6/20 30 Day Shred



  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    Day 5 done! So proud of myself that I got up at 6:30am to get this done before my daughter and husband were up for the day! I tried a real pushup today and did about 4 before I switched back to the modified version, but I will keep trying!

    The side lunges with the weights kill me. I am concentrating so hard on getting the lunge right that the weights go everywhich way!

    Next challenge today is going to be to eat well and get enough water.
  • o0IrishEyes0o
    o0IrishEyes0o Posts: 82 Member
    Hey Shredders!

    Everyone is doing so great! I decided to make a ticker for my 30 Day Shred b/c I was having trouble keeping track. I just made it at "Ticker Factory" and did a "Craft/Hobby" ticker. Now I can keep track of where I am, lol!

    I'm so proud of everyone that gets up and pushes play!! It's tough!!

    Does anyone know if Level 2 and 3 are longer? Like... beyond 20mins? Just curious since we're halfway to level 2!!!!

    Keep Shredding ladies!
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    I just discovered The Shred today. Holy cow! Never been worked like that at home from a DVD! I know I'm a few days behind you guys, but I'm gonna join you guys and use you all as motivation to get through the 30 days.

    Day One just whopped me and I've never felt better!
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Day 6 Level 1 complete. First weekend day of Shredding and let me tell you, it was super tough for me to get up and hit play! And since I put it off for longer than I should have this morning I went ahead and did my 30 minute walk directly after! :noway: Remind me not to do that again. By about minute 17 I was feeling like I wanted to just lie down and croak, but then I heard Jillian in the back of my mind "When it starts to hurt, that's when the change happens."

    So I pushed on through.

    Only a few more days of Level 1! We can do it!

    And welcome to those that are just now joining us! You are more than welcome regardless of where you are at on 30DS. We can help keep each other motivated through these 30 days.
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Day 6 Level 1 complete!

    Today I was set to do some shopping with my mom but I was lazy in the morning and didn’t get in my workout beforehand. So after shopping all day, I was so exhausted and was tempted to skip the shred. Then I thought of two things that happened today. First, in the shower I almost cut myself shaving…cut it on my shin bone, that seems to have poked through my fat overnight. Second, who brought the gun show? My arms! Dare I say that they are getting toned and sexy? After 5 days?

    Ok, I have to shred. I ::need:: to shred. I can’t wait to find out what will happen to my body tomorrow. I’m hooked, girls. And it’s a wonderful feeling.

    On a side note, I burned 257 calories tonight…what the? I usually only burn about 200 and tonight I didn’t even push it…I was feeling so tired. My heart rate remained high the whole time, higher than normal. I think the morning workouts aren’t getting my heart rate as high.

    vintagefool: Great job sticking with it! Day 4 was the first day that started getting a little easier for me.

    iStace: nothing wrong with taking a day off as long as you get right back into it, right? Keep it up, you’re doing great!

    Shellrae: I should’ve been up at 6:30 doing it with you! Great job getting it out of the way first thing before your day gets busy. I admire that!

    IrishEyes: I have a ticker going too, as you can see. Much easier to keep track that way. I’m not 100% positive, but I feel like I read in another thread that level 2 is a minute or two longer. I can’t say for sure though.

    Oh, I also read somewhere that JM doesn’t do the knee circles in the warm up in level 2 and it’s highly recommended to do them anyway. Apparently that level is a killer on your knees.

    Kalrez: Welcome! Glad you could join us. I agree, I don’t know what it is about her workout but I feel so awesome afterwards.

    Scantrll: I have not heard that quote but I love it! So motivating. You are totally kicking butt…have you started noticing any differences now?

    30 days? Pssh, nothing. We can do this!
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Hey Everyone :smile:

    Just saw this thread.

    I just finished day 4 of the 30 day shred! :bigsmile:

    I love the idea of having a ticker! I am going to go and make one right now :glasses:
    LTRUITT3 Posts: 205 Member
    Hey Shredders!

    Everyone is doing so great! I decided to make a ticker for my 30 Day Shred b/c I was having trouble keeping track. I just made it at "Ticker Factory" and did a "Craft/Hobby" ticker. Now I can keep track of where I am, lol!

    I'm so proud of everyone that gets up and pushes play!! It's tough!!

    Does anyone know if Level 2 and 3 are longer? Like... beyond 20mins? Just curious since we're halfway to level 2!!!!

    Keep Shredding ladies!
    Its the same amount of time 5 min warm-up 20 min workout...only thing diff is its alot HARDER!!!! Im working through it, its tough but im gettin it done....So proud of myself :)
    LTRUITT3 Posts: 205 Member
    Hey guys I started Level 2 today....oh WOW is all I have to say. I think Jillian is trying to kill us....lol. Its a doozie yall' but we can get through it. With this thred of encouragement and our determination we will get through.....................
  • iStace2000
    iStace2000 Posts: 42
    Hey guys I started Level 2 today....oh WOW is all I have to say. I think Jillian is trying to kill us....lol. Its a doozie yall' but we can get through it. With this thred of encouragement and our determination we will get through.....................

    Hahaha, good to know I have something to look forward to after level 1 ;)

    Finished day 6, level 1 and I am freaking tired. I decided to up my weights and I'm suffering for it. I hope I can walk tomorrow... and lift my arms enough to type.

