muscle DOES NOT weigh more than fat!!!!



  • chridow
    chridow Posts: 178
    But it does. Say you have a cubic foot of muscle and a cubic foot of fat. The muscle will weigh more.

    what you are talking about is VOLUME, which is different from weight. weight has to do with the force of gravity on an object, while volume has to do with the amount of space occupied by an object. it's why something that weighs 20lbs on Earth may weigh more or less on another planet. If nothing about the object has changed the only difference would be the force of gravity on the object, thus affecting it's WEIGHT. People often use weight and volume interchangeably, though they are different. In your example the ONLY reason a cubic foot of muscle may weigh more than a cubic foot of fat is because there is MORE MUSCLE within the same space the fat has. HOWEVER a pound is a pound. if i had a ton of bricks and a ton of feathers and put them on a balancing scale the scale would be EVEN. the amount of space each occupies would be drastically different, but just as a pound is a pound, a ton is a ton
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    Exactly.....Muscle is just more dense than fat. So the volumes of each substance weigh differently..... Like a cup of marshmallows will not weigh the same as a cup of sand.... That's VOLUME.... And a POUND of marshmellows will take up much more space than a pound of sand.....Density..... :flowerforyou:
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    Yesterday, there was a thread where people talked about things people say that irked them, phrases. This time it's a lack of precision with language that technically does mean something. If you've ever been irked by something about a way someone said something, and I know many people have, this thread makes sense.
  • bella8282
    bella8282 Posts: 188 Member
    Honestly? Do you need a whole thread to tell people that pound is a pound? When people say that muscle weighs more than fat they mean by volume. Anyone who is able to use this website will know that a pound is a pound. So are you saying that steel weighs the same as fethers? and water same as air? and everything in the world weighs the same, just have a different size? And you weigh the same as me, as pound of you = a pound of me? MUSCLE WEIGHS MORE THAN FAT BY VOLUME. thats what people mean. Dont insult anyones intelligence.

    I dont think he was meaning to insult anyone's Inteligence.
    I know of people who actually think and believe that muscle weigh's more than fat. seriously!! and i'm not talking about uneducated or "slow" individuals... I'm taling about just normal everyday people who have heard the saying and think that it's true, and dont get the volume thing at all! :)
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    You know what makes me wants to scream? People that think people don’t know this, AUGGG. Everyone knows a freaking pound is a pound, when people say muscle weighs more than fat they are not saying a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat, GODD GREEF CHARLIE BROWN, they are saying a gallon of muscle weighs more than a gallon of fat. GET OVER IT!
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Honestly? Do you need a whole thread to tell people that pound is a pound? When people say that muscle weighs more than fat they mean by volume. Anyone who is able to use this website will know that a pound is a pound. So are you saying that steel weighs the same as fethers? and water same as air? and everything in the world weighs the same, just have a different size? And you weigh the same as me, as pound of you = a pound of me? MUSCLE WEIGHS MORE THAN FAT BY VOLUME. thats what people mean. Dont insult anyones intelligence.

    Nicely said!!!!

    My Doctor told me muscle weighs more than FAT! If you are eating healthy, and working out and not seeing a response on the scale it is probably due to muscle gain. Because muscle weighs more than fat!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    "I dont think he was meaning to insult anyone's Inteligence.
    I know of people who actually think and believe that muscle weigh's more than fat. seriously!! and i'm not talking about uneducated or "slow" individuals... I'm taling about just normal everyday people who have heard the saying and think that it's true, and dont get the volume thing at all! :)"

    Quoted from previous poster, not sure why the quote didn't take.

    Muscle does weigh more than fat due to density. Just because the statement "muscle weighs more than fat" does not include clarification of the properties of the two does not change the fact.
  • ampharos
    ampharos Posts: 5
    In your example the ONLY reason a cubic foot of muscle may weigh more than a cubic foot of fat is because there is MORE MUSCLE within the same space the fat has.
    Which is exactly what the statement "muscle weighs more than fat" means, yeah.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I have a co-worker who is CONSTANTLY using words in improper context or using words completely outside any meaning they could possibly have. It grates on me. I try not to let it. It's the inanity of someone who keeps using words incorrectly. Not just once in a day, but pretty much all day. After so many times, it can start to get to someone.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    sorry to burst your bubble but people are still going to say this whether or not you ***** about it. Get over it. If you dont like what someone says, ignore, move on. Ha, maybe i should take my own advice :wink:
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    Seriously, does anyone really believe 1lb of something doesn't weigh the same as 1lb of something else? Honestly, I get as annoyed seeing people arguing over the semantics and posting threads like this as you clearly do about people mis-using a word.

    So someone is using the word weight instead of the word density? I find it hard to believe that the majority of people who write "muscle weighs more than fat" misunderstand weights and volumes, they are just misusing a word.

    If someone is genuinely going to misunderstand the phrase "muscle weighs more than fat" and seriously believe that 1lb of muscles weighs more than 1lb of fat, they sure as hell aren't going to be any clearer on the facts than if I said "muscle is denser than fat".

    Can you explain lmao............
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    Seriously, does anyone really believe 1lb of something doesn't weigh the same as 1lb of something else? Honestly, I get as annoyed seeing people arguing over the semantics and posting threads like this as you clearly do about people mis-using a word.

    So someone is using the word weight instead of the word density? I find it hard to believe that the majority of people who write "muscle weighs more than fat" misunderstand weights and volumes, they are just misusing a word.

    If someone is genuinely going to misunderstand the phrase "muscle weighs more than fat" and seriously believe that 1lb of muscles weighs more than 1lb of fat, they sure as hell aren't going to be any clearer on the facts than if I said "muscle is denser than fat".

    Can you explain lmao............

    Shes p!ssed..........on champerz lol
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Honestly? Do you need a whole thread to tell people that pound is a pound? When people say that muscle weighs more than fat they mean by volume. Anyone who is able to use this website will know that a pound is a pound. So are you saying that steel weighs the same as fethers? and water same as air? and everything in the world weighs the same, just have a different size? And you weigh the same as me, as pound of you = a pound of me? MUSCLE WEIGHS MORE THAN FAT BY VOLUME. thats what people mean. Dont insult anyones intelligence.

    People don't understand... this is one of the BIGGEST misconceptions on this site (that I've seen.)
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    Can you explain lmao............
    sorry, you just wouldn't get it :P
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    Amen! And while we're at it QUIT USING THE WORD LOOSE FOR LOSE, and QUIT INSISTING THAT YOUR BODY WILL GO INTO "STARVATION MODE" if you don't eat back your exercise calories! Do what works for you, come here for motivation and support and the tools this site provides, but don't think any one way is THE way! Thanks, rant over.

    thank you! starvation mode is not something that can happen overnight. i dont eat back my exercise calories and have yet to starve! and im losing weight and gaining muscle. dieting/eating healthy/exercising is not a "one size fits all" kind of thing!
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    I don't really have a problem with the whole, "muscle weighs more than fat," thing - however, I needed a thread to vent in and this one seemed as good as any:


    There, I feel better :drinker:
  • Kristinemillar
    If you want to be accurate about it, Muscle is more dense than fat so therefore a smaller volume of muscle will weigh more.

    Hence, how you can lose inches but not weight....
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Honestly? Do you need a whole thread to tell people that pound is a pound? When people say that muscle weighs more than fat they mean by volume. Anyone who is able to use this website will know that a pound is a pound. So are you saying that steel weighs the same as fethers? and water same as air? and everything in the world weighs the same, just have a different size? And you weigh the same as me, as pound of you = a pound of me? MUSCLE WEIGHS MORE THAN FAT BY VOLUME. thats what people mean. Dont insult anyones intelligence.

    Nicely said!!!!

    My Doctor told me muscle weighs more than FAT! If you are eating healthy, and working out and not seeing a response on the scale it is probably due to muscle gain. Because muscle weighs more than fat!

    Your doctor is completely wrong.

    If we gained muscle that quickly we'd all look like Mr. Olympia.

    I'm being completely serious, though. If you see a response on the scale, I have a big secret to let everyone in on:

    YOUR BODY'S WEIGHT FLUCTUATES DUE TO WATER. Our bodies themselves are, of course, mostly water. Retention, loss, retention, loss. You eat, you lose waste, process repeated. Over time, you'll lose some fat. Gaining (adding) muscle mass, though, is a very slow process over time. We can develop muscle fiber, but to add mass - not easy; not fast.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    a lb is a lb, BUT a lb of muscle is a heck of a lot smaller then a lb of fat.