I hate..



  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    I hate when people ask you for help and then tell you that you're doing it wrong. If you're so convinced that I'm doing it wrong, then why in the world did you ask me for my help?
  • BCKS
    BCKS Posts: 287 Member
    I hate when people use the word "of" instead of "have". Must of, could of, would of, should of, UGH! :grumble:

    It's "must HAVE, could HAVE, should HAVE, would HAVE. :bigsmile:
    (or the conjunction must've, should've, would've, etc.)
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    ...people that don't use their turn signals. They're there for a reason.
  • rachrach66
    rachrach66 Posts: 271 Member
    People who wear pajamas out in public. I am overweight and pants don't fit me right but I get dressed for the day....bedtime is over people!

    Me too it just looks so ugggh!! would a pair of sweats, shorts, spanks, anything but ur pjs!!!
  • Cherrycandy
    Cherrycandy Posts: 200
    People who wear pajamas out in public. I am overweight and pants don't fit me right but I get dressed for the day....bedtime is over people!

    THANK YOU! This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine! L-A-ZZZZZ-Y!!!!!!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    ... when people leave the fridge hanging open while they're pouring themselves a drink because, and I quote, "I'm coming right back."

    ... diagonal street crossers. I realize that the shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line, but it happens to be the longest amount of time you can possibly spend in the street keeping everyone waiting. Cross straight, then go up or down to your destination once you're safely across. K? K.

    ... the assumption that just because I'm making breakfast for myself that I can "throw an egg" on for someone else.

    ... when guys do creepy shix (hand gestures, shouting, etc.) out of their cars when they pass me on my walk/jog.
  • scareryl
    scareryl Posts: 2
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    ... when people leave the fridge hanging open while they're pouring themselves a drink because, and I quote, "I'm coming right back."

    I am very guilty of this. :-/ Haha. Good thing we don't live in the same house.
  • rachrach66
    rachrach66 Posts: 271 Member
    People who call my job on a holiday and say "Are you open?"

    No. You dumbass ... I'm just sitting here, in the dark, alone - WAITING in anticipation for your call.

    Or they'll ask "How late are you guys open today?"

    I say "24 hours"

    And they say

    "On the 4th of July? You're open 24 hours? When will you close?"

    GR! We won't be closing until 6pm on Christmas Eve.


    I'm so sorry I have done that "Are you guys open?" line. :embarassed:
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    ... when people leave the fridge hanging open while they're pouring themselves a drink because, and I quote, "I'm coming right back."

    I am very guilty of this. :-/ Haha. Good thing we don't live in the same house.
    :) It's all good.
  • SunnyDispo619
    ...people that don't use their turn signals. They're there for a reason.

    Ditto...I can't read your mind...if you need to come over into my lane, please turn on your blinker.

    On a similar note...people who cut across 3-4 lanes of traffic, nearly causing an accident, so they can exit the freeway. Heaven forbid you take the next exit and backtrack and save us all the danger of an accident b/c you didn't realize it was your exit.
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    .... the lack of ZOOM feature for member photos. :devil:
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    Thank goodness I don't work in retail anymore. I hate wet money, like when a lady pulls it out of her bra or someone pulls it out of a shoe...eww. Also when I can clearly see a guy (or girl for that matter) scratching themselves or adjusting or whatever they are doing and then hands me money. When I worked with cash I washed my hands FREQUENTLY!

    Also, chewing with your mouth open is disgusting.
    One more, trying to decipher someone's post when it is clear that they should never have passed the fifth grade.
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    I hate that my office kitchen/break area doesn't have a sink, so we have to rinse out dishes in the bathroom sink. I know water is water but....ew.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I hate people who let their kids run wild in the store. Lately, I have a hard time going to Wal-Mart because there always seems to be family with like 7 kids...and the kids are never near the cart with the mom and dad. They run around and mess up the store, take things from your cart, scream loudly, run into you, etc. and the parents do nothing about it.

