Eat Less Vs. Exercising More



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Team MORE!

    I'm losing weight at the same rate eating 1500 calories a day (plus exercise calories) as I was when I was eating 1200 a day (plus exercise calories). Except that since I'm eating more, especially more protein, what I'm losing is mostly fat.

    I'd actually call my team, "Team ENJOY," because I'm enjoying what I eat, enjoying the exercise I'm doing, and really, really enjoying the results of both. :happy:
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I don't think I'm a member of either team lol. However...I also refuse to do long, steady state cardio sessions for a couple of which is that I am a firm believer in at least mostly eating back your exercise calories. SCREW that...2000-2500cal is plenty for me...adding another 1000 in running way. I burn about 1100-1200cal a WEEK in exercising. I do no traditional 'cardio'...but I do my strength training fast circuit style, not letting my heart rate drop below 140-150 between sets. The only other form of 'cardio' I do is Tabata style intervals on my 100lb punching bag.

    The results of that 1100-1200cal in exercise, is 30lbs weight lost in 3 months (six weeks of which I was on a plateau...long story), and over 7" off my waist.

    *shrug*...dunno what team you'd call that...but it's working =D.
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    Team More. 1200 calories is not enough: to quote a friend, also on the site, "What am I, a toddler?" I have an enormous capacity for food and almost never feel full. I didn't lose weight even when marathon training. I am super serious about getting it together right now and trying to make mostly healthy food choices, but I have to exercise and eat back at least some of the calories or I feel pitiful and starved.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I don't think I'm a member of either team lol. However...I also refuse to do long, steady state cardio sessions for a couple of which is that I am a firm believer in at least mostly eating back your exercise calories. SCREW that...2000-2500cal is plenty for me...adding another 1000 in running way. I burn about 1100-1200cal a WEEK in exercising. I do no traditional 'cardio'...but I do my strength training fast circuit style, not letting my heart rate drop below 140-150 between sets. The only other form of 'cardio' I do is Tabata style intervals on my 100lb punching bag.

    The results of that 1100-1200cal in exercise, is 30lbs weight lost in 3 months (six weeks of which I was on a plateau...long story), and over 7" off my waist.

    *shrug*...dunno what team you'd call that...but it's working =D.

    I think they call that "Team Working Smarter not Harder" - great job on your success!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I don't think I'm a member of either team lol. However...I also refuse to do long, steady state cardio sessions for a couple of which is that I am a firm believer in at least mostly eating back your exercise calories. SCREW that...2000-2500cal is plenty for me...adding another 1000 in running way. I burn about 1100-1200cal a WEEK in exercising. I do no traditional 'cardio'...but I do my strength training fast circuit style, not letting my heart rate drop below 140-150 between sets. The only other form of 'cardio' I do is Tabata style intervals on my 100lb punching bag.

    The results of that 1100-1200cal in exercise, is 30lbs weight lost in 3 months (six weeks of which I was on a plateau...long story), and over 7" off my waist.

    *shrug*...dunno what team you'd call that...but it's working =D.

    I think they call that "Team Working Smarter not Harder" - great job on your success!

    LOL, that's awesome!

    And thank you =D.
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    bump for later
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Eat more! I love running. Actually, I love long-distance running. It's just kind of my thing. My minimum runs are 6 miles, long runs are 10, and I do a lot of plyometrics and resistance bands on my off-days, which require time and energy to repair. 1200 calories is not enough for me to be as active as I'd like, so I basically eat when I'm hungry, any time I'm hungry, and reap the rewards of higher energy and faster run times.

    I actually kind of wish I could be on the eat less team, because I wouldn't have to schedule in time to exercise, but the days when I eat less than 1600 calories and don't exercise I feel sluggish and dead. Can't complain, since with my 10 mile runs, I can have my cake, eat it like a hog, and still lose weight. I dig that.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Neither. Guess I'm on team balance. My goal weight (225lb) calories are 2850. I took 500 off of that so 2350 is my limit each day whether I excercise or not. I enjoy working out because it's helping me be calmer, lowering my BP and tightening up my muscles. It's also helping with fat loss, but I'm relying on eating cleaner and eliminating things my body does not process well. 2350 is plenty of calories for me and I don't need to eat any calories back, because at that level I will not hit starvation mode.
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Team More!

    Only because I figure that the more calories going in and then out, the more vitamins (in "correct," whole-food proportions) my body gets. That means more antioxidants, more fiber, higher metabolism, etc.

    Regarding exercise, I love the sweat and knowing that I'm building myself stronger and healthier for the long term-- with lots of weight training in addition to cardio.

    I guess it boils down to trying to be proactive and thinking about where I want to be in ten, twenty, and fifty years (AND where I want to be in a year when I walk down the aisle!). It works for me and my lifestyle, too. My fiance is a chef and I know that if he's bringing something AMAZING home, or making something amazing for dinner, I want to be able to enjoy it. So far, I've been MUCH happier and healthier adding in the exercise and tracking everything using MFP.