)

    Finished Day 4 too and I agree with all of this. Today was much easier and I would say 90% of my soreness is gone. My HRM showed I burned a lower amount of calories too. And, albeit small, I'm starting to notice definition in my abs, legs and shoulders.

    I don't know what it is about this workout, but I feel soooo good afterwards. Endorphins maybe? I don't know, but I like it!
  • Tinan76
    Tinan76 Posts: 56 Member
    Todays work out had no joy for me. Tried to work out early today. Must be why. I'm not and early mover. Going back to afternoons
    LTRUITT3 Posts: 205 Member
    Hoping everyone is doing well out there....I will be on Day 10 Level 1 tomorrow (straight through no days missed :), and then on to Level 2 im nervous...wish me luck!!!! I can feel and see a difference...WOW it really works, keep it up guys and gals......
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    Day 5 (again!) completed. Glad to have got it out of the way before the school run. Think I'm seeing a difference, don't know if anyone is the same but I keep looking in the mirror as if I expect my body to have been totally replaced with another! Haven't lost any weight this week - it would have been nice to have seen it on the scale.

    LTRUITT3 - good luck with level 2 - I'm a bit nervous too - haven't had a look at it yet.

    Have a good day everyone x
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Day 5 done! Ok so I almost talked myself into not getting up this morning to do it. I am going out tonight after work so I know I won't have time tonight to do it. I'm so glad I got my butt up! Barely any soreness anymore so I really pushed myself today and ended up burning off 20 more calories. I spent some extra time checking myself out in the mirror, flexing, poking. lol And I gotta say, some of my lovely lady lumps are getting smaller. After only 5 days! Ah, Jillian, you are my workout Yoda. I :heart: you.

    Stay with it fellow shredders! Just think how hot you're going to look in only 25 days! :drinker:
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    Did day 4 today! I am really not very flexible early in the morning. I can feel and hear all my joints creaking LOL! I am still doing the modified pushups but they actually felt a little bit easier this morning, maybe I will try real pushups tomorrow. I am nervous about the weekend as I always get derailed. My eating becomes terrible and I get very lazy. It is going to rain all weekend so I will probably be stuck in the house with my husband and a 3 year old! I really need to try to stay on track, that is my goal for the weekend!
  • mbeth21
    mbeth21 Posts: 16
    Day 3 level 1 done yesterday! I found it much easier to get thru. Not easy by any means but I wasn't completely dying by the end.

    Good Job everybody! Keep it up!
  • o0IrishEyes0o
    o0IrishEyes0o Posts: 82 Member
    Hey all! Didn't work out yesterday thanks to a nasty knee injury that is cropping up, but I"m gonna hit it hard tonight! Probably won't get to push play until after 8:00, but I'll definately be doing it. Plus I'm gonna run 2 miles today.

    I'm down 2lbs this week (Friday is my weigh in day) AND I can totally feel the difference. Plus the backs of my thighs are looking WAY more toned!

    Lets keep up the good work!
  • gettingthin03
    Ok. So I missed two days (D3 & D4 of L1) in a row due to sickness so I think I am about to start over with D1. About to workout now
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Finished Day 5 Level 1. Half way through Level 1! Woohoo! As much as I DIDN'T want to push play this morning (its the first day of TOM and that's always the worst day for me) I did it anyway and boy did it feel good. When I woke up this morning, most of the stiffness and soreness was gone and the workout was good. I also managed to follow some of the more challenging moves this morning as well (still just the girly push-ups tho! :laugh: )

    Does anyone else get the feel that right when Level 1 starts to get comfortable is when it'll be time to switch to level 2?? JM is a genius I say, a genius. :wink: I'm also thinking about upping my weights for level 2. I'm on 5# now, and the next size up that I have is 7.5#. Anyone else thinking of doing this or am I crazy to consider it?
  • pinky04p
    pinky04p Posts: 9
    Did Level 1 day 3 yesterday! Great workout and starting to get less sore. I feel a lot better and have more energy! Woohoo! Bring on day 4!
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Tinan: I’ve never been successful at morning workouts but I’m trying this on. So far, it’s working. I feel great throughout the day and like not having it hang above my head to do it when I get home from work. We’ll see though. The ½ asleep me usually wins on this. Lol I’ll have to really stick to my guns.

