July 10 lb challange who whats in?



  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Ok, I want in...I have looked at tons of challenges on this site, and this is one I really think I can accomplish. I mean, what's 10 lbs when you have a whole person to lose???

    What do I have to do?
  • allybally6
    allybally6 Posts: 142 Member
    Just started today but completed the challenges of 25 jumping jacks and 12 glasses of water :) Hope everyone had a great day. oh and GO BLUE TEAM!!! and red and purple too :)
  • zerozeta0
    zerozeta0 Posts: 7
    I want to be in too if it's not too late. =)
  • debgamma
    debgamma Posts: 2
    I want in to! I just started using this site and I would like to have a challenge. How does this work?
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Ok...looks like I've got 5 people that want to join since I last checked that I don't have a starting weight for:


    You all are on the red team, so if you want to participate just send me a message with your starting weight, then send me an updated weight every Friday. Welcome to the team!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I'm also still missing starting weights for the following:


    I can't chase you ALL down, so if you want in, ya gotta communicate!

    So far Red Team is just over 9,000 lbs! We've got some work to do, ladies and gents, but I know you're all awesome and gonna rock it this month! GO READ TEAM!!!
  • Autumn_P
    Autumn_P Posts: 101 Member
    I had plenty of water and did my 35 jumping jacks for Tuesday.
  • denyse24
    denyse24 Posts: 62
    I would love to get in on this challege if it is not to late. I need help . I follow my calories intake to a tee, exercise 5 times a week and still have a hard time losing weight so I want to challenge myself and if you guys can help me shed 10 lbs in a month I will be extatic :) please message me if I am accepted in a team , thanks :)
  • sillyknee
    sillyknee Posts: 2
    Love to join, if not to late.

    SW: 158 lbs (72kg) sorry need to convert, we use Kg in oz.
    CW: 156 lbs (71kg)
    Goal W: 127 (58kg)
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    all challenges met!!!!!!!!!!

  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member
    I'm so geeked about the July challenge!!! We have sooo many people joining each of the teams!!! I hope teammates are sending requests to one another -- and don't be shy about grabbing people on the others teams as well.

    As a fat chick -- there have been more times than I can count that I have felt alone, left out, rejected. I would watch my thin and healthy friends and wonder what it was like to be so carefree, happy, accepted. Well -- I might still be a fat chick -- but as I look around -- I see lots of people on the same journey as I am -- to lose weight and get healthier. And it doesn't feel so lonely anymore. We may not have lots of time everyday -- but -- I can tell you -- just 1 "awesome job!!!" from 1 friend -- feels amazing.

    Anyhow lol :blushing:

    I went thru the posts and friend requested everyone on the Purple Team that said they were interested. Sorry it took some time getting thru each page and then MFP said I was sending out too many friend requests lol. So I finished up today!!!

    Just wanted to extend an EXTRA SUPER DUPER WELCOME to all our new team members.

    OH -- and to all newbies reading this -- It's NEVER TOO LATE!!! If you're confused about who your team captain is (don't worry I forget too) here's the breakdown :bigsmile:

    A ---- H Captain: dhiggins8 Team BLUE
    P Captain: jrdoty8986 Team RED
    Q ---- Z Captain: SommerJo Team PURPLE

    Have a wonderful July everyone!!!
  • suewongie
    suewongie Posts: 24
    I would love to join too please.
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    If I can get back into this, I'm in!
  • manda112
    manda112 Posts: 7 Member
    I want in :)
  • tjames719
    tjames719 Posts: 136 Member
    i want in...
  • LisaStanley500
    LisaStanley500 Posts: 65 Member
    I want in!
    currently 158, goal 140
  • msmgis
    msmgis Posts: 15
    Me too! I'm in!
  • boringdanielle
    boringdanielle Posts: 43 Member
    If its not to late add me please!!
  • May I join?
    July 1 weigh-in: 142.4
  • c00ncc
    c00ncc Posts: 55
    I want in too! July 1st weight 164.5