What was your "That's It!" Moment?



  • glendeb
    glendeb Posts: 129 Member
    Mine was weighing myself for the first time in years and years. I don't own scales, but one night while at a friends for dinner, she had her scales there an I jumped on just to see.

    I felt sick at the nuber that flashed up - so I ate and ate at the dinner party.

    It took another week for the number to sink in, and then I decided to try and do something about my weight. I stood in front of the mirror and actually looked at my body. It was another shock! I had fluctuated between a NZ size 26 and 22 for years while having children, so I set my goal to fit NZ size 16 comfortably.

    Fortuantely I was on a different forum and MFP was mentioned - without it I think I would have failed - MISERABLY!!

    I thank my lucky stars every day that I found MFP, and that I finally took that step to lose weight and get healthy. Walking, running stairs and C25K are regular words in my vocabulary now and even though I'm sure I bore my friends and family to tears with my yabbering about it, I feel fabulous! And I'm only about one third of the way there!

    Even now I don't own scales, but my friend lets me use her scales to weigh in - which is even more of a motivator!
  • nikkialexander828
    nikkialexander828 Posts: 17 Member
    i gained a LOT of weight (70 pounds in 5 years) after i met my fiancee and since he didnt care, i didnt either. except i really did and it was always in the back of my mind. i covered it up with tshirt and jeans - ALL THE TIME! i never wore anything nice. of course i was afraid of developing diabetes or some kind of heart condition, but not enough that it made me work out and watch what i ate. at my highest i was a size 20 but probably pushing a 22. i never liked going shopping so i didnt. it always made me feel horrible and put me in a bad mood. and i hated going back to see my family in another state, because since i didnt see them that much anymore, i was afraid of what they were thinking. such as "wow she gained even more weight this time". of course no one really said anything, but its me being self conscious anyway. then in march we started talking about getting married (seriously this time) and we set a date in september. i realized that i didnt want to look back on my wedding pictures and see all the chins and fat rolls. i want to be happy with it. so i started working out and eating better. im still not perfect, but ive lost roughly 42 pounds since i was at my highest. im much happier now, and its amazing what my body tells me. on days when i dont work out, i feel louzy an grumpy. and when i eat horrible food, i feel horrible afterward and its a great reminder that i need to stay on track. also, my main goal is to finally weigh less than my soon to be husband!
  • finabella
    finabella Posts: 176
    My "that's it" moment came the day I went to the races. I had my hair done, beautiful dress and fascinator and then I looked at a photo taken of me and those three things were the only beautiful things in there. I had arms the size of ham legs, puffy face and the fat monster stole my collar bones, I was very embarrassed. I said to myself next year I was going to the same race day and I was going to look GOOD! I have now lost just over 12kg (26 Pounds) and the races are coming up in September and I can't wait to go.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Mine was having a doctor say, "You're diabetic."

    So, yeah, diabetes was my turning point.

    Diabetes was my turning point. But in my case it was my husband's doctor saying he is diabetic. In spite of being almost 200lbs overweight I didn't make changes until I did it to support him. I didn't start out doing this for me but to support my husband. Then it was for us. Now I'm doing it for me.
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    I had two moments. One was 10 years almost to the day. I was 17 years old in high school and had went to the doctor because I hadn't been feeling well. The doctor had mentioned to me that I was over weight. I'm 5 ft. even and was weighing at that time 151. I literally started eating better that day and started exercising. With in 3 months I lost 30 lbs and felt and looked great at a size four. I was no longer the fat one in the group. I lost the weight in perfect time, summer time and noticed the guys I had crushes on were now starting to notice me. By the end of that summer I moved from Tx. to Ca. (back home)
    Fast forward 10 years to this past December 2010, I was planning on visiting Texas and was happy but super disappointed that let my self go not only put on 30 lbs but an additional 26 lbs. Needless to say i went got a few "you put on some weight" comments and my flight back was soo long and depressing thinking how the F*** did I let this happen, why did I let this happen? I was tired of hating/avoiding family events because of photos and crying because nothing fit and was just super self conscious and could not fit into my size 12 jeans and was in denial about wearing a size 14/15. Even writing this makes me think dang size 15 for someone 5 feet tall. Anyway I read and listen to inspiring music and watch inspiring videos on days I feel like totally giving up. On the inside I feel I have a nice figure underneath it all. I'm usually the funny/outgoing one in the group but I'd like to be the fit/thin one too. I started MFP in late Jan and have lost 34lbs in total now weighing 143.3 my goal is to be 120 or so high school weight. So that's my long story lol Thanks for reading!!!
  • yvonnerab
    yvonnerab Posts: 21
    When I realised that I matched the clinical deffinition of "Morbidly Obese" ("weighing two or more times the ideal weight OR 100 pounds over ideal wieght")
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    Mine was many little moments that just finally added up to me just stopping and changing everything for good one day.
    Things like - No longer being able to find clothes that fit at either Lane Bryant or Catherines because they only carried up to a 28/30 in the stores. The realization that you're too fat to shop at the FAT STORES, is not a good one. I actually at the time I started to change things, realized I hadn't worn a pair of actual jeans or pants, in like 8 months or more. I'd literally lived in sweats.

    I HAD to sit at a table in a restaurant because at 368 lbs, you can't get into a booth!
    I couldn't go to the movies because I was too fat to be comfortable in the seats for a movie or didn't fit.
    I got winded and started to sweat, DRYING OFF FROM A SHOWER. =(
    But the real topper was I was having horrible rapid heart beat issues...and I'd really notice them at bedtime and it scared me. And I realized that if I didn't change and do it fast, I was going to die possibly. And I felt horrible....Just horrible. One of my Dad's last wishes before he passed away, was asking me to promise him I'd lose the weight and get in shape.
    After he was gone, I was so so badly hurt, depressed and lost....I gained nearly 70 lbs. It was horrible.
    All those things came together and made me finally get to work.
  • abeautifulvoice
    I have become very social since starting school. I go out partying and stuff with friends and of course, LOTS of pics...most of my friends are skinny and adorable and I am the "big girl" of the group. My most recent "That's it" moment was a few weekends ago when I went camping and all the guys we went camping with were all interested in my cute, skinny, blonde best friend. It was difficult to be there and that's when I decided, no more slacking off, no more unhealthy eating. I want to be cute, and sexy and desired!
  • PurpleStarKatz
    PurpleStarKatz Posts: 45 Member
    I, like a lot of people here, had two "that's it" moments. One was trying to take a picture of myself. I don't know if it was the day, or the way I was sitting, but I really think it was from weight gain. Anyway, suddenly my face just looked terrible. I could just tell that I had gained weight, and being short and small already, it's more of a percentage than actual pounds. Anyway, I did some research and found out that to my surprise, my BMI was on the high end of healthy. For some people, that's okay, but not for me.
    My second moment is going to sound very very shallow and probably terrible to a lot of people, because I shouldn't complain, yadda yadda. I was sitting and I realized that I could also tell that I had gained weight in my stomach. I'm not really sure how I can describe the feeling but it was just suddenly realizing that my stomach didn't move a certain way because it had too much "fat" there... Well between those two things, it was time for a change.

    I had already started counting calories as it was.. It was just something I did to make sure I was eating enough whenever I was stressed because I have a habit of focusing on other things and simply not eating enough, which I know isn't healthy. Well, back in April, things got very stressful very fast, and I just started keeping track of what I was eating every day.
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    I most definately have a "fat picture" Seeing that photo was )and still is) enough to keep me going. I had no idea I had grown so.
  • dkrioux
    dkrioux Posts: 144
    Thanksgiving of 2009... I looked discusting in pics and well, I just woke up and decided to get some support. It really is true that you have to make the decision for yourself... that year was rough, and by the end of it, I came out of the fog and recapped the year and knew it was time. I woke up after thanksgiving, luckily... drank so many martinis the night before and came so close to total humiliation had it not been for my amazing brother who saved my *kitten*! I had to change. I had to take care of me if I wanted anything in the world to open up to me.

    I lost and kept off 25 pounds over the following year, but then had to have surgery and was laid up for 6 weeks... kept that weight off but swore to myself that as soon as I was healed up, I was gonna hit the ground running and never look back at what I had let myself become stagnatt....
    Endometriosis and Fibroids are not fun to have and when you have a body that is not healthy, it is a welcoming ground for anything to be worse... I am not going to give myself any reason for regrets... I will try to make every opportunity in life flourish and be successful... if kids are in my future, I have to be healthy and strong. Then my mom went into the hospital with internal issues,,, then my dad got cancer (was very unhealthy, strong as an ox, but unhealthy) that spread so fast we lost him in 3 weeks.