    Weak now... must curl into a fetal position on the couch...
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Didn't have a chance to write in yesterday - the baby is ill so I didn't get to complete Day 6 until 1am (UK time) last night :yawn:. From reading over the posts everyone is doing really well - keep up the good work!
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Day 7 level 1 is DONE. One whole week over. Yes. Finished out the weekend strong! I decided today, instead of walking right after I would do the Crunch Candle Light Yoga video on Netflix instant watch and I have a NSV that I give full props to 30DS for! I did this video this past Wednesday (Day 3 of Shred) with a friend and couldn't manage to hold the downward facing dog. I have never been able to hold this pose in in yoga or pilates classes I've done simply because my arms have not been strong enough to support my weight. Well today I DID it! All the way through. By the end of the pose I was shaking and it was super tough, but I made it till we switched poses! YES! 30DS is amazing in how its changing our bodies so quickly and how much stronger we are from just a week ago. :happy:

    Cella30: I'm seeing some muscles popping up on my calves and now this morning my thighs were looking a bit more toned. I don't know if its actually changing or if its just what I'm seeing, but there you go! And my NSV this morning! 30DS is rocking!
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    AF showed up today. That witch. I'm cranky, bloated to the max and have cramps like a mofo. She tried to talk me out of it..but...

    Day 7 Level 1 DONE.

    Sure I didn't push it very hard, took extra breaks and wimped out on the hard stuff. But I pushed play and I got my butt moving. 3 more days and then it's on to level 2! I can't believe I've made it through 7 days straight. Hell yeah!
  • vintagefool
    Day 4 done yesterday, and I took a break today (had a bad knee injury at the beginning of the year - since these moves are knee-heavy it definitely needed the rest). Here's the funny thing though: I actually had to force myself to not do it. I really WANTED to do the 30DS. That's nuts.

    Can't wait till tomorrow and the upcoming week! By the end of it, I'll be moving out of Level 1, and I'm sure by then I'll have many reports from you all about how *kitten*-kicking Level 2 is :wink:
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    Took today off to rest & handle some homework. Back at it tomorrow!!
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    Couldn't complete yesterday - got back from a long walk to discover a leak in the attic had soaked through to the downstairs and was dripping through the ceiling onto my lounge floor! The weekend couldn't get any better :grumble: Anyway 24hr plumber (that should have been out last night) has just been, so hopefully today I can get back to normal.
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    Couldn't complete yesterday - got back from a long walk to discover a leak in the attic had soaked through to the downstairs and was dripping through the ceiling onto my lounge floor! The weekend couldn't get any better :grumble: Anyway 24hr plumber (that should have been out last night) has just been, so hopefully today I can get back to normal.
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    didn't post yesterday BUT I got up again at 6:30am and did day 6 Level 1. This morning Day 7 I moved on the Level 2! It is harder and you need a bit more cordination to handle some of the moves (I have NO cordination so this is going to be super hard for me!) I did most of the modified moves to get use to this new level. My arms were definately burning.

    I have to say I have felt so much better this past week. I have been pretty hungry but trying to eat only my three meals and three snacks per day. I weighed in this morning and I think I lost 1 lb (my scale is acting a bit wonky) so it is working!
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Day 8 level 1 complete. Really not feeling it today to be honest, almost talked myself outta doing it today, but figured might as well. I'm just feeling really fat today and my scale when I weighed in first thing this morning showed a gain (which really didn't help my mindset) but then a couple hours later, after breakfast and before 30DS, I got on again and it showed a .6 loss. I'm going with the loss for my Monday weigh in because if I had really gained I don't know if I could keep this program up.

    But only 2 more days at level 1 and then on to level 2. On Wednesday (day 10) I'm planning on doing a set of "in progress" measurements and pictures just to try and keep myself motivated.

    You guys are awesome tho. The entire morning when I was debating if I was going to do this today, I kept thinking that I need to check in on here. LOL Must have worked, cause I did it. :smile:
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    Day 8 done!! I havent written here every day, due to my doing it at almost midnight some nights or 6.30 am before work other nights depending on my working hours!! But Im here doing it with you!!
    Looking forward to level 2....I measured myself in centimetres today!! My arms have both lost a centimetre and a half!! Soooo weird!!!!!!
  • vintagefool
    Day 8 level 1 complete. Really not feeling it today to be honest, almost talked myself outta doing it today, but figured might as well. I'm just feeling really fat today and my scale when I weighed in first thing this morning showed a gain (which really didn't help my mindset) but then a couple hours later, after breakfast and before 30DS, I got on again and it showed a .6 loss. I'm going with the loss for my Monday weigh in because if I had really gained I don't know if I could keep this program up.

    But only 2 more days at level 1 and then on to level 2. On Wednesday (day 10) I'm planning on doing a set of "in progress" measurements and pictures just to try and keep myself motivated.

    You guys are awesome tho. The entire morning when I was debating if I was going to do this today, I kept thinking that I need to check in on here. LOL Must have worked, cause I did it. :smile:

    I don't know the exact science/explanation behind it, but apparently when you start a strength routine, your muscles - being not used to the strain - retain water to help prevent any injuries and aid in the rebuilding of the muscle. Or something like that... I'm not an expert, lol. But basically if you show a gain it may just be your muscles retaining water, so don't be discouraged, especially if you're following your calorie limits!

    Did D5 today - the soreness was gone so I was able to push through all the moves without any breaks, but I started getting seriously annoyed with Jillian halfway through and had to mute her, haha. I swear, if she says "DON'T PHONE IT IN!" one more time...

    Edit: By the way, does anyone think there's not quite enough time dedicated to abs? Maybe I'm just a freak with a really strong core, but by the time I'm only starting to feel the burn on those circuits, she stops! Might tack a couple more minutes of abs after every day, not sure yet.