Funny people at the gym.....



  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    The other day I was running on the treadmill and this couple came in. They were walking/running side by side on the treadmills infront of me. About 10 minutes later, this super skinny, super cute, I hate people like her but wish I had her body 20 something started running on the treadmill on the other side of the husband. I noticed the husband was VERY intently checking out this girl's back side when he stumbles on the treadmill and goes flying off the back end. I never laughed so hard, his wife had no idea what caused him to trip, but I did....

    I just made a total show of myself cackling out loud at this one............... BRILLIANT!

    Me too. My coworkers now notice I am not working. Great.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    At my old gym, there was a woman who smelled like she washed her vagina with an onion. It was awful.

    My new gym appears to be full of normal people, which probably makes me the one that everyone makes fun of. Oddly, this does not bother me.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    My new gym appears to be full of normal people, which probably makes me the one that everyone makes fun of. Oddly, this does not bother me.

    Ahahaha, You are awesome. At least you can admit it. I've been reading some of these posts thinking "OH MY GOD THAT IS TOTALLY ME!!!!!"
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I still want to know why people do those treadmill things. Am I missing out on some super secret workout?
  • packersdan
    packersdan Posts: 19 Member
    Gotta love the ones who as it appears stopped to do a work out on their way to the club. And this is in reference to guys, havent seen a female do it yet. The other day I was in the gym and I see a guy on the machine next to me in plaid shorts, a collared button down shirt and nice shoes. Who in the hell works out wearing that?! Are you trying to show off to the ladies, cause I can tell ya, im sure it doesnt work!

    And then there are the guys whose sole purpose in life is to have the biggest arms possible. They dont care about the rest of their body, just their arms. Hell its not even their entire arm, just their biceps. All they do is grab a dumbbell and stand in front of the mirror watching themselves curl and curl and curl and curl. Once the set is done, they set it down, flex their arm, rub their bicep with their hand and look around. Then Repeat.

    Drives me up the wall.
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    At my old gym, there was a woman who smelled like she washed her vagina with an onion. It was awful.

    OMG - that is gross! There's a guy at my gym that goes every now and then and ALWAYS picks the machine next to me. He doesn't smell of BO, he actually smells like he's trodden in something. Unless he's really unlucky he seriously needs to invest in some strongass deodorant!
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    OMG - that is gross! There's a guy at my gym that goes every now and then and ALWAYS picks the machine next to me. He doesn't smell of BO, he actually smells like he's trodden in something. Unless he's really unlucky he seriously needs to invest in some strongass deodorant!

    Bletch. Stinky people that don't use deodorant make me wanna bash puppies into concrete. And I love puppies! (No literal bashing going on, CHILL people.)
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    I saw a guy yesterday wearing a long sleeve shirt, and a sweatshirt over his head as he was walking on the treadmill.Its not like it was cold out, it was 90!!! I dont know about everyone else but I sweat too much to be wearing a winter outfit at the gym.

    OMG I was totally thinking the same thing while I was at the gym yesterday...well everytime I go actually! I like to wear my leggings scrunched up to my knees so my legs are cool and a tank top so the rest of me is cool and not have to fidget with a big shirt.....those people who wear hoodies,sweatpants, jackets just make me want to pass out!! lol
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    The other day I was running on the treadmill and this couple came in. They were walking/running side by side on the treadmills infront of me. About 10 minutes later, this super skinny, super cute, I hate people like her but wish I had her body 20 something started running on the treadmill on the other side of the husband. I noticed the husband was VERY intently checking out this girl's back side when he stumbles on the treadmill and goes flying off the back end. I never laughed so hard, his wife had no idea what caused him to trip, but I did....

    Wooow! LMAO! Ugh, that's what he gets for looking at her butt! haha! Wonder what his excuse was when his wife asked what happened!?
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    This one's not funny, it just annoyed me: Lastnight while i was at the gym, I see this girl, probably around 20 years old I think she was mixed and she had this really bad hair going on. It was weave for was bleach blonde and in these really messy pigtails, and in the back where the part is you could see the tracks. Nothing wrong with having weave, or blonde weave at that.....but this looked like she snached it off of a cabbage patch doll! Sorry...but that's the first thing I noticed about her, I saw her coming from a mile away. ANYWAY...then she FINALLY makes it upstairs, she's walking SUPER SLOOOOW, sits down at a bike, gets up, walks super slow to another bike (same kind, dunno what that wa about) gets on there for about 5-10 minutes, gets up and walks super slow to the stairmaster, stays there for like less than 5 minutes, gets off go to this other machine for a few minutes..and now I'm getting off the elliptical and going to a she comes getting on the treadmill beside me, has this really strong body spray one, it started burning my nose, she wipes down the treadmill super slow, stands there a minute and looks around and drinks her water then gets off the treadmill without even starting it AND she left her paper towels on it.

    Sorry but she was just sucking the life out of me with how freaking slow she was walking and the lack of working out. I mean geez, if you're gonna pay money to have a gym membership, put a little pep in your step and do something, why waste the money!? Oh I'm sure there's plenty more I could come up with but I'll let this one long one be it! lol I'm enjoying reading the other posts though!!!!! :)
  • sallen67
    sallen67 Posts: 24 Member
    I use one of the neoprene belts, but I use it to hold everything in place. I lost so much weight that I have a lot of extra skin and can't afford the plastic surgery. So when I'm running or doing aerobic activities I wear one of those belts or a compression shirt to hold it all in place.

  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    I'm the weird one in the my joggers and huge t-shirt...I play jepardy while on the elypticall and I say the answers out loud...yes I do forget that they can hear me, I'm wearing headphones, and I think I'm talking low enough. Also if a lyric to a song catches my fancy, I'll mouth the words a little...rock out a gets me through my work out lol

    As I was reading through this thread, and thinking of the stories I could share about others, I realized that I - too - am one of the weird ones!

    I spend about an hour and a half at the gym and decided that I was going to learn Danish (long story) - I had bought the cd's a few years ago - but never got around to it - thought the time at the gym could be good to multi-task. So, I get to the gym, get on the arc trainer (amt specifically) and hit play. I realized halfway through my cardio that I was having a really hard time keeping pace (concentrating too hard on the sounds) and spent half the time mouthing the pronunciations silently - I caught myself a few times looking quite the fool I am sure!
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    There's these two I fondly refer to as "The SKANKERCISE crew".

    Given previous posts, it really doesn't need an explanation.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Any/all body building ladies.

    Just can't get comfortable getting my bench press on when the woman next to me is pressing far more than I could ever dream of :/

    Sorry about that.....................:wink:
  • bustertriscuit
    bustertriscuit Posts: 13 Member
    I don't have any funny ones but have noticed that there are the same types of people at the three gyms I've gone to in my lifetime.
    There's always the older Asian swimming woman, the 1980's 50 year old that is there every single day, and the middle aged man who probably drives a mid life crisis car who gets on the elliptical with the resistance set to a million trying to move his legs as fast as he can.
    I can't work out without the ipod, and I know that I could probably do a lot better if *I* belted out the tunes when working out. It just feels like the right thing to do, kind of like how people feel like they need to grunt.
    I've been guilty of farting as well but it's sometimes unavoidable. I've even heard Oprah say this :) At least try to keep it as an SBD (silent but deadly).
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    Ok I have a few.

    You have the hard cores- these are the people who are always there minding their own business and get pissed if a slacker is taking up space at the gym.

    You have the buddies- who just are yapping so loud you can hear them even when you have your beats super loud.

    You have the skinnys- these are the girls who just come wearing g strings hanging out of their super tight workout clothes. Of course the guys love them but they're not there to workout. They are there mainly to flirt with trainers or the buff guys.

    You have the dirty old men and ladies- the men are there gawking at the skinnys getting their trills. The older ladies usually hire the young trainers just to have them help them stretch ( these ladies are something else one of them always looks like she's about to have an orgasm!).

    You have the competitors- you all know these types of people. They are the ones who get on the treadmill next to you and try to out do you or youre lifting weights and they need to lift more than you.

    Oh then there's the guy who wears his shorts a little to small that you can almost see all of this business. Now that's gross.

    Then there's me- the lost soul who closes her eyes while on the elliptical, drowns herself in her music by turning up her beats and ignores everyone whenever they're not obvious.

    Btw I see all these people as I am walking in and finding a Cardio machine. Lol.
  • JoceyyySmall
    JoceyyySmall Posts: 155 Member
    Oh man these were fantastic to read. I def have some of these at the gym I go to.

    I was definitely that person today who picked the machine next to the one person running out of the 15 open ones, but in my defense there are two specific treadmills that don't have a huge gym advertisement in front of it so I can look at the world while I run :)

    But my favorite weird gym person is the guy I dubbed TESCO BAG GUY! Its this older man who started using the gym after the new year I haven't ever seen him previous to this time so I assume he is a new years resolution-er. THe main point is he would put plastic grocery bags over his sneakers to do the splits in. They really didn't help aid him in getting his legs further apart. He would also do this next to a very popular machine and in an area where EVERYONE has to pass by to get into the main part of the gym or choose to go upstairs. He has now since removed the bags in the past few weeks for the option of a karate belt to tie around himself a pole to help pull and get a deeper stretch.

    The other one are the people who slam down on the treadmill because they are running so fast and can't run properly. This girl literally sounded like an elephant next to me. going slow she was ok but then every few minutes she would speed up and stomp it was so loud even with music. I got off the machine and went around the corner which made no difference as I was still able to hear her stomping.
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    There's this one girl, teenager it looks like. She gets on the elliptical and starts out pretty normal. About 5-8 minutes in, she's leaning forward laying on/hugging the monitor for dear life. I realize she's trying to get a vigorous workout in, but it just looks funny.

  • aj_gettingfit
    The other day I was running on the treadmill and this couple came in. They were walking/running side by side on the treadmills infront of me. About 10 minutes later, this super skinny, super cute, I hate people like her but wish I had her body 20 something started running on the treadmill on the other side of the husband. I noticed the husband was VERY intently checking out this girl's back side when he stumbles on the treadmill and goes flying off the back end. I never laughed so hard, his wife had no idea what caused him to trip, but I did....

    I would have died laughing. That is so funny!