I hate..



  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    People who clip their nails at work. Just hearing the sound of it coming from the cubicle next to me grosses me out. I have to get up and walk away. Is work REALLY the place to clip your nails?

    And while I'm on the topic of annoying work people... I hate people who talk on speakerphone in the cubicle area. What makes you think you are special enough to use the speakerphone option for every call that you make like the rest of us want to hear your conversation. And for that matter... does the person you are talking to realize the whole floor can hear them!?
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    People who think their kids are god gift to everyone and believe their kid is perfect, or people who don't have kids and try to tell me how to raise mine.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Rude people. I don't understand why people think rudeness is an acceptable way to communicate to others. Just because I work in retail doesn't give you free rein to act like a total douche to me. You look like stupid when you're treating people like that...no matter how much they make an hour.

    This. Just because I work in fast food doesn't mean you get to treat me like I'm not a person.
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    People who think their kids are god gift to everyone and believe their kid is perfect, or people who don't have kids and try to tell me how to raise mine.

    I don't have any kids, but I have been a preschool teacher for six years and I couldn't stand when a different teacher would try to correct my teaching methods [which worked great] and criticize my every move. And with those parents who didn't believe when I told them what 'Johnny' did. "My precious son would NEVER bite another kid. Are you sure it was him?" "Well, ma'am, we were on the playground and I saw him put his teeth on the other kid and chow down. But you never know. It could be his evil twin."
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    I hate people who pull up to the fast food window take 20 minutes just to order an effen coke. I mean seriously.

    Oh I hate people who go to the gym take up a Cardio machines and are just standing on it chatting away. Some of us actually use the damn machines.
  • Sarawoods
    Sarawoods Posts: 111 Member
    I hate one uppers, I know a girl that has done every thing I have but better, I took Ballet when I was little so did she and she is a prima ballerina. I'm trying to learn Japanese, She spent a semester over there and worked in a cafe, she cant speak the language but she can read it! I lost 5lbs, she lost 10... (we can see your *kitten* honey.. ), I like to sing, she took professional lessons! I like to try out belly dancing DVDS she was a stripper and knows all that stuff from work! .. you get my point XD Makes me want to scream!!!!!
  • leeuuh143
    leeuuh143 Posts: 48
    I hate one uppers, I know a girl that has done every thing I have but better, I took Ballet when I was little so did she and she is a prima ballerina. I'm trying to learn Japanese, She spent a semester over there and worked in a cafe, she cant speak the language but she can read it! I lost 5lbs, she lost 10... (we can see your *kitten* honey.. ), I like to sing, she took professional lessons! I like to try out belly dancing DVDS she was a stripper and knows all that stuff from work! .. you get my point XD Makes me want to scream!!!!!

    HAHA yah i have cousin just like this.. Her weight loss journey is over shes lost a lot of weight. she lost more weigh then me she has my car but newer she went to college further and lived in her own apartment while i shared one and i went to a local college she got a healthier chihuahua still super healthy and my chihuahua passed away. but you know what? psht more power to push myself to lose weight. To be the best i can be. and YOU are worth being the best YOU can be.

    on ANOTHER note i hate when people cross the street and they know a car is coming but they jwalk anyway but at a casual pace i feel like driving faster and honking my horn!!

    oh AND when foreign people come into my work i ask them a question and they say "yeah" to everything and when i give it to them they give me this blank stare like they have no idea what im talking about and then continue to try to ask for help in there language UGH
  • LiL_MisS_C
    LiL_MisS_C Posts: 332 Member
    WEIGHT GAIN! And the fact that most calorie-ridden foods taste heavenly! There! I said it! ;) lol.
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    I hate when people automatically shut down after asking me where I work and I tell them I'm a stay at home Mom.:grumble: It's not like I'm stupid, crazy, have the plague, or cant understand whats going on. Do they think I lived under a rock before I became a mom? :laugh:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    This could be a long list for me...but I shall spare thee, lol. I will limit my list to what I hate while driving. :bigsmile:

