what do you think about while exercising?



    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    I LOVE my work out time. It's my "me time" during the day. I pop in a Podcast and it's like I'm listening to an old friend. When it's safe (like on the elliptical) I love to close my eyes and day dream. Sometimes I picture what I'm listening to. Sometimes I focus on how different parts of my body are feeling in a passive way. I observe the feeling, note it, and let it go.
    Another thing I do is close my eyes and visualize how my body will look as all of this work pays off - in a bikini on a cruise, or dancing w/ my husband in my wedding gown, etc.

    Sometimes, I look in the mirror while I'm working out and "break up" with different parts of my body that I'm working on. Like "Dear butt, we've had some good times over the years. You've been pretty good to me. You've always been there for me when I'm fallen. You've stored all the junk I've thrown down my throat and made sitting day a comfortable place to be. But saddly, who I am on the side has outgrown what you are on the outside. It's time for me to move on to chairs with more room, pants with less junk in the trunk, and bending over without getting high on crack. I know this isn't going to be easy for either of us, but it's time we both moved on."
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    I got some good ones: I think about how my wife betrayed me after being together for 10 years. about beating the **** out of the other dude. I think about my new single life and how I gotta look good. and finally I imagine having to run to save my son's life...that one really gets me going!
  • DestinyDarbi
    DestinyDarbi Posts: 260 Member
    HA I loved this!!!!!!!! When I do exercise, I usually go for a jog, and what I see usually influences what I'm thinking. Like, when a Lexus drives by, I think about the driver and what kind of job they have and why the heck I got stuck driving a Cavalier for the past 7 years...
    Then I might see someone walking their dog, and I'll think about the movie "101 Dalmations" and how those puppies are so cute. Then, of course, I'll want a dog.
    But, more often than none, I think about how hard it's getting to breathe, and I'll start counting my steps. Your thoughts about your boobs is the best though.. I'll probably be thinking about THAT the next time I'm out for a jog!
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    Podcasts I like to Listen to include:
    (TIP: PODCASTS ARE FREE! If you have Itunes, just search the Itunes store about anything that interests you and you'll find some great ones: or try out the ones I like below!)

    This Running Life - by Gordon Harvey. He's just a typical 40 something family man who has turned his life around! Not a celebrity. He doesn't get paid for this. Just shares his life because he loves it. Every episode makes me feel like I'm listening to an old friend.
    WDWRadio - I'm a HUGE Disney fan, and I'm always surprised at how much amazing stuff there is to learn!
    Mousetalgia - Disney fan podcast
    MOZ (aka Mail Order Zombie) - a fun podcast that reviews Zombie movies (good, bad, indy, etc) and post apocolyptic books. They are just a couple (husband and wife) who podcast for fun, but it's really well produced and it raises some great societal and philosophical subjects!
    Window to The Magic - Another Disney Fan podcast, but this one is unique. The host wears mics on his ears as he travels around Disneyland. Then he edits them into hour length episodes so you feel like you're right there on a ride or in the park!
  • sezp
    sezp Posts: 69
    I've only really just started running properly, so I'm still not in the 'zone' when I run. In fact, what I think about is something like this: "OK, this is going OK..oooops slow down, that's better...my legs feel OK....forgot about my breathing, yep that's good at the moment. That must be 10 minutes by now, I'm doing good. Breathe." And then further into the run, I start to think stuff like "It's only 25 minutes, you're three quarters of the way there, keep going. Yes, your legs are tired, but just keep going... if the contestants can run a marathon on the biggest loser, then you can run for 25 minutes."

    Maybe when I'm more used to it and realise that I don't have to worry every second about how I'm doing and if I'll make it to my target duration, then I'll start to think about other stuff, but for now, it kind of amuses me.

    Cycling though, I process everything that I need to get clear in my head from that day/week. I actually spend a good amount of my rides just plain thinking "I LOVE this. Just me, the open road, rolling hills, amazing" and that in itself is a pretty good thing to be thinking!!
  • caitmarshhh
    caitmarshhh Posts: 69 Member
    I think about all kinds of things. I basically people watch the whole time, sometimes glancing at one of the tvs to see what's on. I tend to wonder about how other people view themselves and a lot of times I compare myself to them. Too often I see someone I know and just try to avoid eye contact, haha. Then every once in a while I'll look straight ahead at the huge mirror across the gym and think "why did I just do that?" I don't know why but whenever I watch myself running my breathing gets messed up and everything suddenly seems more difficult.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I find myself gazing off into space when I'm concentrating, LOLOL. Either that or thinking about the music videos from the song I'm listening to. I dunno. I totally let loose when I work out. If I have a problem, there's no way I think about it when I workout. :)
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    these are great!

    On the elliptical or treadmill, I wander a lot. Sometimes I break out into random dance moves too. haha. Mostly though, when I get tired and want to push, I close my eyes and think that Im running a race. And that all my supporters are there at the finish waiting for me. I push and push until I hit the finish line.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    haha too funny.

    I pretty much just check out everyone in the gym....notice the ones who I aspire to have the results of...and notice the cute boys :) (I'm only human) :happy:
  • AmandaB2229
    "Jillian, you are an evil genius."
    "Jillian, you're evil."
    "Jillian, I hate you."
    "Phew. Y'know, I feel pretty good."
    "Is it over already?" [Seriously. When I get to the end, I really do feel SO charged up I feel like I could do more.]
  • AmandaB2229
    hahahaha....I curse Jillian too, but feel awesome afterwards! I curse Bob from time to time as well!
  • LLaDonna
    LLaDonna Posts: 126
    I got some good ones: I think about how my wife betrayed me after being together for 10 years. about beating the **** out of the other dude. I think about my new single life and how I gotta look good. and finally I imagine having to run to save my son's life...that one really gets me going!

    Having to run to save your child?! Damn. That made my heart beat fast and gave me mild anxiety. Sometimes I'm a little too empathetic.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    Wow folks! I loved all of these they were great so funny and inspirational.

    So it's not just me that has a wandering crazy mind....

    Sometimes my husband and I will have a conversation and then try to back track how we even ended up on the topic we were on...those are fun moments too.

    Oh thank God I never did drugs or my mind droppings would be way WAY more crazy.

    keep em coming I love it!
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    Why am I up so damn early?
    I'm 45 minutes closer to looking like Ryan Reynolds.
    Damn I sweat a lot.
    One day I'll see my feet when I look down.
    Man, I would really injure myself if I fell off this elliptical machine.
    My arms hurt.
    I really need to get an HRM so I'll know what I'm really burning.
    One day you'll be mine! (As I stare at the calendar girl hanging right in front of the machine).
    This better pay off?
    Where am I gonna get the money to replace my entire wardrobe if this really pays off?

    These are the few things that run through my mind.....

    Loved this! My hubby and I got a kick out of this!
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    If that chick on the Wii Zumba tells me one more I'm doing great when I know I look like a lumbering elephant I will choke her. Why am I screaming at a video game? this is not a video game. I remember video games. Ms. Pacman! I rocked Ms Pacman. I can't breath. I hope my son remember hows to call 911. IthinkI'mdying. Wait. It's over? Yes! I did it!

    Oh my God!!! too true I have had to remind my kids about 911 too and if they hear a loud thunk it means mommy fell of the treadmill again and remember to put the damn Wii on pause and come down to check on me please.
  • SunnyDispo619
    If I'm in cardio kickboxing, I think that I must be in a time warp, because the clock is not moving, and how I might not survive until the end. If I'm in the early portion of a run, I try to envision myself in my ideal physical condition running a half marathon. Then when the pain sets in, I think about how it might be inconvenient to walk on stubs if my feet fall off. On the elliptical, I pretty much imagine being a rock star singing whatever song is on my iPod at the moment. I have to keep myself from singing out loud. I think the management would frown upon that.
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    Loved it!
    Things going through my mind (when I walk):
    Please, God, don't let either of my dogs poop in someone's yard
    Oh, I hope Ariel doesn't try to attack other dogs- better walk another route so we don't see those dogs that are always loose
    I sure hope I don't need to go to the bathroom once I get halfway there
    Oh! That tree smells good!
    Wow, the sun's barely over the horizon, I'm walking in the shade, and I'm soaked with sweat- nasty!
    Did anyone just see me wipe my face with the bottom of my shirt? bet that big white belly was quite a shock
    Why is that man carrying a big stick?
    Why does Ariel think she has to sniff of people?
    Oh, that's probably why he's carrying the big stick... I need to get a stick
    Oooo, ooo, oo! A stick!
    Ugh, carrying a stick with two dog leashes is not easy
    Ugh, wiping my face with the bottom of my shirt while carrying a big stick and two dog leashes, while one dog tries to bite the neighbor's dog through the fence is not easy
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    Sometimes I wonder about what I'm going to be eating later or what I'll be fixing for dinner. :laugh:

    And I've wondered several times (while doing the 30 day shred) Does Jillian ever just shut the f up during this? and Why can't I slap her through the tv screen, I'd feel so much better! :laugh:

    While walking down the pretty deserted road and cars would pass... Really you have to stare...haven't you seen a person walking before. :grumble: :laugh:

    lol and I wonder if my deoderant will last or will I need a quick shower after? Shouldn't I be sweating more? When is this workout over?
  • caitmarshhh
    caitmarshhh Posts: 69 Member
    haha too funny.

    I pretty much just check out everyone in the gym....notice the ones who I aspire to have the results of...and notice the cute boys :) (I'm only human) :happy:

    haha yes! so much eye candy :P
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    Did anyone just see me wipe my face with the bottom of my shirt? bet that big white belly was quite a shock
    Ugh, wiping my face with the bottom of my shirt while carrying a big stick and two dog leashes, while one dog tries to bite the neighbor's dog through the fence is not easy

    Yes this was hilarious and too true...I forget my towel all the time before heading to the gym and have to use my shirt to mop up while on the treadmill and must scare quite a few members with the big white belly flash. Well at least it keeps them motivated to not get a belly like mine!