Splenda...Good or Bad?



  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Splenda contains chlorine according to "Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills"

    So does any municipal water supply.
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    Not splenda specifically (funnily enough it's not sweet enough for me) but I'm a big tea drinker (in the uk it's *always* hot and with mik - sugar optional) and i've had saccharin sweeteners in my tea for as long as i've been old enough to drink it - we're probably talking 16 years. Is it a coincidence that I got the habit from my mum, and we both battle to lose weight? I don't know.

    I'd really like to kick the habit and just have it plain, it's just a comfort thing, the taste of it. Luckily I absolutely hate sugar in drinks - tea with sugar, full fat coke etc. I hate the taste it leaves in your mouth.