    I hate slow drivers. If you are on the interstate, and you are doing the speed limit or under, get your slow butt out of the fast lane!!! Do not ever tap your breaks when I am behind you, cause I will just pass you and slam on mine. If you insist on cutting me off or pulling out onto the road in front of me, then you should at least find your gas pedal so I don't have to slow down for you. Do not ever use the turn lane as a "merging lane" when pulling onto a road...some of us actually do turn in the turn lanes and you are in our way!!! And if you are turning, do not slow down to 5 mph and then get into the turn lane, slow down IN the turn lane...that's what it's for! When the light turns green, don't just stare at it and go "oh wow, green is pretty," GO!!! If you insist on tailgating me on the interstate, or any other road where there are 2+ travel lanes in our direction, then be prepared to get stuck right where you are as I will insist on travelling parallel with the nearest vehicle in the other lane preventing you from moving over. And don't EVER flash your high beams at me to get me to move...cause I am a speedy little driver to begin with and going any faster will give me a ticket. When you are travelling at night and see that there are cars on the opposite side of the road, turn off the high beams! And it can't be THAT hard to move out of the way of the ambulance. If you were dying in the back of it, wouldn't you want everyone else to pull over like the law says you are supposed to? And for Pete's sake, fix that busted headlight so you don't look like a motorcycle coming at me.

    I enjoy driving...especially in my new car...but some people just need to go back to driver's ed. Then again, I am a cop, so it's job security, isn't it???
  • SecretlyBatwoman
    SecretlyBatwoman Posts: 79 Member
    People who eat/drink straight out of a container of something that was bought for the whole house. If you bought your own dinner, then you go right ahead and eat it straight out of the package. Lick it if you want. Stand barefoot in it, I don't care. If we have to share that carton of milk and you drink from it, you're going to go out and buy me a new carton. I don't know how to get my roommate to stop this. We buy our own packaged foods but neither of us are home often enough to have go through a whole carton of milk, etc, before it expires, so we chip in a certain amount each month to get shared products. Last month we got a big tub of plain fat free yogurt to share. The first day we got it, she poured a bowl (instead of scooping it...) and when some of it started to drip over the edge of the tub, she LICKED IT. Inside and out. And then wondered why we had to throw half the yogurt away. Well, duh, I'm not eating that now. I've actually come to her in tears because I was starving but I am so completely skeeved by her sticking her hands/lips/tongue all over everything in the fridge even when I bought it for me that I couldn't trust anything in the house. I even offered to do the extra dishes.

    And since 'tis the season, tourists who want to stop and ask me a directions. I don't know where any of the touristy crap is because I live here. I don't go to the big night clubs because I'm broke and they suck. I don't know where the historical landmarks are because I saw them all while I was in elementary school and need not see them again now. Don't get mad at me when I say this and act like I'm holding out information. And no, I will not drop what I'm doing to help you figure it out. That's why your phone has google maps.
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    I hate office drama and office drama queens. Oh yeah that's at the top of my list.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    over sensitive people who get offended at the smallest things.

    I agree! It's almost as if some seek to be offended. It must be miserable to live that way.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    "Do not ever tap your breaks when I am behind you, cause I will just pass you and slam on mine."

    "Then again, I am a cop,"

    Lol!!!!! Keep up the good work!
  • Jennjenn1974
    Jennjenn1974 Posts: 350 Member
    Attention *kitten* >.<
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    I will save typing up a long list and just say people.
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I hate all the bloody barking dogs in my neighbourhood. They're at it day and night.
    Why do people own dogs to just to throw them out in the garden and ignore them?
  • BCKS
    BCKS Posts: 287 Member
    ......When the light turns green, don't just stare at it and go "oh wow, green is pretty," GO!!! ....

    :laugh: Hahahha! That's what I always say! Or else: "What are you waiting for, a written invitation?? GO!!!"
    Why is it the first one or two people in line ALWAYS sit there? It's not like it's a surprise! Pay attention and GO!!
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    I hate all the bloody barking dogs in my neighbourhood. They're at it day and night.
    Why do people own dogs to just to throw them out in the garden and ignore them?

    My street is even better! They have their dogs lose day & night, they only come home for a few minutes a day. I van't take my kids for a walk b/c of this during the day. And I can't go running b/c they will friggin chase me. Animal control isn't doing anything..... Thank god we're moving in about 6 months
  • cupcakecarnivore
    People who wear pajamas out in public. I am overweight and pants don't fit me right but I get dressed for the day....bedtime is over people!

    This drives me nuts!! I just don't get it?!

    Oh and I also hate when people with children say that I will never know real love until I have children of my own?! Give me a break....