women, do you dress for men or for women?



  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i think i really used to dress for men

    now i am dressing more for myself, and i find that i am pleasing somebody in that process
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I dress for geeks. Pretty much all my shirts are extremely geeky in nature.

    i love this

    i recently saw a woman, total bombsell, wearing a shirt saying

    i *picture of heart* you > than i *picture of heart* statistics
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    I dress for me! I wear what I like and what I am comfortable in. Don't care what other women think...don't care what men think! When I walk out of the house I want to feel good about ME!
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    I think it's mostly for my kids now!!!!! Whatever i don't mind getting dirty or that won't show stains as i enevitably end up wearing my baby's food. Sounds bad, I know, but i still clean up nice.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I dont like to have any men stare at me, it is just creepy. I want to look good but not exposed. I dress fro myself i guess, i want to feel pretty.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Unless a woman is wearing something overtly sexy I don't think men notice or care too much honestly. When I was out shopping the other day I was watching these two couples in the store next to me. In one of these pairs the guy looked like he was trying to be helpful when it was obvious he was clueless. In the other the guy just looked bored... in fact his wife turned around and showed him something and said excitedly, "Isn't this so cute!!!" to which he replied, "It's the cutest thing I've ever seen in my whole life" quite sarcastically.
    ...I wouldn't even bother bringing my husband shopping.... I'm certain he'd prefer a root canal.

    For me personally... I'd want the women to think, "Omgosh what a cute outfit.... I love the colors and her accessories... and the shoes are to die for...." .... and I'd want the men to think... "She's hot." .... LOL

    The only honest answer here. I've heard enough talk from women and seen enough looks to know how judgmental they are about fashion. It's not a bad thing or a criticism, but I don't buy women "dressing for themselves".

    On a base level, we are all dressing for ourselves. I absolutely never dress with the intent of getting compliments from anyone, male or female. Men don't typically offer compliments anyway, unless they're telling their date she looks nice. Women ... sure, I like being complimented on what I'm wearing, but I don't think about that when I get dressed.

    I dress primarily to feel good about what I see in the mirror and secondarily to look hot to members of the opposite sex. The latter part of that may sound shallow and superficial, but when you're a straight, single woman, it's always a consideration, no matter how much you try to deny it; you want guys to think you're hot.

    Why would anyone wear anything they didn't feel good about? Even if you thought other people would like it, if you didn't feel good about how you looked, why would you wear it? So to that extent, I think pretty much everyone dresses first to please themselves.

    And I absolutely do not buy the whole "men don't notice and don't care what women are wearing" theory. They may not care about individual articles of clothing or what color your top is, but they absolutely care about your overall look. I know a lot of men who immediately categorize a woman wearing the latest fashion trends and loaded down with accessories as "high-maintenance" or "superficial." If you're wearing baggy jeans, an oversized t-shirt, and flip-flops, you're not going to get the same attention as a woman wearing tight jeans, a form-fitting tank top, and heels. If you're not trying to get a man's attention, great. But if you are, you better get on board with the idea that men DO care what you look like, and that includes the clothes you have on.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I would like to say myself, but if I have to choose, I would probably say women.

    I like wearing Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Betsey Johnson, Marc by Marc Jacobs etc, and women tend to be more familiar with brands...I like to mix girly and sexy...in my experience, there are a lot of mean and insecure women, and dressing well often keeps those ones away. ^.^;;;

    I used to dress to attract men when I was younger. Now I don't, but if I have a boyfriend I will dress to impress him instead...although I honestly, I just dress how I like.

    When it comes to my clothing, I receive an equal amount of compliments from men and women.

    PS: You can always tell when a guy you are first getting to know really likes you when he compliments a piece of clothing and he either asks the cost, or he asks where you bought it, which leads to him asking the cost lol, "Nice scarf! Where'd you get it?" "Louis Vuitton." "...Isn't that expensive?"/"How much was it?" "$150+"
    If he answers:
    A. "I'll buy one of those for you!"
    B. "Expensive...but I guess it's worth it. It looks so cute on you"
    or something that denotes he would pay for a 100000% markup item, he really likes you.

    If he answers:
    C. "What a rip off!"
    D. "Okay..."
    He's not that into you, so leave him.

    I seem to attract the "perfect men," so take it from me. You get back what you put out either way, so it is still important to stay yourself though :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Primarily for me. I'm an artist. Color, pattern, texture and all that makes me happy. Putting together a great outfit is like a little work of art, without having to clean my paintbrushes. Or just a way of showing personality or mood, whether it's something classy, punk, or cute.

    Secondly for my husband. He doesn't care one lick about fashion, but he likes thinking, "My wife looks AWESOME!" I don't have the body proportions to look drop dead, traffic stopping sexy, but I know how to flatter what I got.

    Lastly, everyone else. I like compliments. I don't care if they're from a man or a woman, as long as they're not creepy

    I have no interest at all in brand names. They way I look at it, I shouldn't pay extra for a label. They should be paying me for advertising for them! :laugh:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I do not dress for anyone other than myself.I could not care less what anyone else thinks of it or if I impress anyone.If I like something I wear it and do not really worry about what anyone else might think of it.
  • LaPistolaSexola
    LaPistolaSexola Posts: 243 Member
    most of the time i dress for comfort
    sometimes i'm feeling supa sexy and i'll dress for me.

    however...i have been known to take requests from my man from time to time
    ......but that outfit doesn't sty on long. so... yeah.
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    I guess I dress for myself. If I'm not comfortable or ok with what I am wearing, then I just don't feel good about myself. That being said, I always appreciate compliments from anyone!
  • LaPistolaSexola
    LaPistolaSexola Posts: 243 Member
    I guess I dress for myself. If I'm not comfortable or ok with what I am wearing, then I just don't feel good about myself. That being said, I always appreciate compliments from anyone!
    you're looking mighty fine today DA ;)
  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    I guess if I had to choose it would be women, they seem to be way more judgmental about it (ok, really, I'm super judgmental about it, haha! I wouldn't tell you I thought you were dressed like a ho, but I would certainly think it). So I guess I dress more for women than for men.

    I didn't use to be like this though, I used to definitely dress for men and getting men's attention.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I would also say it depends on where I'm going. If I'm at work, I'm dressing for my boss (no, not in that way, pervs). My mom always taught me to dress for the job you want, not the job you have, and your boss has to be able to picture you in a higher-ranking position. That's about your appearance, in addition to your work ethic and qualifications.

    If I'm going to a funeral or some other solemn occasion, I'm dressing to blend in.

    If I'm going to a wedding, I'm dressing so that I look nice but not like I'm trying to draw attention away from the bride (every woman knows this, but not every woman follows it).

    If I'm going to a casual family function, I just try to look my age (28). I'm not trying to impress anyone, but I also don't want my very opinionated grandmother pulling me aside and lecturing me about my clothing choices.

    If I'm going pretty much anywhere else (shopping, errands, dinner, a party, etc.), I dress so that I feel good and confident about what I look like. And that usually coincides with wearing at least one article of clothing that one of my male friends describes as a "man-killer." That is, something that is going to cause men to look. It may be a pair of tight jeans or a sexy top. It could even just be my hairstyle. Whatever. I'm single, and I shamelessly admit to thinking about men when I get dressed. I think pretty much all other single women do, too. A lot of them just don't like to say it out loud.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I wear what's comfortable for me. Especially right now. I don't care about name brands because that doesn't impress me nor do the people that wear it. I can get it at wal-mart and make it look good. I don't really care what anyone thinks about the way I dress. My husband thinks I'm hot in my sweats so it doesn't matter. Haha.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I don't care about labels either, but I do care about quality. I'd rather pay $50 for a well-made top that will last a while than $10 for something with seams that will start to unravel after the first wash. And I'll gladly pay $150+ for jeans that fit well, rather than pay $30 for jeans that stretch out within minutes of putting them on.
  • kdudz
    kdudz Posts: 39 Member
    Unless a woman is wearing something overtly sexy I don't think men notice or care too much honestly. When I was out shopping the other day I was watching these two couples in the store next to me. In one of these pairs the guy looked like he was trying to be helpful when it was obvious he was clueless. In the other the guy just looked bored... in fact his wife turned around and showed him something and said excitedly, "Isn't this so cute!!!" to which he replied, "It's the cutest thing I've ever seen in my whole life" quite sarcastically.
    ...I wouldn't even bother bringing my husband shopping.... I'm certain he'd prefer a root canal.

    For me personally... I'd want the women to think, "Omgosh what a cute outfit.... I love the colors and her accessories... and the shoes are to die for...." .... and I'd want the men to think... "She's hot." .... LOL


    Truth be told, if I'm going out for a girls night I always make sure I look my best. I never want to be the ugly friend in the group. lol
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I dress for geeks. Pretty much all my shirts are extremely geeky in nature.

    Me too. I love my funny/cool t-shirts. I am about to go on a Big Lebowski buying spree!!!!

    Mostly I dress for myself. My husband would be prefer I be comfy, and I don't care what other men think.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    I totally dress for men. I have a specific style that i tend to follow, and i do stay fashionably current, but i won't wear something simply because i saw it in a magazine or whatever. Everything i wear is bought with the intention of complimenting my figure and showing off whatever it is i want to flaunt and concealing whatever i would rather hide.

    It isn't that guys notice what it is that i'm wearing, i'm sure none of them could describe it days later, but they definitely notice how i look in it and THAT sticks.
    disclaimer - by "show off" i do NOT mean "expose". there is a difference. more females should learn this.
  • MsKittyCAT
    MsKittyCAT Posts: 217
    Seems like a simple question, but it really made me think. My first reaction was I dress for ME and wear what I like...but then I thought about why I like certain things, and the answer is because I get noticed and the compliments make me feel good - doesn't matter if they come from men or women, although women sometimes are more sincere since there is less of a chance that they are wanting to sleep with me, lol. So in dressing to GET compliments, have I adopted a sexy attention seeking style? Maybe... (ok, let's be honest, YES!)

    If I'm going out I like things short, tight, lots of cleavage on display, and always high heels, and accessories that compliment / match. I'm also big on dramatic eye makeup and bright lips. This is the "public persona" to get attention. Guess this is how I compensate for my shyness because I'm so awkward around people I don't know and find it hard to make conversation, can't approach people but if they come talk to me I can talk back...

    At home I'm comfortable in hippie tie dyes, peasant tops with fluttering sleeves, long flowing skirts, or sometimes exercise clothes, or fuzzy pajamas, often with hair up in a ponytail - and look like a totally different person.

    I like bright colors, animal prints, things that shine and sparkle catch my eye - yeah, an 80's girl at heart. I'm big on texture too and love soft fleece or creamy silk.

    Going out or staying in my "foundation" is really for me. I love sexy bras and undies that match. Don't care if no one sees them, I know, and they make me feel pretty and girly. Jewelery is for me as well. Gotta have bangle bracelets that jingle, I like the sound!

    If I'm home alone there's a good chance I'm naked - not because I love my body that much, but because it cuts down on laundry to do!

    Clothes shopping with my boyfriend - he says he is colorblind, he has a short attention span, and tells me EVERYTHING looks great so not a good "mirror". Would rather shop with girlfriends that will tell me when something isn't flattering. Best shopping pal EVER was my gay college housemate Patrick, sure do miss his style!

    Designer label, brand name - don't care, can't afford it. Thrift store shopping is what has fit my budget the past few years (half price everything on Wednesdays!) Don't even really care about what size something says it is, I've learned it is all about trying things on and seeing what fits my body. I've come home with things marked medium, petite large, 2x, and maternity all in the same day.

    I love playing dress up for special occasions, theme parties, Halloween, whatever. And also love when friends dress me because the things they choose are often not what I would choose for myself but I'm usually pleased with the results!