Top 3 things that ruin your eating and exercise routine?



  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    1. Holidays/Celebrations (alcohol, eating out, desserts, etc...)

    2. Cravings for my food faves- Cheese, Bread, and Pasta.... (ie: Mexican and Italian baby!)

    3. Anxiety... I'm an emotional eater... especially if I'm nervous or worried about something.

    What is this TOM everyone is posting? I guess that stands for something, but I haven't figured it out yet.

    TOM is a jerk....(Time of the Month).
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    chips and salsa, and mexican food
  • bcbman
    bcbman Posts: 96 Member
    Gentleman Jack

    Wife is junk food junkie (junk always around)

    Cheese (which I hardly ever eat now)
  • heatherutopia
    heatherutopia Posts: 78 Member
    Weekends ;)

    Going to the shop on my lunch break!

    Occassional laziness when I just can't be bothered to cook!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Visiting my mother. There is absolutely no actual food in the house. Just junk by the truckfull.
  • bcbman
    bcbman Posts: 96 Member
    Gentleman Jack

    Wife is junk food junkie (junk always around)

    Cheese (which I hardly ever eat now)
  • ltcampbell
    ltcampbell Posts: 19
    1. Holidays/Celebrations (alcohol, eating out, desserts, etc...)

    2. Cravings for my food faves- Cheese, Bread, and Pasta.... (ie: Mexican and Italian baby!)

    3. Anxiety... I'm an emotional eater... especially if I'm nervous or worried about something.

    What is this TOM everyone is posting? I guess that stands for something, but I haven't figured it out yet.

    Okay, Just saw somebody answer what TOM is... LOL... Because I'm bloated I weigh more on the scale for a few days, but I know that's what it is and don't let it bother me. Luckily it doesn't keep me from exercising or effect my appetite.
  • ShyBreasts
    ShyBreasts Posts: 91
    1) Boredom - I eat when I am bored simple as. I forgot what it felt like to be hungry but luckily realised that after about a year.

    2) Boyfriend & family - okay so this is kind of 2 at once, but its just because they make me feel happy and comfortable with who I am (yes that is a good thing) but in order for me to lose weight I have to stay focused on the end result and that slips my mind when I am with my boyfriend and friends :/

    3) Ben & Jerrys Ice cream....Ahhh...I shall say no more! lol

    Feel free to add me!! XXX
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    I only get to pick three? well, ok lets see....

    1 TOM
    2 working night shift
    3 small town living ( lots of pot lucks, church suppers, mexican restaurants.... enough said?)
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    1. Bread
    2. Bread
    3. Fried chicken...

    Fried chicken on bread! Ahh...
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    1. Lack of sleep/crazy career- I turn into a carb queen big time to stay awake and I tend to eat what's on hand rather than what I would like/ should eat....

    2. TOM- the fact that I feel physically faint if I dont have at least 6000 calories involving chocolate and deep fried items (this causes me to fly around on my broom- poor hubby lol)...

    3. WEEKENDS!!!!
  • RoseBeerGoggles
    1) Beer (I work at a brewery....yeah)

    2) Peer pressure. I am such a follower. You're having poutine? Then hell YES I'm having poutine too! Same deal with booze.

    3) Quitting smoking. I am in a constant battle with myself to quit and every time I do I have to reign myself in from eating everything in sight.
  • ShiloughCoy
    1. Company functions that always have the worst food for the "provided" lunch
    2. My boyfriend LOVES to cook and eat
    3. My love of a good bottle of wine (or two or three)
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    mcdonalds sweet tea (which leads to mcdonalds food)

    emotional eating

    TEQUILAAAAAA!!!! (which leads to other alocholic beverages usually resulting in drunkin nekkidness)
  • anolan807
    anolan807 Posts: 273 Member

    3. Oreos!!! Back in the day... When I used to have "munchies" this was my downfall. Don't do that anymore, but I can still put away quite a few and a tall glass of milk to go with.

    In college I could put away the entire package when stress. One of my favorite things in life! I don't not allow them in the house.

    Any cookie or candy bar is my ruination in life. Well that and processed foods..
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    1) My Hubs- sometimes he thinks I'm not eating enough, sometimes he waves junk food under my nose, and sometimes he just wants me to stop eating because I eat ALL day... haha
    2) My Babies- some of their treats/snacks are so yummy, I hate wasting food so I am very tempted to finish their plate of food when they can't, they stress me out and give me a desire for yummy foods, They wake up early just to sabotage my morning workout!
    3) Second Cup- they have so many delightful frosty drinks there and tuesdays they only cost 2.95!!
  • thenewkarisa
    thenewkarisa Posts: 207
    1. Alcohol - I like the hard stuff...

    2. between BF, dogs and people constantly coming to my house unannounced, it's hard to concentrate on exercise.

    3. My BF works and I'm the student so I cook and he has to have a lot of fats and protein so whatever I cook him, it just looks too good!
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    lmho. I can't have my husband watch me work out either. He just can't help 'coaching'. If I wanted 'help' lifting, I'd get him to lift it. Makes me want to throw dumbbells at him. It raises my blood pressure and, quite frankly, ruins it for me. I know. I'm a baby.
    Top Three:
    1) hubby watching me work out with that "isn't that cute" look on his face
    2) plateau that lasts more than 3 weeks
    3) snickering and elbowing [hey! how about that one?! guffaw] generally done by males between the ages of 18 and 25... [they can hardly be called men]...brings back all the old hurts and brings me down...for a little while anyway. I used to carry around a peashooter...seriously. I'm not bitter or anything. :huh:

  • happyhaunt
    happyhaunt Posts: 180 Member
    1. Stress - Causes major emotional eating. I feel better while I eat for a few seconds until it's gone and then I feel so guilty.

    2. No motivation. If I feel down or feel bad about how I look, I dont want to go out or go to the gym. I just have no energy to get up and do anything.

    3. Whenever I'm offered something yummy, most of the time I can't say no. I turned down a slice of chocolate cake the other day so I guess I might be getting better at that.
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    *French fries/Mashed Potatos YUM! :grumble: