Paelo Challenge



  • **EDIT: It's the PALEO Challenge...not paelo. It's still early for me guys. Sorry. =_=

    Don't worry too much, we call it "Palelo" where I reside... :bigsmile:

    lol, that's my bad :blushing:

    Why Miss Kim, as the OP and originating source for a wonderful thing, you get full immunity in whatever you do on here!
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Count me in... I've thought it over for the past few hours. I need to clean up my diet. I've been doing mostly low carb but I've been lazy and eating fast food :( I really need this 30 days to clean it back up again! I'll be starting with the rest of you on Monday... I'm making out some meal plans now.
  • shesnotthere
    shesnotthere Posts: 117
    All right folks, I need a vote here. I can either keep us as one big group or I can split us up into teams of 3-4 to keep it tight knit and really focused. The challenge is not closed yet but will be closing on Sunday at 7:00pm (so I can split teams up if that's what we want). I recommend all members of this challenge add at least one current paleo for motivation and individual support as well. Doesn't hurt to keep in touch with someone that's been through the beginning "carb crash" and beyond. :3 Here is the current list of participants:


    If I missed you or you would like to join (or un-join for that matter), please PM me and I will update the list.

    I vote for one big group, but I am ok either way.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I like the big group idea better... doesn't seem like a huge group so it'll probably be intimate and manageable still.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I like the idea of a big group if only to have more variety of suggestions for recipes and stuff. I will start adding as friends too.

    I think the biggest challenges for me are going to be breakfast and eating out. I have made salmon frittatas in a muffin tins and frozen them as a start, and I just picked up a recipe for sweet potato cakes (will post in a bit) which I may freeze as well - that way I can just throw a couple of things in the microwave in the morning. I'll miss my beloved porridge first thing though!!!!
  • kellibean13
    kellibean13 Posts: 92 Member
    I like the idea of a big group if only to have more variety of suggestions for recipes and stuff. I will start adding as friends too.

    I think the biggest challenges for me are going to be breakfast and eating out. I have made salmon frittatas in a muffin tins and frozen them as a start, and I just picked up a recipe for sweet potato cakes (will post in a bit) which I may freeze as well - that way I can just throw a couple of things in the microwave in the morning. I'll miss my beloved porridge first thing though!!!!

    You can scramble eggs in a mug in the microwave, too. Also: Applegate Farms makes some lovely organic, preservative-free, Paleo friendly chicken apple breakfast sausages that cook up in five minutes.

    Eating out has been surprisingly easy for me! I just make good healthy choices and it all seems to work out in the end.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I vote for one big group
  • dawLs
    dawLs Posts: 84
    ok so i really want to join but i have a few questions and the great firewall of china has prevented me from looking at most websites...
    what about wine?
    im going on vacay in a week to see the terracotta warriers and i know there will be partying involved...
    yay or nay?
    either way count me in!
  • A couple years ago I did a diet that was very similar to the Paleo diet. I lost about 20 pounds in about 3 months (more or less, it was mainly about inches). But I didn't cut out any kind of dairy or fruits. I just ate "less", in a sense. They weren't portioned, at all.
    What I can tell you is that it's a difficult lifestyle to switch to. You're so use to eating 3+ meals everyday, and the Paleo teaches you that you should wait till you are hungry; possibly skipping meals. This way of eating is VERY helpful in trying to lose weight, but people don't seem to understand what hunger feels like. For me, when I get hungry, my stomach growls. I have read some articles where they say that it's bad to wait for that growl, but in reality, it's not. And don't worry, if your stomach doesn't growl the first day, that's okay! Your body will know when to signal you.
    IF you think you are hungry, pop some gum in your mouth and chew it for a few minutes, or even drink some water and wait. The water thing really helps because it gives you an extra 10 minutes for your body to signal you again.
    When you do eat, eat your favorite thing FIRST. Like say you wanted a piece of cake, eat it first if you really want it, then worry about the rest of your food when you finish. (Seriously, that's what I did, along with walking for 30 minutes everyday.)
    I think I'm going to switch back to this, it's just easier to not count calories. But this kind of change requires A LOT of discipline.
    I wish you guys luck!
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I've found that it's an easier and more intuitive way to eat... I don't stuff myself, I have skipped meals simply because I wasn't hungry, and some days I've eaten significantly more calories than other days... it seems to all work out in the end of you're cutting out all those grains, processed carbs, breads, sugar and such. I feel amazing and inches have efforlessly come off already, and I've just half-assed it for the past two months in some cases... The most important thing is to cut out all sugar and processed carbs/grains.
  • ok so i really want to join but i have a few questions and the great firewall of china has prevented me from looking at most websites...
    what about wine?
    im going on vacay in a week to see the terracotta warriers and i know there will be partying involved...
    yay or nay?
    either way count me in!

    As far as I know, red wine is a'okay. Though you might want to take it easy on quantities but I don't think we'll hang it over your head if you get blasted. :P
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Riverintheroad I want to join also ... althou I've already started Primal back in Feb. I started a new thread
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    All right folks, I need a vote here. I can either keep us as one big group or I can split us up into teams of 3-4 to keep it tight knit and really focused. The challenge is not closed yet but will be closing on Sunday at 7:00pm (so I can split teams up if that's what we want). I recommend all members of this challenge add at least one current paleo for motivation and individual support as well. Doesn't hurt to keep in touch with someone that's been through the beginning "carb crash" and beyond. :3 Here is the current list of participants:


    If I missed you or you would like to join (or un-join for that matter), please PM me and I will update the list.

    I vote for one big group, but I am ok either way.

    I vote for one big group also --- but I am already paleo so Idk if i fit into the challenge?
  • i vote one big group since its not that many people.

    also, i stocked up on groceries this week- mostly veggies and some fish. I figure I'll start off with fish and venison since they are low fat and don't have the chemicals (and are cheaper for me). :)
    I also cute up veggies and put them in sandwich baggies so i can quickly make my "veggie omelet" in the mornings.

    ill do measurements tonight- its a great idea to not only see lb loss but inches lost!
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    one group
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    We went shopping today and the fridge is stocked!! No more fast food for me this week :)
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    roasted a chicken yesterday in preparation - and stunk the house out by making stock with the bones in the slwo cooker overnight!!!!

    curiously I went to an all-you-can-eat asian buffet last night, and avoided all grains - only having meat and veg where I could see that they didn't appear to incorporate grains (sometimes things get snuck in. I didn't feel stuffed at all, even after about 3 plates of meat and veg with some fish. I could perhaps have eaten more, and this worries me a bit - I am going to have to figure out what hunger is, because previously I think I have measured satiety by feeling bloated by carbs.

    had salmon frittata with sweet potato fritters for breakfast. Slipped a bit as had a lucozade on the way to work but that was to deal with the hangover.....
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    had salmon frittata with sweet potato fritters for breakfast.

    wowsers... that sounds great!! do you have a recipe for the salmon frittata?? :)
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    had salmon frittata with sweet potato fritters for breakfast.

    wowsers... that sounds great!! do you have a recipe for the salmon frittata?? :)

    um just threw it together really - a few eggs, beaten, some smoked salmon (because it needed eating really), herbs, and some finely chopped samphire.

    Then I poured the mix into a muffin tin (so I could get individual portions - a trick I picked up from MFP) and put in the oven on a fairly low heat for about 20 minutes.

    it's the sort of thing I just mess around with and throw a load of veggies in.
  • curiously I went to an all-you-can-eat asian buffet last night, and avoided all grains - only having meat and veg where I could see that they didn't appear to incorporate grains (sometimes things get snuck in. I didn't feel stuffed at all, even after about 3 plates of meat and veg with some fish. I could perhaps have eaten more, and this worries me a bit - I am going to have to figure out what hunger is, because previously I think I have measured satiety by feeling bloated by carbs.

    I think you hit the nail on the head when you said " I could perhaps have eaten more, and this worries me a bit - I am going to have to figure out what hunger is, because previously I think I have measured satiety by feeling bloated by carbs". There is mention of a "carb crash" for the first couple days to a week or so (depends on you personally). I would try eating more meats maybe if you aren't feeling satisfied. Here's a helpful article on eating slow from zen habits[I love this site!]: