Does this really happen ??



  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I very rarely want any "junk" food anymore. I don't know the last time I had pizza, I don't care to know cause I just don't even like the sound of it anymore. I hate hate hate fast food of any type....that is all I used to eat. Chocolate, ice cream, cookies, cakes, brownies.....just don't really want any of it anymore.
    I think that comes from a true lifestyle change where you rid your body of all the crap in what the stores call food and put in your body what your body truly needs.....nutrients.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    It happens! :)

    I used to be a fast food fiend! The first time that I noticed that fast food wasn't tasting so good was when the company I worked for had their 5-star chef cook lunch for us. (We were a specialty food company, and he was demoing products). The food tasted SO good, that I wondered why I ever thought that fast food was good!

    I went cold turkey on carbs for a couple of weeks to kick my sugar habit, and noticed that the cravings for sugar, white breadI, and grease significantly diminished. I have re-introduced carbs in moderation -- I now eat fruits and more whole-grains.

    I did break down and had a fast food hamburger the other day -- and it was not as good as I had remembered -- I should have ordered the salad!

    Pizza and Ice Cream are still weaknesses for me, and I do have them occasionally. But I don't gorge on them as much as I used to!

    Have you tried Chapmans fat free frozen yogurt?? Honestly, it has replaced my ice cream and is only 90 calories for a half cup! :)
    It actually tastes really good!

    I haven't tried that yet, but I will look. I do have Skinny Cows once in a while, but my favorite ice cream substitute is a South Beach PB Cup: 1 fudgesicle, 1 tablespoon peanut butter, and 1 tablespoon of Cool Whip. YUM!
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    ALL I WANT IS A PIZZA NOW !!!!!!!!

    Have you tried the cauliflower pizza crust? It's a great way to get pizza back!
  • OneTonPony
    OneTonPony Posts: 60
    i was working out and able to change channels from the wii fit, while doing the free step, and a commercial came on for a four cheese dish at olive garden....i almost gagged, i was SO surprised at myself, I LOVE cheese and italian food...i think it's may be a huge turning point for me.. *dances* it'll happen!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    If you really look at what is in all that packaged/processed food, you would start to dislike it also. I really prefer my food fresh, made from a chef or someone paid over minimum wage, and on the healthy side. :wink:
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    i was working out and able to change channels from the wii fit, while doing the free step, and a commercial came on for a four cheese dish at olive garden....i almost gagged, i was SO surprised at myself, I LOVE cheese and italian food...i think it's may be a huge turning point for me.. *dances* it'll happen!
    I am the same way with chain restaurants. I know that a lot of that food is just frozen, and all they have to do is warm it up with butter and other fats or methods. Ewwww! I want fresh food! I'd rather cook at home than eat at those types of places anymore. I sold a gift card I had from OG, and I have another one that I don't really want to use either. Maybe I'll sell it as well.
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    ALL I WANT IS A PIZZA NOW !!!!!!!!

    Have you tried the cauliflower pizza crust? It's a great way to get pizza back!

    Not even heard of it !!!! Will try my best to choose the healthier options when it comes to pizza but a pepperoni passion just makes my mouth water!!! Don't think the other half would appreciate a cauliflower pizza crust being put in front of him either lol xx
  • StrawberrySprinkles
    I have seen quite a few posts, that after a while, people have started to dislike foods such as KFC, Pizza, Burgers and Chips etcetc.

    You know...I'm a fan of KFC...However, after having had a KFC meal recently and gone through to total up how many calories, fat, and other assorted 'not-so-goodies' in it...I don't think I'm as much of a fan.

    When you think about it...those 250 or so calories that are just in one original recipe chicken thigh or the 140 - 170 or so calories in two hot's kind of gross. All is good in moderation, but even for the most basic meal and to eat under 400 - 500 calories, one would need to eat a kids meal without the dessert that comes with it. (Not to mention having to cope with the guilt that comes along with it, especially when there's perfectly tasty and good food at home.)

    I didn't *fully* realize how bad take out pizza was too (this is something I never really ate much of anyway) until I saw someone talking about it on tv. One hour of exercise to burn off one slice.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I have seen quite a few posts, that after a while, people have started to dislike foods such as KFC, Pizza, Burgers and Chips etcetc.

    Is this really going to happen to me??? I could eat pizza 3x per day and although I don't want to stop liking it, pigging out on all the above options, rather than opting for a nice fresh baguette etc would be something I would like to control, but I can never ever see that happening !!!

    Is it all about willpower or do you REALLY start getting a dislike for it? I'm nowhere near disliking fat, greasy, fast - food !!! xx

    I never started disliking any of it. Especially pizza. I dropped enough weight to make a whole new person by eating healthy stuff and exercising. But I never cut anything out completely either. I have pizza all the time. Just in a more sensible manner than I used to.

    Some people might "hate" what they used to, but my taste buds haven't changed.
  • adagolden
    adagolden Posts: 146 Member
    I still crave fast, greasy food....but now I am much better at thinking about what I am about to eat and I am better at telling myself that it's just not worth it, so I don't eat it.
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    I used to live off fast food, seriously, 2-3 meals from an outlet a day... I used to eat KFC about 5-8 times a week....

    And honestly, now, I don't crave it at all. Occasionally i'll have a fancy for pizza or something, but a healthier alternative will quell my craving. I've eaten KFC maybe twice this year and enjoyed it, but it's not made me crazy to have it again like it used to in the past. I never thought this would happen and hadn't really realised that it was happening but I couldn't be more thrilled about it as it's made this whole 'keeping the weight off' easier!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I stopped liking it after a year of not eating it due to an allergy, but there are other things I used to love that I still can eat that I don't like because the richness makes me sick.
  • Maredip
    Maredip Posts: 18 Member
    Its happened with me, but it wasn't much of a stretch. I didn't really care for that stuff to start with it. But after a few months it has amplified my distaste for it. The thing I did notice is it has affected my families desire to have those items. They no longer want them. So I'll take that as success.:flowerforyou: