10 Lbs (or more) in 13 Weeks!



  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member
    My gym closed a 1/2 hour early yesterday and they chucked me out, so I didn't get to do 1/2 my workout. Sigh.
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    I know that I am a little early, but I normally weigh in on Wednesdays so I will give my weight today if thats ok!

    SW 275.8 (6/22/2011)

    Week 1 Weigh in: 272.4 (6/29/2011)

  • DoctorWhoFan
    My gym closed a 1/2 hour early yesterday and they chucked me out, so I didn't get to do 1/2 my workout. Sigh.

    That sucks! Any idea why they closed early?
    I know that I am a little early, but I normally weigh in on Wednesdays so I will give my weight today if thats ok!

    SW 275.8 (6/22/2011)

    Week 1 Weigh in: 272.4 (6/29/2011)


    Awesome work! Bet you are proud of that! Well done!

    How is everyone getting on? I went for a massive long beach walk yesterday. It was lovely. I've been at uni here for two years now and never walked all the way along the beach until now. I've also been riding my bike to get around, except I have to walk up the hills and ride down them, hehe!

    Foodwise, it's not going so well. I'm constantly hungry and have to use up all the food in the house before I go home on Sunday. A lot of it is carb-a-licious food which is not great as I'm not staying within my values. Bread, three different kinds of sugary cereals, ready-meals - it's not that great. But I'm more determined than ever! Life... bring it on.
  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member

    They closed early because there was a graduation party. However, I confirmed the closing time when I arrived and planned my workout accordingly, so getting kicked out early was ... annoying. I would have worked out differently had I known the real closing time. I got back there yesterday and spent an hour on the elliptical (thank the stars there are only 60 seconds each minute and not, say, 100! ;) and then did some machines for 30 minutes or so.

    I'm doing okay. Instead of 2 meals a day (big ones) that I used to do, for a month I've been eating 3 small meals and two snacks, and also trying not to eat after 9. I am not hungry. However my daily calorie target from MFP is 1340 ... which is exceedingly hard for me to hit unless I exercise. Pretty much I hafta do a half hour of cardio a day just so I can have dinner. LOL.

    I'll weigh in on Friday, although I typically consider Monday my weigh-in day as I feel it keeps me honest on the weekend. ;)


  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    How's everyone doing??! :) I'm hoping to be able to still loose and stick to my goal but i did something to my shoulder so I haven't worked out since Saturday :( Dr. appt next Tuesday to figure out whats going on! Good luck everyone!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    How's everyone doing??! :) I'm hoping to be able to still loose and stick to my goal but i did something to my shoulder so I haven't worked out since Saturday :( Dr. appt next Tuesday to figure out whats going on! Good luck everyone!

    That stinks - can you go out for walks to get some cardio in, or does it hurt too much to do that? A lot of my workouts right now are walking/jogging and riding my bike. Hope you get things figured out so you can get back to!

  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    How's everyone doing??! :) I'm hoping to be able to still loose and stick to my goal but i did something to my shoulder so I haven't worked out since Saturday :( Dr. appt next Tuesday to figure out whats going on! Good luck everyone!

    That stinks - can you go out for walks to get some cardio in, or does it hurt too much to do that? A lot of my workouts right now are walking/jogging and riding my bike. Hope you get things figured out so you can get back to!


    Yea I can walk, I'm actually training for a 60 mile walk in november so this week i will walk 19 miles.. i was doing 30 day shred it and 6 week 6 pack as well. that's what i can't do now :( I don't consider the walks really working out because i walk a lot.
  • Mandalicious
    Mandalicious Posts: 126
    Wow! You guys are really impressing me! I feel SO much motivation to keep up with your zeal and not let the group down. Plus I love the support that I see going around! Totally lovin' it!

    I have been doing pretty well this week, I feel. Exercised Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, but tonight I am just wiped out and taking a rest day. I did go over by 10 calories, though! Maybe I'll get a few jumping jacks in just to off-set that...

    Congrats to Dave on the loss for the first week! And don't forget that everyone can get their weight to me on Friday and I'll put it all together! Hoping for good results for all!

    I think we're off to a strong start, friends!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Wow! You guys are really impressing me! I feel SO much motivation to keep up with your zeal and not let the group down. Plus I love the support that I see going around! Totally lovin' it!

    I have been doing pretty well this week, I feel. Exercised Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, but tonight I am just wiped out and taking a rest day. I did go over by 10 calories, though! Maybe I'll get a few jumping jacks in just to off-set that...

    Congrats to Dave on the loss for the first week! And don't forget that everyone can get their weight to me on Friday and I'll put it all together! Hoping for good results for all!

    I think we're off to a strong start, friends!

    Thanks Mandy! I was finishing up a challenge for June I was in and was pushing really hard for the first week in our group. I know about being whiped out! I was thinking about taking a rest day today, but may end up taking my daughter for a nice long walk (I normally plan it around nap time so she falls asleep about 5 minutes into the walk and I can go for as long as I can go, and as long as I can keep the sun off her!).

    Hope everyone is doing well with their food and exercise!
  • Mandalicious
    Mandalicious Posts: 126
    As promised, my husband helped me post a result spreadsheet to our website. Check it out:


    (Thanks, Filip!) You'll see our starting weights, goal weights, how much each of us has to go during the challenge, and a place for everyone's weight for the 13 weeks of weigh-ins. Since Dave weighs on Wednesdays, his info is already there! For the rest of you, just post here or send me your result directly tomorrow...
    By the way, those NSVs have been flying around all over the place this week! Folks below their daily calorie goal, lots of exercises logged, good food choices made, friends sending encouraging comments. That's all good stuff, people!
  • DoctorWhoFan
    Hi everyone.

    So I weigh in on Mondays, but I'm waiting until Fridays to post as that is quite far in advance!

    I lost 1lb :)

    So down to 164lbs, which I'm happy about because I've lost the 7lbs that I gained in about 2-3 weeks during exam stress! Now, I'm back to my "normal" weight from where I can start shifting these stubborn lbs!

    Good luck to everyone with WI!
  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member

    SW 219.
    W1 (7/1) 217.

    Down 2. w00t!!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Nice work so far everyone! Mandy - starting next week I'll weigh in on Friday's as it will work out better for my trip during July and when I can weigh in. This way I'll be on the same schedule as most of the group. Thanks!

  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    148.4, down .4 lbs :) well since Monday, down 2.6 total from Friday, can you say water weight lol
  • RubyHearts
    RubyHearts Posts: 67
    Great work everyone!! I weigh in Sunday (but i'll change it to Friday), i'm hoping I at least lost a pound!!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Happy Saturday All! Hope you are all doing well! Rode 19.64 miles on the bike this morning. Now I need to go put my BBQ Grill together so I can cook up some good food this weekend! Have safe holiday weekend!

  • Mandalicious
    Mandalicious Posts: 126
    I have five of eleven first week weights reported as of today... am waiting on a few more to update our Week 1 weigh-ins.

    I am super stoked that I managed to stay under my calorie goal yesterday, since it was the first of day of a nine day long visit from my dad. And, man, my family LOVES to eat! But I got the exercise in yesterday and today. Did Week 4, Day 1 of C25K this morning - was hard but I got it followed by another 2.5 miles of walking. I am feeling good about my resolve this holiday weekend. Instead of our normal cake for tomorrow, we are making "watermelon star cakes." Just cut a star shape out of watermelon and top with blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries with fat-free whipped topping for a refreshing July 4th treat!

    So inspired by the exercising I see logged even over the holiday. What a better way to spend some time off, right?
    Good luck everyone and happy Independence Day!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    I have five of eleven first week weights reported as of today... am waiting on a few more to update our Week 1 weigh-ins.

    I am super stoked that I managed to stay under my calorie goal yesterday, since it was the first of day of a nine day long visit from my dad. And, man, my family LOVES to eat! But I got the exercise in yesterday and today. Did Week 4, Day 1 of C25K this morning - was hard but I got it followed by another 2.5 miles of walking. I am feeling good about my resolve this holiday weekend. Instead of our normal cake for tomorrow, we are making "watermelon star cakes." Just cut a star shape out of watermelon and top with blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries with fat-free whipped topping for a refreshing July 4th treat!

    So inspired by the exercising I see logged even over the holiday. What a better way to spend some time off, right?
    Good luck everyone and happy Independence Day!

    It is super tough to stay on track when the family is visitng! My inlaws are visitng this week and they are very supportive of me and ask if I eat what they are eating, or am making my own! Tonight I grilled pork loin for the family and made chicken for me because I had leftover homemade pizza for lunch! Anyway, I am hoping to get another 10 mile road in tomorrow if possible, hopefully my butt and legs can handle it! Enjoy the holiday if you're off work everyone and stay safe!
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    Wow those watermelon star cakes sound amazing!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    How's everyone doing? I am headed out to jump on the bike and get another 10 miles or so in. Hopefully the legs cooperate as i'v
    I've rode 55 miles over the last few days! Hope everyone has a good Wednesday!