Burning off the junk food calories won't undo it



    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    This might tick some one off...but in my opinion, if you eat crap you feel like crap. Just because you go and do another 30 minutes of Cardio doesn't make it ok. I don't eat perfect by any means, I learn day to day. I have the occassional splurge but in moderation.

    The majority of my calories come from protien, usually whey or soy supplements.

    Vegetables are chock-ful of protein, FYI. Just learned that, for example, 100 calories of broccoli has double the protein that 100 calories of steak does.

    Did you really just say this? Protein in 100 cals of broccoli....haha. Thats so not even close to being right

    93 cals of Broccoli has 9grams of protein. 93 cals of a basic Steak 96% lean, has 9 grams as well!!!! Learn to do math please.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I always come back to my Motto - any any of you can flame be if I post anything contradictory: Happy And Healthy.

    I don't eat a lot of junk food at meal times - I never have. I like fresh food, I love fruit and veg and I enjoy cooking from scratch. I also like eating at fancy restaurants, Indian take away's, quality whisky, real ale and ice cream at the cinema.

    Is it fair to 'balance' my in indiscretions with exercise? I think so - as long as the indiscretions are occasional rather than frequent and routine.

    The biggest change for me has been portion size, getting a lot more exercise (nearly nothing to four + sessions a week), and cutting down the number / changing the types of snacks I eat.

    I will always ask the question 'does this change make me unhappy' - generally the answer is no. I feel better if I share the Indian take away and eat half the amount! I feel better if I eat one scoop of ice-cream at the cinema instead of three. I love my running - especially at the club or when the weather is nice: puts me in a great mood.

    Net-Net: Don't beat yourself up too badly over the odd junk food - just make it an occasional treat rather than a habit. Odds are if your body is used to healthy food you wont fancy it anyway.
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member

    Did you really just say this? Protein in 100 cals of broccoli....haha. Thats so not even close to being right

    93 cals of Broccoli has 9grams of protein. 93 cals of a basic Steak 96% lean, has 9 grams as well!!!! Learn to do math please.

    Depends on the steak of course. That sounds like a healthier version. I don't worry about protein anymore. i get plenty of Protein from my diet.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Vegetables are chock-ful of protein, FYI. Just learned that, for example, 100 calories of broccoli has double the protein that 100 calories of steak does.

    Not sure that's correct - plus do you know how much that is in grams??? its a LOT of broccoli - and too much fibre has its own issues.

    Now beans and lentils on the other hand are packed with protein! Sitting solidly on the fence as always, suggest you try something like a steak and butter bean casarole. You can cut the amount of steak right down, but still get the taste and texture, lower the fat and gain all the yummyness of butter beans. Now you've made me hungry!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I agree with the OP.

    It doesn't anger me that some people have certain opinions, however, I believe that how we feel is often based on a sliding scale of things, what we eat and drink, our activity, our self esteem, our sleep and our stress level. Yes, overall, eating better has a positive influence, but I don't automatically think that if you eat every meal at McDonald's, but in lesser calorie form, that you will automatically feel like warmed over poop.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I don't automatically think that if you eat every meal at McDonald's, but in lesser calorie form, that you will automatically feel like warmed over poop.

    On the basis that you are what you eat? LOL - Brilliant!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I don't automatically think that if you eat every meal at McDonald's, but in lesser calorie form, that you will automatically feel like warmed over poop.

    On the basis that you are what you eat? LOL - Brilliant!

    LOL. Not intentional.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    On that note, there are people who laugh at the idea of moderation and who won't touch food they consider less than optimal. I just recently read that it is now considered an eating disorder.

  • Minoesh
    Minoesh Posts: 105 Member
    I always come back to my Motto - any any of you can flame be if I post anything contradictory: Happy And Healthy.

    I don't eat a lot of junk food at meal times - I never have. I like fresh food, I love fruit and veg and I enjoy cooking from scratch. I also like eating at fancy restaurants, Indian take away's, quality whisky, real ale and ice cream at the cinema.

    Is it fair to 'balance' my in indiscretions with exercise? I think so - as long as the indiscretions are occasional rather than frequent and routine.

    The biggest change for me has been portion size, getting a lot more exercise (nearly nothing to four + sessions a week), and cutting down the number / changing the types of snacks I eat.

    I will always ask the question 'does this change make me unhappy' - generally the answer is no. I feel better if I share the Indian take away and eat half the amount! I feel better if I eat one scoop of ice-cream at the cinema instead of three. I love my running - especially at the club or when the weather is nice: puts me in a great mood.

    Net-Net: Don't beat yourself up too badly over the odd junk food - just make it an occasional treat rather than a habit. Odds are if your body is used to healthy food you wont fancy it anyway.

    I love this post!! When I changed my lifestyle 4 years ago I was obsessed with eating ONLY healthy foods after years and years of eating really badly. Now 90% of what I eat is really healthy and the rest I allow for a naughty treat ocassionally, it keeps me sane! :wink: I have to say though, because I had gotten so used to how good it feels to eat healthy, when I do have fast food etc I feel really unwell (I have arthritis) and it reminds me of why I started eating healthy in the first place. :smile:
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    This might tick some one off...but in my opinion, if you eat crap you feel like crap. Just because you go and do another 30 minutes of Cardio doesn't make it ok. I don't eat perfect by any means, I learn day to day. I have the occassional splurge but in moderation.

    The majority of my calories come from protien, usually whey or soy supplements.

    Vegetables are chock-ful of protein, FYI. Just learned that, for example, 100 calories of broccoli has double the protein that 100 calories of steak does.

    Have fun eating 19 cups of broccoli a day just to get the USRDA (which most people find inadequate) of protein.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I really had a lightbulb moment the other night.

    Just because we exercise enough to burn off any excess calories, isn't going to undo:

    -the fact that a lot of foods have too much fat, cholesterol, or toxins in them that our body has to detox.
    -the lowered amount of actual nutrition we get when the foods took the place of high-nutrient foods
    -the loss of extra time due to needing a longer workout than our bodies need to get strong

    Add to this: Just because we can stay within our calories eating whatever we want and losing weight, doesn't mean we'll be in the kind of health we all really want. Because the truth is, if we are to feel the way we really want to feel, we got to be eating mostly quality foods, not processed stuff. And most definitely a LOT of vegetables and fruits, nuts and seeds.

    Lol, You just HAD to post this AFTER I just gobbled down a huge slice of cake w/ chocolate frosting! But yeah, you're totally right, so thanks for posting. :)
  • djkymba
    djkymba Posts: 174
    I haven't been feeling good the last couple days so I've been eating junk food and staying within range because I'm too lazy to cook and I've been drinking a lot of diet soda lately, thinking "no calories" but there is so much more to the story. I needed that! Thanks for reminding me of whats important!
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    Heck we wouldn't all be so fat in the first place if 'bad' foods didn't taste so good, everybody should treat themselves every once in a while, the hard part is learning not to keep going back to the same bad foods regularly.
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    On that note, there are people who laugh at the idea of moderation and who won't touch food they consider less than optimal. I just recently read that it is now considered an eating disorder.


    I laugh at the idea of everything in moderation because it is stupid. Should I start smoking again, moderately? Should I drink a moderate amount of draino once in a while?

    As far as the article goes, OCD and eating disorders are real and can be devastating but that is vastly different than someone deciding to stop eating candy or white bread because it is not healthy.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I laugh at the idea of everything in moderation because it is stupid. Should I start smoking again, moderately? Should I drink a moderate amount of draino once in a while?

    What about, say, Red wine. Its widely regarded as being good for you to drink (up to) a glass a day, but clearly bad to be drinking a whole bottle a day.

    Same for 'good' fats (Omega Oils)

    Heck, at base level - Calories: Moderation is good. Extremes are bad.

    Fact: Stress is bad.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    On that note, there are people who laugh at the idea of moderation and who won't touch food they consider less than optimal. I just recently read that it is now considered an eating disorder.


    I laugh at the idea of everything in moderation because it is stupid. Should I start smoking again, moderately? Should I drink a moderate amount of draino once in a while?

    As far as the article goes, OCD and eating disorders are real and can be devastating but that is vastly different than someone deciding to stop eating candy or white bread because it is not healthy.

    Yes, but that is totally not what the article is saying. I'm saying, you can go too far with all of the advice and refuse to eat things that are "not healthy." I see many a high-horsed person on here talk about you can't ever eat that stuff.

    One cigarette will not kill anyone or cause anyone cancer. Moderate smoking might. Honestly, your references don't apply and are pretty silly. If you're going to compare drinking draino to eating white bread, there is really no where positive this discussion can go.
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    I laugh at the idea of everything in moderation because it is stupid. Should I start smoking again, moderately? Should I drink a moderate amount of draino once in a while?

    What about, say, Red wine. Its widely regarded as being good for you to drink (up to) a glass a day, but clearly bad to be drinking a whole bottle a day.

    Same for 'good' fats (Omega Oils)

    Heck, at base level - Calories: Moderation is good. Extremes are bad. Stress kills.

    What I am saying is there is nothing wrong with not putting something in your body that is not only unnecessary but in fact potentially harmful.
  • ghoztt
    ghoztt Posts: 69 Member
    I laugh at the idea of everything in moderation because it is stupid. Should I start smoking again, moderately? Should I drink a moderate amount of draino once in a while?

    As far as the article goes, OCD and eating disorders are real and can be devastating but that is vastly different than someone deciding to stop eating candy or white bread because it is not healthy.

    Better to smoke 1 cigarette a day than a pack a day, wouldn't you say? Of course not smoking is not healthy but if someone is able to reduce their consumption considerably, whether it be smoking or food or whatever, at least it's a step in the right direction. Some people can't quit cold turkey so it's better to make progress towards the ultimate goal of eating healthy. I don't think there's anything wrong with indulging in foods you enjoy in moderation.
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    On that note, there are people who laugh at the idea of moderation and who won't touch food they consider less than optimal. I just recently read that it is now considered an eating disorder.


    I laugh at the idea of everything in moderation because it is stupid. Should I start smoking again, moderately? Should I drink a moderate amount of draino once in a while?

    As far as the article goes, OCD and eating disorders are real and can be devastating but that is vastly different than someone deciding to stop eating candy or white bread because it is not healthy.

    Yes, but that is totally not what the article is saying. I'm saying, you can go too far with all of the advice and refuse to eat things that are "not healthy." I see many a high-horsed person on here talk about you can't ever eat that stuff.

    One cigarette will not kill anyone or cause anyone cancer. Moderate smoking might. Honestly, your references don't apply and are pretty silly. If you're going to compare drinking draino to eating white bread, there is really no where positive this discussion can go.

    The article was talking about people who don't eat things that are essential for life because they think they are unhealthy. This is vastly different than someone deciding to stop eating candy because it it totally unnecessary to staying alive and perhaps may have a negative effect on their health.

    By the way, I was only talking about the phrase, "everything in moderation", not the article itself.
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    Great post! Sometimes I'm guilty of doing the "I have 1000 calories left so I'm going to eat cake, brownies and candy." NOT OK!!!!! It's just hard to eat back calories with low calorie foods so I feel like eating "big calories" is easier... definitely not beneficial though. going to work on this :smile: