10 Lbs (or more) in 13 Weeks!



  • RubyHearts
    RubyHearts Posts: 67
    Welcome Melisa!
  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member
    Sean -

    Keep up the good work bud - I'm sure Friday will be good to you when you weigh in. Just stick to your work outs and push it a little harder when you know you've had a rough weekend or going out to eat!


    Ate more than I intended tonight. Need wishes of luck for the weigh-in tomorrow!!!!
  • DoctorWhoFan
    Hey everyone. I'm down to 161.2lbs this week!

    I'm so happy :-) Just noticed that I have to lose about 1lb a week to reach my goal of 152lbs by the end of this challenge! I really hope that life doesn't get in the way!

    And I've been to Zumba this week so I hope that has an effect on next week's weigh-in! (as I weigh-in on Mondays)

    Hope everyone has had a great week!

    P.S. Just remembered, there is a high chance you may not hear from me for about two week as I am off to summer school, and straight after visiting a friend for her birthday weekend party - during this time, there will be: unknown caloric information in the canteen's food, possibly not a lot of exercise if they don't have a gym (though I can jog outside but I'm not fond of running...) and also cake, snacks and alcohol. Eek!

    Wish me luck, I really don't want to gain, but if that means drinking low-cal soft drinks and eating smaller portions, then so be it! This is a healthy lifestyle!

    Good luck to you all!
  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member
    SW 219.
    W1 (7/1) 217.
    W2 (7/8) 213.
    W3 (7/15) 211.
    W4 (7/22) 209.
    W5 (7/29) 210 OOOOPSIE up +1

    So ... I've been over twice, but only by a hundred or so, but no big deficits. Exercise has been as usual, and I'm getting toned and am down two pant's sizes. Sooooooo ... am going to work hard on NOT eating back exercise calories this week and seeing what happens.


  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Today's weight = 259.8lbs

    Keep up the good work everyone. I am so happy to be in a new weight decade!

    Good luck DoctorWhoFan!

    Sean - I wouldn't be discouraged, if you were only over two days and by just a little, chances are you didn't gain that lb back, probably has more to do with gaining muscle. I have been doing mostly all cardio thus far and will begin adding some strength training into my routine so I am sure I'll see my losses slow down due to gaining some muscle.

    Oh yeah - need just 13 more miles on the bike to hit 300 for the month of July. Going to get it sometime over the next few days!

  • RubyHearts
    RubyHearts Posts: 67
    This week has been good i lost 1.5 pounds. Hope everyone is doing well and keep it up :)
  • Mandalicious
    Mandalicious Posts: 126
    So excited to see results rolling in!

    I "technically" lost 0.5 lbs this week to end at 133.5, down from 134. I hit that weight a little over a week ago for one day, but last Friday I was back up to 134. At any rate, nothing big but slowly creeping in the right direction...

    I am setting a goal for this week. I want to net 7000 total calories for the next 7 days. I figure if I eat around 1300 (my daily level is set at 1200 without exercise) and burn around 300 exercising, I should be able to do it. Then I should really lose a pound. I am going to post every day on my status how I am doing with the totals. (Husband had a procedure today and is down for the count for a while with helping with my boys. Took advantage of my older one being at space camp to push only the younger one during a jog this morning - oh, so much harder than a quiet jog alone in the evening!) Anyone else interested in setting their own weekly goal to achieve by next Friday?

    Hats off so far to RubyHearts, Dave and DWF! Getting fitter all the time!
    Sean - glad to see your NSVs of toning and decreasing pants size - that rocks, too. Show us what you're made of this week and I bet that pound up will be gone with more along with it!

    Shred it this summer!
  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member

    Sean - glad to see your NSVs of toning and decreasing pants size - that rocks, too. Show us what you're made of this week and I bet that pound up will be gone with more along with it!

    Shred it this summer!

    Yes! Thanks!!
  • hikingvee
    hikingvee Posts: 20 Member
    Today's weight...138 : )
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Today's weight...138 : )

    Awesome Work Vee!!

    Hope everyone is doing well this week! Went over on things last Friday - which is ok, because since May 1st when I started my new eating plan I don't allow for really any treating/sweets etc (besides my trail mix and what not). So Fridays is going to be my cheat day with the family - maybe make it pizza night so I can enjoy it within moderation. I am still planning on logging that day, but I am going to give myself one day a week to have a cheat meal, or a nice dessert every now and again.

    Not going to get any riding in today, but hopefully Samantha will be ready for a nap soon so I can get a work out DVD in and get a little bit of a work out today.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Mandalicious
    @ Dave - I totally pop in the workout DVDs when my boys are napping! Gotta fit the exercise in any time I can. Notice you're almost half-way to your goal. That is awesome! I did the same thing of allowing myself a treat, dinner out, or happy hour here or there once I felt like I had things under control. Then I stopped losing as quickly, obviously, but I was struggling with feeling like I was too restrictive before. I felt like I let it get out of hand after a while, and I started losing only 0.5 lbs every week or sometimes two. So I tightened the belt again...

    I really want to hit my *new* goal weight (120 down from 125) by Nov. 4th. That's the day my younger son turns two! I have 12.5 to lose to get there. I have a little over 13 weeks from today, so it will definitely be a challenge.... especially since two of those weeks will be spent back home in Georgia with my family. Gonna have to turn down some awesome Southern food, though!

    Can't believe we're almost half-way through this summer challenge! Seven more weeks from this Friday! Let's keep it going, y'all!
  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member
    SW 219.
    W1 (7/1) 217.
    W2 (7/8) 213.
    W3 (7/15) 211.
    W4 (7/22) 209.
    W5 (7/29) 210 OOOOPSIE up +1
    W6 (8/05) 206

    I am very happy with this. Last week I'd had some beer a couple of times AND I was really sore from working out, so I figured the weight gain was water .... and judging on this week's weight, it was. Still, I'd have been happier with 205 .... LOL.

    Very. Happy.
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Friday Aug 5th Weigh in = 257

    That puts me at about the 1/2 way mark for what I want to lose. Total lost would be about 108 lbs and put me down to 200. Obviously I haven't been here since high school, so when I get closer I will revaluate my goals based on how I look and feel. I have been dropping pant sizes pretty easily, but not so much in shirt sizes ( a lot of my weight is torso, mostly gut!). I've started to see the difference in the way shirts are fitting and can wear a lot of stuff in my closet I haven't touched in a long time!!! Can't wait till the weather gets colder so I can wear some of my long sleeved shirts and hoodies I haven't worn in a long time, or haven't worn at all for that matter!

    Good luck to you all.

  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member
    Friday Aug 5th Weigh in = 257

    That puts me at about the 1/2 way mark for what I want to lose. Total lost would be about 108 lbs and put me down to 200. Obviously I haven't been here since high school, so when I get closer I will revaluate my goals based on how I look and feel. I have been dropping pant sizes pretty easily, but not so much in shirt sizes ( a lot of my weight is torso, mostly gut!). I've started to see the difference in the way shirts are fitting and can wear a lot of stuff in my closet I have touched in a long time!!! Can't wait till the weather gets colder so I can wear some of my long sleeved shirts and hoodies I haven't worn in a long time, or haven't worn at all for that matter!

    Good luck to you all.


    Doing great!! I, too, have the apple-belly thing going on, and it does NOT want to go away. LOL! I can be patient though. Great job on dropping 50lbs!!!!


  • Mandalicious
    I hit 132.5 on the scale mid-week and stayed there for weigh-in today. That's ONE WHOLE POUND less than last week! (Even at 1200 calories/day, MFP calculates that I only lose 0.7 lbs/week.) That level of calorie restriction was a little too extreme for me, though, so I think I will be happy with just 0.5 to 1 pound per week in the future. In terms of NSVs this week, I jogged the longest distance of my entire life at 5.1 miles! I bought some denim shorts this week that are too snug now and hung them on my closet door for inspiration. I am hoping to get into them by the end of our challenge!

    Sean and Dave - I am SO happy for you two! Dave - you are just tearing it up on that bike and making great food choices. And Sean - your work at the gym is awesome! Making these daily choices are just helping us relearn how to live healthily.

    Hope to hear from our other regulars today, too. I will be posting a new spreadsheet about 3pm PST.
  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member
    Thanks Mandy! Great job logging in for 80 days in a row, and rock-solid reliable weight loss. Nice NSV too! I hafta think about sommat like that for me. (Not denim shorts tho ... too "Village People" for me. LOL.)


  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Thanks for the comments Mandy! I agree - awesome job on the 80 days of logging in as well as your weight loss!!! Nice work!

    No ride for me today - might throw in the 30DS shred DVD when Samantha takes a nap (soon hopefully!) to get my butt moving today. I'll be riding tomorrow morning as well as Sunday morning, weather permitting.

    Yesterday i went through the closet and tried on a bunch of my older (but still in good shape) clothes and found that I can pretty much wear everything in my closet - some of it is even too big. i threw on the lbs after high school after I was done with soccer and football (as well as living with my grandma for a few years - clean plate club all the time there!). But in the 5 years I've lived in Illinois I think I am at my lowest weight, so it definitely feels great! Hoping I can keep up the discipline and continue the trend!

  • RubyHearts
    Didn't lose anything :(
  • Mandalicious
    New results table up. Sorry it took me so long! Forgot I had a date night with my husband scheduled for yesterday!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    New results table up. Sorry it took me so long! Forgot I had a date night with my husband scheduled for yesterday!

    Thanks Mandy - hope you had a good night! We are sending Samantha to Michigan to visit both sets of grandparents this coming weekend (it is her first trip like this, her mom is a little anxious!) that way we can get working on the babies room and make her room a little more "girly". Hopefully I can get my wife out to a movie or something while the kid is away, it would be nice.