How and why carbs and a high carb intake will keep you fat!!



  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    But why is an appeal to authority so wrong? It seems like a logical way to go about things really.
    Because it's justifying someone's argument based on their credentials rather than the "truthiness" or logic of the argument itself.

    And guess what? It gets books out the door.
    this is what was wrote, they were not talking about Aragon, they were talking about untz. Untz brought up appealing to authority, and how you should base EVERYTHING on the research. Again, for him to accuse me of it, he needs to be consistent, and not do it himself, he should have said, Yes I’m just some guy, but I’m going off of this research, research done by this guy, then maybe added he is also a certified nutritionist. Consistency, man consistency.
    Wait, wait.

    Are you saying that citing research is an appeal to authority...?
    And if the doctor told you it was because you were pregnant? You would believe him, because he's a doctor, right? And a doctor couldn't possibly be wrong about anything medically-related?
    Game, set, match.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    But why is an appeal to authority so wrong? It seems like a logical way to go about things really.

    That's why it's a logical fallacy. It's fallacy when you argue that a statement is correct on the basis of the credientials/authoirty who stated it.

    Less so is saying that a person's judgment or opinion should be given weight because of his position/credentials. Certainly being a doctor should be given weight if a doctor tells you that, say, eggs are bad. But saying that eggs are bad because a doctor told you so is where the fallacy lies.

    In light of what we now know about nutrition, the fallacy should be obvious. Doctors across the world told you eggs were bad 20 years ago. Eating eggs would lead to a heart attack, they said. And they were DOCTORS.
    I know right? Why not start there, I much rather go up to a Doctor and ask them "hey doc it hurts when I do this" than I would some stranger on the street. But I have to agree with nutz, just because they are a Doctor doesn't mean they're not going to say, "hey stupid stop doing that"

    And if the doctor told you it was because you were pregnant? You would believe him, because he's a doctor, right? And a doctor couldn't possibly be wrong about anything medically-related?

    Really? You guys are too much, I agree with you and you still agrue with me, LOL, I love it.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    But why is an appeal to authority so wrong? It seems like a logical way to go about things really.
    Because it's justifying someone's argument based on their credentials rather than the "truthiness" or logic of the argument itself.

    And guess what? It gets books out the door.
    this is what was wrote, they were not talking about Aragon, they were talking about untz. Untz brought up appealing to authority, and how you should base EVERYTHING on the research. Again, for him to accuse me of it, he needs to be consistent, and not do it himself, he should have said, Yes I’m just some guy, but I’m going off of this research, research done by this guy, then maybe added he is also a certified nutritionist. Consistency, man consistency.
    Wait, wait.

    Are you saying that citing research is an appeal to authority...?

    No, who needs to learn how to read?

    Did you ever figure out that "original" statement? Just asking, becasue it seems your reading ability today isn't up to par.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Alright Teemo, I asked you to produce the evidence I called anyone a name, are you still looking, trying to ignore my request, or have you realized you lied about me? If the latter I do expect an apology. Again, if I did call someone a name, please point it out to me so I can apologize to them. I guess I should qualify that, I want empirical evidence I called someone a name that has been involved in this thread.
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    Alright Teemo, I asked you to produce the evidence I called anyone a name, are you still looking, trying to ignore my request, or have you realized you lied about me? If the latter I do expect an apology. Again, if I did call someone a name, please point it out to me so I can apologize to them. I guess I should qualify that, I want empirical evidence I called someone a name that has been involved in this thread.

    I didn't realize that you asked me to produce evidence that you called someone a name. So I suppose, of the three choices you presented, I would have been ignoring your request.

    Regardless, it was in reference to your post sarcastically referring to Aragon as another poster's hero, and how a higher degree should therefore give them a "chubby", as well as some other possible insults that I didn't quite follow. It was, more or less, substituting your personal attack on a poster in place of an argument.

    Anything else I can do for you while I'm here?
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Alright Teemo, I asked you to produce the evidence I called anyone a name, are you still looking, trying to ignore my request, or have you realized you lied about me? If the latter I do expect an apology. Again, if I did call someone a name, please point it out to me so I can apologize to them. I guess I should qualify that, I want empirical evidence I called someone a name that has been involved in this thread.

    I didn't realize that you asked me to produce evidence that you called someone a name. So I suppose, of the three choices you presented, I would have been ignoring your request.

    Regardless, it was in reference to your post sarcastically referring to Aragon as another poster's hero, and how a higher degree should therefore give them a "chubby", as well as some other possible insults that I didn't quite follow. It was, more or less, substituting your personal attack on a poster in place of an argument.

    Anything else I can do for you while I'm here?

    Actually that dog won’t hunt, you said this
    you resort to name-calling and condescending sarcasm
    you separated the two, condescending remarks from name calling. Now Teemo, be a man, and admit you lied about me. I did not call anyone a name. An intelligent person like yourself surely doesn’t need to have name calling splained to them do you?
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Alright Teemo, I asked you to produce the evidence I called anyone a name, are you still looking, trying to ignore my request, or have you realized you lied about me? If the latter I do expect an apology. Again, if I did call someone a name, please point it out to me so I can apologize to them. I guess I should qualify that, I want empirical evidence I called someone a name that has been involved in this thread.

    I didn't realize that you asked me to produce evidence that you called someone a name. So I suppose, of the three choices you presented, I would have been ignoring your request.

    Regardless, it was in reference to your post sarcastically referring to Aragon as another poster's hero, and how a higher degree should therefore give them a "chubby", as well as some other possible insults that I didn't quite follow. It was, more or less, substituting your personal attack on a poster in place of an argument.

    Anything else I can do for you while I'm here?

    And that is a rich one, personal attack, again, you seem to be short sighted when it comes to what I do v what your buddy does.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    And that is a rich one, personal attack, again, you seem to be short sighted when it comes to what I do v what your buddy does.
    I mean this with all due respect...

  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    And that is a rich one, personal attack, again, you seem to be short sighted when it comes to what I do v what your buddy does.
    I mean this with all due respect...


    I'm guessing this is funny, it doesn't show up for me. HAhahahaha.

    I'll be sure to check it when I get home, I love a good funny.
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    Actually that dog won’t hunt, you said this
    you resort to name-calling and condescending sarcasm
    you separated the two, condescending remarks from name calling. Now Teemo, be a man, and admit you lied about me. I did not call anyone a name. An intelligent person like yourself surely doesn’t need to have name calling splained to them do you?

    *double post*
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    Actually that dog won’t hunt, you said this
    you resort to name-calling and condescending sarcasm
    you separated the two, condescending remarks from name calling. Now Teemo, be a man, and admit you lied about me. I did not call anyone a name. An intelligent person like yourself surely doesn’t need to have name calling splained to them do you?

    Perhaps someone here DOES need name calling explained to them.

    Also, "and" is usually used to join terms/ideas together, not separate them. If you wanted to interpret what I said in that context, both the "name-calling" and your being condescending are both tied to your sarcasm. Yes, I am also now being condescending.
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    But why is an appeal to authority so wrong? It seems like a logical way to go about things really.

    Three words: The Spanish Inquisition
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    And that is a rich one, personal attack, again, you seem to be short sighted when it comes to what I do v what your buddy does.
    I mean this with all due respect...


  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    And that is a rich one, personal attack, again, you seem to be short sighted when it comes to what I do v what your buddy does.
    I mean this with all due respect...



    This post is so meta.
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    But why is an appeal to authority so wrong? It seems like a logical way to go about things really.

    Three words: The Spanish Inquisition

    I'm just saying if I need help with something or advice I will go to the person with the most education and experience in that subject.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    I'm just saying if I need help with something or advice I will go to the person with the most education and experience in that subject.
    It's a good rule of thumb, but it's not a form of argument when trying to argue a conflicting perspective.
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    I'm just saying if I need help with something or advice I will go to the person with the most education and experience in that subject.

    Right. But just because they have a piece of paper on their wall does not mean that either of those things are true. Again, how many general practitioners do you see who disagree with the lipid hypothesis?
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    I'm just saying if I need help with something or advice I will go to the person with the most education and experience in that subject.

    Right. But just because they have a piece of paper on their wall does not mean that either of those things are true. Again, how many general practitioners do you see who disagree with the lipid hypothesis?

    I agree, but it is at the very least a good place to start.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Actually that dog won’t hunt, you said this
    you resort to name-calling and condescending sarcasm
    you separated the two, condescending remarks from name calling. Now Teemo, be a man, and admit you lied about me. I did not call anyone a name. An intelligent person like yourself surely doesn’t need to have name calling splained to them do you?

    Perhaps someone here DOES need name calling explained to them.

    Also, "and" is usually used to join terms/ideas together, not separate them. If you wanted to interpret what I said in that context, both the "name-calling" and your being condescending are both tied to your sarcasm. Yes, I am also now being condescending.

    SO what you're saying is you're not man enough to apologize when you are wrong, I can live with that.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    And that is a rich one, personal attack, again, you seem to be short sighted when it comes to what I do v what your buddy does.
    I mean this with all due respect...


    I'm guessing this is funny, it doesn't show up for me. HAhahahaha.

    I'll be sure to check it when I get home, I love a good funny.

    What a let down, I thought this was going to be funny.