Swimsuit Pressure: Girls vs. Boys: Your Opinion



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I used to hear that I was too pale. And I say, "neener neener" to those people now, because I'm 39 and still get carded sometimes. :laugh:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member

    i've since bought my own bikini and have worn it to a public pool twice now. it is *seriously* the healthiest thing i have ever done for myself. ever. for those of you that want to don a bathing suit but are too nervous or afraid or self-debasing, you should totally go for it. no joke. best thing i've ever done for myself. (have i said that already?) :tongue:

    see my blog about it here:

    you are beautiful, people! go shine! :flowerforyou:
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    it's mainly only a US issue with the whole "modesty" thing. everywhere else around the world the bodies of everybody, any size, are being flaunted and displayed.

    be proud of what you've got!

    Oooo - have to disagree with this one! I'm from the UK and people are VICIOUS if you try to wear a bikini when you're bigger than a size 8. True - Europe is a lot freer in general (think German men nude in all their, um, hairy, big-bellied glory!) but in the UK - no way! I'm a size 12 and I would totally get *kitten* for wearing a bikini in public even though I think it looks fine (not great but fine).
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    I'd be lucky if I got my fiance to go to the beach, let alone take his shirt off. For him, he just doesn't like the beach...lol. Otherwise he doesn't seem to care he's a tad overweight, but walks inside outside in a wife beater all the time. Company or not he doesn't care...lol
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    There is definitely somewhat of a double-standard when it comes to what is acceptable/not embarrassing when donning swim-wear. But it would be a shame for anyone to not be able to fully enjoy him/herself at a pool or beach out of self-consciousness......

    Just keep telling yourself people will hardly notice you and generally do not care. I sure as heck don't! In fact, the person that stands out to me isn't the one who is overweight or is wearing a tire around their belly.... it's the person who thinks he's hot and feels the need to flex his stomach muscles while entering the hot tub because he thinks everyone is watching. :grumble: ...
  • grimnir
    grimnir Posts: 61 Member
    I do totally feel self-conscious about getting naked, or taking my shirt off around other people. When I was really enormous I'd usually keep a tshirt on in the water. More recently, I've been more of a shirt off, get in the water quick , get out, towel, shirt back on kind of guy. Of course, I also burn, but that's not the real reason I wear a shirt.

    Still, I think it's goddamned ridiculous the way people say that big people should not expose themselves at all, or get all judgey about one another's bodies. That's ****in twisted, and every single one of them should be ashamed of themselves for being so bigoted, shallow, and uncool. Seriously, they can all eat a ****. I mean, what kind of emotionally and spiritually stunted little cretin is actually disturbed by other people's bodies? Imagine how twisted and horrible their parents must have been to produce such a worthless, sociopathic example of humanity. It's pathetic and cruel at best, the product of a truly sad and lonely psyche, hopelessly estranged from any real chance of achieving a sense of peace and self-satisfaction in life, of being a person truly worthy of love and appreciation. How little self worth they must have to possess such a low opinion of other people. I pity and despise them and their inhumane bull****.

    I'm a gentle kind of giant, but make nasty comments about me or anyone else being fat or what people should or shouldn't wear, and you will not like the results. My skills of verbal humiliation are finely honed through years of being picked on in school, and I CAN make you feel absolutely horrible about yourself. And at my size, I can physically intimidate even athletic guys up to about 6'3 if you want to get in my face about it. There's not much I'll pick a fight about, but that's seriously a hot button, and I won't put up with that kind of bull****, or any other kind of bigotry.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    As a man, my answer is, there should be. I really don’t care to be bombarded by fat bellies hanging out all over the place, not to mention the rest of them, man or women, have some respect please. I don’t go without a t-shirt because I think it’s uncalled for. If you have the body that is one thing, if not, please cover it up. I have always said there should be a weight limit on spandex and swimsuits .

  • Eskimopie
    Eskimopie Posts: 235 Member
    As a man, my answer is, there should be. I really don’t care to be bombarded by fat bellies hanging out all over the place, not to mention the rest of them, man or women, have some respect please. I don’t go without a t-shirt because I think it’s uncalled for. If you have the body that is one thing, if not, please cover it up. I have always said there should be a weight limit on spandex and swimsuits .


    Yeah this is a pretty awful thing to say...as well as ridiculous. I'm sure that person doesn't match plenty of people's aesthetic preferences himself. Maybe we should limit what he can wear?
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    I think that women are harder on themselves and on each other than men are, in general. I also think that the standard of beauty in our country is ridiculous and near impossible to achieve. People should just be healthy, whatever their size.

    . There are swimsuits that NO ONE should wear, in my opinion. (speedos for men, thongs for women)

    I was nodding along with you until that thong comment... we need a lot more of those, not less!
  • sallen67
    sallen67 Posts: 24 Member
    <---- Self conscious.

    I have lost about half of my excess body weight and I have a ton of extra skin now.
    Before that I looked like I could fill a D cup or bigger.

    I was self conscious then, you would never see me without a shirt.
    I'm still self conscious now, but not quite as much. I will take my shirt off to go into the water.

    There are still some things that I wouldn't do no matter what my physique looked like. You wouldn't catch me in a banana hammock, I think they just look ridiculous.

  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    I'm a gentle kind of giant, but make nasty comments about me or anyone else being fat or what people should or shouldn't wear, and you will not like the results. My skills of verbal humiliation are finely honed through years of being picked on in school, and I CAN make you feel absolutely horrible about yourself. And at my size, I can physically intimidate even athletic guys up to about 6'3 if you want to get in my face about it. There's not much I'll pick a fight about, but that's seriously a hot button, and I won't put up with that kind of bull****, or any other kind of bigotry.

    "My skills of verbal humiliation are finely honed through years of being picked on in school"...man, I wish I'd had your cojones when I was in school! I was too afraid to fight back so I remained silent. (I wasn't picked on for being overweight, but for other things.)

    You all have inspired me to wear my 2-piece to the pool, and NOT the "mom suit" with the tankini top. Thanks guys!!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I think half the guys I know thing they are just a few kgs away from Brad Pitt in fight club physique when it is umm a little far from the truth.

    And I just realised that my profile pic is from a beach in Thailand. Not that self conscious these days. And I just like collecting my Vitamin D :laugh: