Real Life Ghost Stories



  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    Documents and Settings\Diane Billie\My Documents\My Pictures\Randomites\Whatev! 046.jpg[img][/img]
  • LaPistolaSexola
    LaPistolaSexola Posts: 243 Member
    bump. i swear i'm going to read these one the day time....when i'm not home alone......

    anyone else wanna scare me?
  • Cornock
    Cornock Posts: 254
    When I was Sixteen I was right into the occult and that stuff and went to a catholic school. In the library I found a book 'Jasons Diary' about a kid who got mixed up in a satanic cult. It was all very dark and pretty full on. The night I finished it I put the book down and my light was still on, I was lying on my side looking towards the window (closed of course) and then felt someone in the room and then it felt like someone sat on the bed, I could actually feel the bed depress. I was so petrified I coulkd not move. The weight lifted from the bed and I looked around quickly... no one was there...
  • Sis73
    Sis73 Posts: 28 Member
    Love this thread. I hope to read more!
  • LaPistolaSexola
    LaPistolaSexola Posts: 243 Member
    bump. It's halloween & I still haven't read these stories.
    but i will.

    just not today.

    wanna add yours?
  • coloradocuppiecake
    I believe in ghosts. I co-founded a paranormal team here in Colorado. I have recently left the team due to burn out.
    I have seen alot of things you cannot explain. I have heard alot of things also. My two most scary things that happened
    to me was while investigating a place in Manitou Springs we were upstairs in the solarium and were asking questions,
    taking pictures and I had the need to just get out of there. Later, after I had gotten home and undressed I felt like I had
    hit something with my back. Nope, I had a hand print burned into my back. You know how a sunburn feels, well this is
    how that felt and you could see the entire hand. In the morning when I got up, only a few finger marks were still there.
    I was going through my pics and found there was a hooded figure in the pictures and when I lightened it, you could see
    like a skeletal dog face. Pretty freaky. No one was even in that corner and no one was that short. It was about as tall as
    an 11 yr old.
    Second thing happened in Central City. We were filming for the tv show Haunts. The first night we got there, we all
    stayed in the haunted hotel. There were only 5 rooms. So it was the producer, the camera man, the director and us.
    Every one that night had the same nightmare. Which is weird enough. Later that night while investigating the Antique
    store that was below the hotel, we all went into the back area where they fixed all the new stock. I was last in line and
    out of no where the huge room divider slammed together and came flying at me and hit me just below my shoulder.
    It sailed over stock and weighed like 25 pounds and was almost 7ft tall. That along with touches all night long was
    enough for me. Later we found out that a quilt rack was broken perfectly in half that night.
    Those are my two scariest, but had enough interesting things to last a long while.
  • Cornock
    Cornock Posts: 254
    Best Story ever!

    That is so spooky, skeletal hooded dog face, I can only think of Anubis... Are there references to a spirit like that with the Native americans from that area!

    I'd love to hear more from you @ coloradocuppieca
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :drinker: Keep them coming!!
  • noogie98
    noogie98 Posts: 424 Member
    definitely want to see more of these!! Loving this thread! :wink:
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    My grandma passed a few months before I had my first baby. She gave me her armoir. I loved that thing as a kid. It was huge and beautifully carved and she kept all her perfumes, jewelry and special things in there. I used to always open it and look at all the pretty things and daydream. Anyways.... I put it in the nursery. After my daughter was born, I would smell my grandmas perfume coming from the room. It generally happened when the baby was crying. As my daughter got older - she would talk and coo to it. When she got even older still.... she would babble "gama" to it. I told my mother this and she freaked out and took it from me. Its in her home now and she hasnt ever had any "issues" with it.
  • judith3
    judith3 Posts: 296 Member
    When i was little and we were living in Portales, NM i woke up one night to go to the bathroom as i opened the door to the bathroom to go back to bed there was a little boy about the same age as me standing right in front of me i just looked at him and then he ran down the hall towards my parents room and disappeared into the wall i just went back to bed to this day no one believes me and idk why but ive always had a feeling that the little boy died in a factory fire

    Also once i was at a store looking at a dress rack and out of the corner of my eye i saw this little girl in a dress standing right behind me i turned quickly and there was noone there i looked past all the isles and even under the rack there were no little girls anywhere near me.

    Heres another when we lived in an apartment in phoenix i hated waking up and going to the bathroom at night it terrified me i could just feel something there i would run from the bathroom and back idk what it was but it brought me to tears i always felt like he was getting closer to catching me and then we moved thank god

    ok i have one more ill post later lol
  • coloradocuppiecake
    Best Story ever!

    That is so spooky, skeletal hooded dog face, I can only think of Anubis... Are there references to a spirit like that with the Native americans from that area!

    I'd love to hear more from you @ coloradocuppieca
    Here is the pic. I will say it again, the only thing that has been done to the pic is that it has been lightened.
  • Cornock
    Cornock Posts: 254
    Pretty spooky for sure! Sent a shiver down my spine....
  • tasnim81
    tasnim81 Posts: 91 Member
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :heart: I love reading these!!
  • Leyla135
    I do believe in them. I was bout 7 yrs old, i shared a room with my three cousins. We were laying on the floor , i had to say it was real late everyone in the house was asleep. For some reason 2 of my cousins and i were still up we all saw a man standing in the doorway leaning against the doorway looking at us, he had one leg crossed over the other and a cowboy hat on. As we were looking back we were scared out of our minds, my other cousin down the hallway got up to use the bathroom, he saw the same thing. He quickly turned on the light and then it was gone. I still can remember that night like it was yesterday. In that same house many wierd incidents happened. We had a family gathering one and we were all in the front room, my cousin had went to the room to get something i dont remember what it was, but she came running out of that room screaming and crying she was scared , when she finally calmed down she said she saw a mans face out the window with eyes that looked like fire. Kettleman city, ca., was a small town back then. Alot of people who lived in that town had some kind of wierd incident. Glad im not there.:devil:
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    PLENTY of experiences. Many like here. But I think the best experience actually comes from one of my best friends at the time my wife passed.

    She was taking a shower and kept hearing whispers. Thinking it was her daughter playing games, she got out and called for her daughter, who at the moment was in the back yard. While getting dressed, she hear the whispering again. The air around her went bone chilling cold and the lights flickered once. Then the feeling of dred came over her. Knowing my wife was in the CICU and in a diabetic coma, she yelled out "Kristina, get back in your body NOW". at that moment, all the fire alarms in the house went off and the lights in the bathroom all "popped" dead.

    Around that timing, my wife had slipped into cardiac arrest at the hospital. she was revived and passed 3 weeks later. I hear her whispers from time to time and her wedding ring always moves back to the same spot on my bedside if I happen to "put it away" safe..
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I had a brother who died after being hit by a car when I was 12, he was 11. He use to haunt me. One time he tried to push me down the stairs. He was a real poltergeist. Haven't seen him in a while.
    When I was 22 my sister passed of cancer 2 months after giving birth. It was cancer of the placenta. When she passed I was home sleeping. She appeared over my bed and took my hands. I asked her why she was so cold. All she would say is " I have to go, I have to go, but take care of the kids for me." "This is so cool, it's so cool". She left 2 children 1- 2 years and 1- 2 months old.
    She disapeared, I rolled over and the phone rang. It was my Dad, he said your sister just passed away.
    I raised her kids for her.