    LTRUITT: Good luck with 2 tomorrow – I’m envious how far along you are. Are you noticing any significant changes? You’ll have to keep us posted on how hard 2 is.

    Jadam: You are doing great! I’ve actually gained some weight but I’m chalking that up to poor eating and TOM. Next week I’m going to have to lock it up so I can see even more changes.

    Shellrae: I hear ya, my body just doesn’t want to get moving in the morning. I’ve found doing just a quick 3-5 min warm up walk on the treadmill helps. I am making a REAL effort to be able to do at least one normal push up by day 10. Those are 100% more difficult than the little girly push ups! I’m always more relaxed on the eating over the weekends and usually take those days off workouts so we’ll have to keep our momentum going!

    Mbeth: They say day 4 is the hardest but I think 3 was the hardest for me. Keep it up because you’re almost over the worst part. Woohoo!

    IrishEyes: Yay on the 2 lbs, that’s awesome! Are you on day 5 too? Happy Shredding tonight!

    Gettingthin: No worries, just get right back on track. You haven’t missed much, you can do this!

    Scantrll: I felt the same way! I didn’t want to get out of bed but once I got moving, I thought, I’m going to push it. I could feel my muscles burning, it was awesome. My TOM is just around the corner so if you can do it, so can I. There are a couple of weight exercises that I feel like I would be safe to move to a higher weight set, but the lateral raises and squat raises, by the end I’m cursing. Right now all I have is 3#, but I might have to treat myself to JM’s weight set. I’ll probably pay her adopted kid’s way through collage by the time I’m done with everything!

    Pinky: Great job, keep it going gf!
  • vintagefool
    OMG, Day 3 was AWFUL for me. I woke up with very little soreness and an overly confident attitude. I did about 5 regular push-ups (usually I do the modified) before I literally crumpled to the floor and returned to the girly versions, lol. My arms and legs felt like JELLY throughout the entire work out. I think I took more of those 5-second breaks today than I did Day 1, and I was almost ready to pause the DVD at one point. So glad I didn't, though.

    I'm sooo hoping Day 4 is easier on me!

    BTW, I'm taking a rest day from 30DS (and all other work-outs) on Sundays as I usually do to prevent any over-straining.
    Still behind everyone, but Day 2, Level 1 completed. Confession: despite getting halfway through the 10 days doing Level 1 about 2 years ago, I've never ever pushed myself to do the shred two days in a row. That alone has made me proud! Keep pushing, everyone and I'll do the same :wink:

    Days 1 and 2 are definitely the hardest, I could hardly walk! I found that the pain goes after day 3 so keep pushing through. To be honest I don't think I would have kept at it if I wasn't on here!

    (By the way I made a mistake earlier, I'm on Day4 not 5 - I'm trying to skip a day already! :smile: )

    I totally agree with you, if I didn't have this thread to check into I probably wouldn't even attempt Day 4 tomorrow :laugh:
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    I'm so very glad folks are finding the motivation to keep on doing this even if it hurts or you're tired, etc. That's what this group is for! I'm not doing any fancy spread sheet or anything like that, we're all adults here and are accountable only to ourselves.... But knowing there's a group of us doing this together makes all the difference in the world to me!

    Keep on Shredding! We're 1/6th of the way through! :wink:
  • iStace2000
    iStace2000 Posts: 42
    I missed yesterdays shred due to a stupidly bad migraine, so today I did day 5, level 1.

    I have to say I felt it was easier today; I managed to make it through without the usual grunting and swearing towards the end of each set. My partner is doing it with me which is great for motivation. :)

    I managed to gain a tiny bit of weight this week, despite keeping to my calorie goals. I'm hoping that I'm gaining a bit of muscle. I managed to button up a jacket which usually shows signs of "button strain" if I do it up, so I'm confident that the shred is working. :happy:

    Shred on fellow Shredsters! :drinker: