Paelo Challenge



  • Danthewatcher
    **EDIT: It's the PALEO Challenge...not paelo. It's still early for me guys. Sorry. =_=

    Don't worry too much, we call it "Palelo" where I reside... :bigsmile:
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Started Paleo/Primal a little over 5 months ago. I've dropped about 40 lbs, 6 jean sizes and 12.4% bodyfat. I also incorporate LeanGains intermittent fasting and eat two times a day (a little over 1000 calories per meal) using StrongLifts5x5 for my "lift heavy things" and 45 minute walks for my "walk long distances."

    The only downsides, for some (not me in the case of carb flu) is the first week where many get what they call the "carb flu." Guess these are withdrawals. Never experienced it. When I initially started, whether it was the shock to my system due to change in diet or what, I had a brutal kidney stone return. It was gone within 3 days and everything has been good since. Also have GERD and I've heard that the removal of grains helps rid the GERD for many. Not for me, yet. The increased fat intake may have irritated mine...not in the form of heartburn but more mucousy issues in the throat.

    For me, the upside has been alertness & increased energy levels. I have sleep apnea and even with the CPAP machine I'd still have a lot of "zombie-like" days. Rarely, if ever, have those anymore.

    As far as food goes, farmers markets are a good call for produce. I'd recommend hooking up with a farmer to buy grassfed beef, natural pork, poultry, egss, etc. I buy my beef & pork by the half.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    I've done it quite a while on the stricter side. The only bad part was I had an extended carb flu type feeling. I would not recommend taking the challenge if you have poor willpower to do it cold turkey. Ease into it or you might be scared away from something that could make a big difference in your life, weight, and health.

    It doesn't have to cost much more or even cost more at all. It get's more expensive trying to chase down the organic, grass fed, free range, cage free type of things. You simply buy the best you can afford or are willing to spend. So buy regular eggs instead of Omega 3 organic ones that cost 3 times as much. No biggie. But organic Bananas are only 20 cents more a pound. Organic grass fed beef at my grocery is currently CHEAPER than regular beef.

    The best part for me is not farting all day long of most days and the amazement of how those old foods make me feel if have one of them as a treat.

    My daily english muffin with my eggs was the last thing I gave up. I thought it would be hard to eat eggs in the future. Nope, the entire time it was the butter on the muffin that made it so good with eggs. So, I just melt the butter in with my eggs and have not missed that muffin at all.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Organic grass fed beef at my grocery is currently CHEAPER than regular beef.

    That there is as rare as a Yeti sighting. I'd hop all over as much of that as you can.
  • RiverInTheRoad
    Started Paleo/Primal a little over 5 months ago. I've dropped about 40 lbs, 6 jean sizes and 12.4% bodyfat. I also incorporate LeanGains intermittent fasting and eat two times a day (a little over 1000 calories per meal) using StrongLifts5x5 for my "lift heavy things" and 45 minute walks for my "walk long distances."

    The only downsides, for some (not me in the case of carb flu) is the first week where many get what they call the "carb flu." Guess these are withdrawals. Never experienced it. When I initially started, whether it was the shock to my system due to change in diet or what, I had a brutal kidney stone return. It was gone within 3 days and everything has been good since. Also have GERD and I've heard that the removal of grains helps rid the GERD for many. Not for me, yet. The increased fat intake may have irritated mine...not in the form of heartburn but more mucousy issues in the throat.

    For me, the upside has been alertness & increased energy levels. I have sleep apnea and even with the CPAP machine I'd still have a lot of "zombie-like" days. Rarely, if ever, have those anymore.

    As far as food goes, farmers markets are a good call for produce. I'd recommend hooking up with a farmer to buy grassfed beef, natural pork, poultry, egss, etc. I buy my beef & pork by the half.

    I have had kidney stones before so I know where you're coming from on that. u_u Not fun stuff.

    I also have been looking into farmers around my area and the prices are a little steep but not outrageous (we even have some farmers coming to farmer's markets with their meat). I found an AWESOME site for the whole finding grass-fed meat dilemma. You pick your state and they have a map of all the farms in your state and you can just browse around and see who can offer what. It's really nifty: (just scroll down and click on your state and go to the map on the next page if you don't like the list)

    It does seem very beneficial to buy half a cow though, in terms of price. I just can't front that kind of money up front right now, so I'm stuck with what I got. :/
  • RiverInTheRoad
    **EDIT: It's the PALEO Challenge...not paelo. It's still early for me guys. Sorry. =_=

    Don't worry too much, we call it "Palelo" where I reside... :bigsmile:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    NO WAY I AM GIVING UP COFFEE.. that would not be wise.. things would definitely get ugly!:happy: I am new to all of this so I may be wrong, but I've not seen anything that says caffeine is not paleo.. some of the more experienced paleo/primals want to chime in on that one? and many still eat dairy.
    I wonder if I can join? I ask because I am not exactly Paleo, but very similar. I am not giving up dairy or coffee. Unfortunately, if I had to pick coffee or being skinny, I might just choose coffee. Isn't that sad??
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    There's no real issue with caffeine/coffee. I know that Mark Sisson recommends that you don't go "hog wild" on it because of the cortisol/bodyfat connection.
  • RiverInTheRoad
    The best part for me is not farting all day long of most days and the amazement of how those old foods make me feel if have one of them as a treat.

    I think I'll turn my boyfriend onto this...he farts like it's going out of style!

    I also heard that this diet makes your breath a little stinky and your pee smell to high heaven (because the fat is being released in your pee I think). Is this true?
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    This is a great idea, been Paleo for about 6 months, I love it, I dropping weight, have a ton of energy, and have met some great people here as a result.

    There is a bunch of us that already have a running thread, over here.

    But this is a great idea and I will be checking this one as well, now.

    Oh, and Holy Crap you have a wolverine in your avatar, no wonder you want to try Paleo.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I also heard that this diet makes your breath a little stinky and your pee smell to high heaven (because the fat is being released in your pee I think). Is this true?

    Don't know about the breath part but I will say that taking in my carbs from mostly veggies and occasional fruit has improved my dental hygeine (teeth). Bet the cavities aren't there. Haven't noticed with the pee.
  • Danthewatcher
    I also heard that this diet makes your breath a little stinky and your pee smell to high heaven (because the fat is being released in your pee I think). Is this true?

    Even if it did...the health benefits are worth an extra pack of Listerine strips and a few extra moments before opening the bathroom door after you're done...
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    The best part for me is not farting all day long of most days and the amazement of how those old foods make me feel if have one of them as a treat.

    I think I'll turn my boyfriend onto this...he farts like it's going out of style!

    I also heard that this diet makes your breath a little stinky and your pee smell to high heaven (because the fat is being released in your pee I think). Is this true?

    No, that is Ketosis and you get there by really low carb, somewhere around 20 grams or less. You shouldn't experience anything like that on regular old Paleo.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    The best part for me is not farting all day long of most days and the amazement of how those old foods make me feel if have one of them as a treat.

    I think I'll turn my boyfriend onto this...he farts like it's going out of style!

    I also heard that this diet makes your breath a little stinky and your pee smell to high heaven (because the fat is being released in your pee I think). Is this true?

    No, that is Ketosis and you get there by really low carb, somewhere around 20 grams or less. You shouldn't experience anything like that on regular old Paleo.

    I'm in daily ketosis (test with the strips) and haven't really noticed. I've been in ketosis for months though.
  • shesnotthere
    shesnotthere Posts: 117
    It doesn't have to cost much more or even cost more at all. It get's more expensive trying to chase down the organic, grass fed, free range, cage free type of things. You simply buy the best you can afford or are willing to spend. So buy regular eggs instead of Omega 3 organic ones that cost 3 times as much. No biggie. But organic Bananas are only 20 cents more a pound. Organic grass fed beef at my grocery is currently CHEAPER than regular beef.

    You're the exception to the rule with beef prices. It's 2x as expensive at least and I am already on a tight budget. I do buy pastured eggs because they aren't that much more and the yolks are so much oranger. I can't go back to battery eggs. Blech. Luckily we're in a great time of year for local veggies!

    And ya, the no farting thing is funny. You totally change your microbial flora when you stop eating carbs.
  • RiverInTheRoad
    This is a great idea, been Paleo for about 6 months, I love it, I dropping weight, have a ton of energy, and have met some great people here as a result.

    There is a bunch of us that already have a running thread, over here.

    But this is a great idea and I will be checking this one as well, now.

    Oh, and Holy Crap you have a wolverine in your avatar, no wonder you want to try Paleo.

    Thanks for the link to the other thread. :3 And yes, I love me some wolverines. Some people think it's a bear or a beaver or something and I can't help but lol. :P
  • shesnotthere
    shesnotthere Posts: 117
    NO WAY I AM GIVING UP COFFEE.. that would not be wise.. things would definitely get ugly!:happy: I am new to all of this so I may be wrong, but I've not seen anything that says caffeine is not paleo.. some of the more experienced paleo/primals want to chime in on that one? and many still eat dairy.
    I wonder if I can join? I ask because I am not exactly Paleo, but very similar. I am not giving up dairy or coffee. Unfortunately, if I had to pick coffee or being skinny, I might just choose coffee. Isn't that sad??

    Sorry I didn't mean to imply that. I can't give up the DAIRY in my coffee.
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    Bump for later
  • RiverInTheRoad
    I also heard that this diet makes your breath a little stinky and your pee smell to high heaven (because the fat is being released in your pee I think). Is this true?

    Even if it did...the health benefits are worth an extra pack of Listerine strips and a few extra moments before opening the bathroom door after you're done...

    Agreed, you guys all make excellent points. I think there was a study WAY back where they had found a tribe of indigenous people eating (obviously) what came from their environments and their teeth were immaculate and they never had to brush them or anything and never had cavities (not saying I'm going to stop brushing my teeth lol, don't worry). But after the researchers introduced a "western diet" (sugars, carbs and all that jazz) their teeth (and health) started rotting and falling out and such. I'm going to try and find the study tomorrow when I'm not at work but I just thought I'd throw that in there for good measure.