Coconut Oil and weightloss?



  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Coconut oil is actually not good for you at all. We just discussed this in my Nutrition class the other day...

    In 1 tablespoon, it has 14g of fat (normal for oil right?).... except for the fact that 12 of that 14g of fat is SATURATED.
    That means its like 92% saturated fatty acids. the BAD kind of fat. and it is SUPER low in mono and polyunsaturated fats (the GOOD kind).

    Extra virgin olive oil is only 14% saturated fat, and Canola oil is only 6% saturated fat!

    There are MUCH better oils out there.

    Not true at all. There are many, many studies showing significant lipid ratio improvement due to saturated fat. While unsaturated fat may lower overall lipid profiles, they have been shown to raise the LDL/triglyceride to HDL ratio.

    The whole Saturated fat will kill you is kind of old school and much has been disproven, trans-fats are the true enemy of fats. Although this isn't to say that you can just devour Saturated fats at will.
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    I like it on sweet potatoes/ my oatmeal with dark baking chocolate and chopped almonds and stevia to sweeten it. I disagree with The American Standard Diet the Nutrition they support is set up to support goverment subsidized food like "canolo oil" etc. I always wanted to get my degree in holistic nutrition. I worked in Dietitics for years, I was amazed at the crap patients were fed, I believe foods heal and what they ate would kill. But they had to follow the american pryamid food guidelines...ugh!
  • LiciaHarry
    LiciaHarry Posts: 25 Member
    Sounds like your Nutrition class is working on very old information. Do the research on your own, don't just take it for granted that what they're teaching you is gospel.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    I've been using it for years. I can't see it as being some magical weight loss oil but it is tasty and there are health benefits as pointed out. Personally, I love the taste of it. Have had it in black coffees for ages. I generally can't taste it when using for frying as I don't use a lot anyway.

    lajauna: that is a heap in coffee! I would use maybe 1 tspn MAX and it was quite oily (for coffee :P)

    The EVCO melts on the top and I sip it off....yummmmmmmmm. It helps to keep me "regular". I love it.

    I love your avatar!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    haha, I didn't see that before. That is AWESOME! "right click save as " :smile:
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I cooked some plantains in it and it was delicious!! I hadn't heard about the weight loss claim though.

    That sounds super yummy!!!
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    I've been using it for years. I can't see it as being some magical weight loss oil but it is tasty and there are health benefits as pointed out. Personally, I love the taste of it. Have had it in black coffees for ages. I generally can't taste it when using for frying as I don't use a lot anyway.

    lajauna: that is a heap in coffee! I would use maybe 1 tspn MAX and it was quite oily (for coffee :P)

    The EVCO melts on the top and I sip it off....yummmmmmmmm. It helps to keep me "regular". I love it.

    I love your avatar!

    I stole it from some other low carb dude....Thanks, Dude! It explains my "dietary plan" better then any book I have found. lol
  • aray379
    aray379 Posts: 131
    I use unrefined coconut oil in my smoothies every morning and put it in non-fat greek yogurt. Tastes great!
  • ArlVAMom
    ArlVAMom Posts: 42 Member
    I use it for cooking and sauteeing and I love it! I cooked some fish it in the other night and it was delicious! I like that it has a very low smoking point so it is healthier to use for high-heat cooking. I love the flavor too. I made some waffles the other day of a batter that was just oatmeal, almond butter, milk, a little vanila and maple syrup and baking powder whirred up in the blender, and used coconut oil to grease my new waffle iron, the waffles came out crispy and delicious!
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    Its great when popping popcorn too.

    I actually haven't used it for a lot of cooking, but use it as a moisturizer. My skin is so smooth (especially heels and ankles), and it has faded some stretch marks.
  • Jenalyn
    Jenalyn Posts: 17
    I take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in my protein shake after a workout, and 1 teaspoon with each green tea after I eat lunch & dinner.
    I believe that Green Tea & Coconut Oil is a killer combination! Green Tea has been proven to have a thermogenic effect and Coconut Oil heads straight to your liver for immediate use as energy and doesn't store as fat (unless you have too much of it in one go).

    And If you use it as replacement oil for cooking, I'm sure you're also bound to see some weight loss as it is a much healther oil, and has less calories from fat than other oils. I have tried cooking with it and it does give a slight coconut flavour to everything but it's not too bad..

    I also noticed improvements in my skin in 3 days and my hair definitely looks healthier. If I need an extra boost, I apply it topically on my face as moisturiser and leave coconut oil in my hair for an hour before washing it.

    I can't be sure if it has helped me to lose weight but I know that it definitely hasn't made me put back on the weight, even after too many weak moments of over-indulgence..
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Thought I might add a recipe to this coconut oil thread since it is pretty much the main ingredient.

    Coconut protein pancakes (no grains)
    from this recipe

    457 cals, 18g carbs, 24g fat, 41g protein per serve. (2 pancakes)


    Not as fluffy as I would have like but DAMN filling!
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    Saving this because I forgot i've got a lovely tub of virgin coconut oil in my cupboard and these are all great ideas! I've used it to fry well drained tofu strips before and put them in a stir fry, yummy! (even if you don't like tofu!)
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    Thought I might add a recipe to this coconut oil thread since it is pretty much the main ingredient.

    Coconut protein pancakes (no grains)
    from this recipe

    457 cals, 18g carbs, 24g fat, 41g protein per serve. (2 pancakes)


    Not as fluffy as I would have like but DAMN filling!

    This looks awesome.
  • thegoodner
    thegoodner Posts: 113 Member
    I just read a study (albeit small) of 40 women over 12 weeks I believe. 20 were given 2 tbls vegetable oil and 20 2 tbks coconut oil to take each day. They were all told to walk for 50 minutes a day and were put on a reduced calorie diet. The group using coconut oil lost 5" off their waist (0 for the other group), lowered their triglycerides, and improved their Hyde/Elda ratios. The other groups cholesterol did not change. The coconut group lost more scale weight as well. I will have to go find the link.
  • thegoodner
    thegoodner Posts: 113 Member
    I just read a study (albeit small) of 40 women over 12 weeks I believe. 20 were given 2 tbls vegetable oil and 20 2 tbks coconut oil to take each day. They were all told to walk for 50 minutes a day and were put on a reduced calorie diet. The group using coconut oil lost 5" off their waist (0 for the other group), lowered their triglycerides, and improved their Hyde/Elda ratios. The other groups cholesterol did not change. The coconut group lost more scale weight as well. I will have to go find the link.

    Damn autocorrect... hdl / ldl
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I just developed love for coconut drink (like the Silk or So Delicious brands) and I think I may have to pick up some coconut oil to cook and bake with!
  • purple_orchid
    purple_orchid Posts: 129 Member
    Use a lg. TBSP every morning in my oatmeal. It's also great spread on low fat graham crackers.
    The fats in coconut oil are immediately digested and processed - not stored in your cells.
    I have the worst skin for breakouts, but after using VCO on my face for 6 months my skin is much clearer.
    Check out the book by Bruck Fife.
    Do some research - Virgin Coconut Oil is very good for you.
    (it is actually being used in the treatment of AIDS)