    Or the kids/teenagers that go out and commit crimes (usually drugs, damaging property, or larcenies around here) or act like total sluts (you know the ones, the 14-16 year olds that dress like they are 22, cuss like sailors, and are promiscuous...) I have seen so much of this on the job that it makes me not want kids, but then again, what I really hate is their parents! They seem to think their children are perfect and they can't do anything wrong! Me and another officer caught 4 little brats (ages 12-14) tearing up a city park by ripping the plants and flowers out the ground and then using their skateboards to create huge black marks on the benches and sidewalks. Obviously we can't arrest them (even though if they were 16 or up they'd be in jail for damage to property) so we first called their parents thinking that they'd be punished that way. No such luck! Evidently "daddy" was a rich doctor who didn't believe that his little angels could do something like that and even threatened to sue the officers and the city for making such horrible accusations. :grumble: And people wonder why the world is the way it is today! :explode:
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I hate it when the quote button isn't working and I have to edit my post.

    "I hate it when people forward emails that are full of lies and they don't bother to check facts. I friggen hate that. "

    I look up the snopes.com article that disproves whatever garbage email they sent me. I then reply to all with the article attached and ask them not to forward me anything again.
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    I hate that I spend so much time planning my food for the day, constantly trying to find that "magical combination" of calories, carbs, fat grams, etc. I plan it out in advance looking at the bottom line, what if I ate this, what if I delete that? I could spend that time exercising and doing something healthy for myself. I hate that sometimes I get too scared to exercise simply because I have no idea what/how to eat back those exercise calories to avoid that dreaded downward spiral of "starvation mode". I hate standing in front if the fridge in exasperation because I'm trying to figure out what has 200 calories, but doesn't put me over carbs, fat, sugars, etc (because if I don't force feed myself, I will destroy my metabolism in "starvation mode" ) Mostly, I hate being afraid of my body and afraid of food.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    I hate people who let their kids run wild in the store. Lately, I have a hard time going to Wal-Mart because there always seems to be family with like 7 kids...and the kids are never near the cart with the mom and dad. They run around and mess up the store, take things from your cart, scream loudly, run into you, etc. and the parents do nothing about it.

    Or the kids/teenagers that go out and commit crimes (usually drugs, damaging property, or larcenies around here) or act like total sluts (you know the ones, the 14-16 year olds that dress like they are 22, cuss like sailors, and are promiscuous...) I have seen so much of this on the job that it makes me not want kids, but then again, what I really hate is their parents! They seem to think their children are perfect and they can't do anything wrong! Me and another officer caught 4 little brats (ages 12-14) tearing up a city park by ripping the plants and flowers out the ground and then using their skateboards to create huge black marks on the benches and sidewalks. Obviously we can't arrest them (even though if they were 16 or up they'd be in jail for damage to property) so we first called their parents thinking that they'd be punished that way. No such luck! Evidently "daddy" was a rich doctor who didn't believe that his little angels could do something like that and even threatened to sue the officers and the city for making such horrible accusations. :grumble: And people wonder why the world is the way it is today! :explode:

    my DH witnessed this in DC on our nations monuments!!!!!!!!! infuriating!

    i hate the people that feel like they HAVE to take the entire family to sams or walmart with them! Really? Mom, dad, kids, cousins uncles aunts nieces and nephews all have to go? Well if they do then please form a single file line!
  • sushisuzi2
    sushisuzi2 Posts: 111 Member
    1) People who tailgate and/or don't use their turn signals. No excuse to not do it except for a holier than thou attitude.

    2) People who cuss, drink or smoke around little kids.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    2) People who cuss, drink or smoke around little kids.

    OMG, my ex-boyfriend's aunt and uncle used to teach their 2 year old how to cuss! They thought it was cute or funny that this toddler was going around saying the "s" word and the "f" word. It made me sooo mad!!!