    I have lost another 52 pounds since Thanksgiving of last year, 2010... I am on my way to be the best me I can be!

    I am serious about this living life thing!!!!!!!
  • chronosfire
    Mine was during my last year of University, and I went into Ricki's and tried on some size 18 clothes, and they didn't fit well. I left the store miserable and depressed, but got off my butt and now I'm fitting into size 10's!
  • sparrows7
    sparrows7 Posts: 59
    Avoiding cameras. I am so sick of avoiding cameras. But my MIL who loves to take pics took a few of me, and I looked even worse than I had thought. Most of my life I had always felt fat, even when I wasn't, but was reassured by pics of me that I actually looked better than I thought. Not so anymore.

    This weekend I was even more determined after looking at some of our holiday pics. I looked pregnant. Pretty sad.
  • Taliko
    Taliko Posts: 82 Member
    I was sitting on a bus with my at-the-time 3 year old. I watched a mother and her little boy of 5 get onto the bus - the woman was large enough she had difficulty getting into the seats.
    She was having a very loud argument with her son about why she was breaking her promise to go to the beach, he was crying. The mother angrily explained that they wern't going because she was just too tired, "We were just walking in wal-mart for half an hour, i'm too tired!" (direct quote) The boy then asked WHY she was always tired all the time, and that she had PROMISED they could go. The mother just brushed him off by saying, "You don't know anything, you're 5. And we're going home."

    Now, just the day before that I had not taken my daughter to the park because I was too tired. And boom. That was it. I decided I would not become that. And I didn't. :)
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Not being able to walk more than 5 minutes without being in excruciating pain.

    Being miserable/unhappy/glass half empty

    Becoming more and more of a recluse and not wanting to go anywhere with people or hang out with friends.
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    There's a video of me on YouTube talking about my field of expertise. I was honored to be asked to do the interview, and was eager to see how it turned out. When I watched myself on video I was absolutely shocked. How did I get so big?

    That video is bookmarked for me now, and if I ever need a kick in the butt I just watch a few seconds of it. It doesn't take long.

    I'm down about 70 pounds so far. Another 25 to my first goal, then we'll figure out where I should really be.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Not being able to walk more than 5 minutes without being in excruciating pain.

    Being miserable/unhappy/glass half empty

    Becoming more and more of a recluse and not wanting to go anywhere with people or hang out with friends.

    That's me. Having to get a wheelchair at a museum because even three or four minutes on my feet sent my sciatica into overdrive. I don't go to parties or other social gatherings, I tend to stay at home most of the time because it's just too danged harsh out there when you're big.

  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Avoiding cameras. I am so sick of avoiding cameras. But my MIL who loves to take pics took a few of me, and I looked even worse than I had thought. Most of my life I had always felt fat, even when I wasn't, but was reassured by pics of me that I actually looked better than I thought. Not so anymore.

    This weekend I was even more determined after looking at some of our holiday pics. I looked pregnant. Pretty sad.

    I think one of the saddest, most embarrassing things for me involved a holiday picture. This was ten years ago. I had lost 72 lbs, was feeling really proud of myself. I still weighed over 200, but I was feeling good about myself. Then we wound up at a family holiday gathering (the in-laws), and I was wrangled into a family picture that I didn't want to be in. The next week, hubby's sister presented us with a copy of the picture, and it was over. I was SO much bigger than I thought I was, and all my motivation and good feelings and pride were gone. That was the end of the diet. I didn't throw my hands in the air and say "Screw it, I quit!" Nothing that overt. I just got terribly depressed. Sad. Didn't want to go walking or hiking, started gravitating toward comfort foods. Didn't help that most of my family was thrilled at my backsliding--no more eating rabbit food with Kris, no more wheedling and coaxing to get Kris to eat fast food or drink big, horrid milk shakes. No more hassling with measuring out servings or weighing foods. Yay!

    I'm in a much different place now. But that one picture sure did a number on me, in the opposite direction of most.

  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    My size 20 pants would not go over my thighs. My very favourite pair of pants at the time. I'd gained 10 lbs over Christmas and they'd been tight before that. I should have been wearing size 24 pants.

    Anyway, that got my butt in gear and I've since donated those pants to charity because I'm fitting into size 14s now!
  • Just_Bethy
    Just_Bethy Posts: 272
    I had flirted with the 200lbs mark for months ...in the weeks following my fathers passing I ate my self sick I was so depressed ...3 weeks later I curiously stood on the scales and had hit 210lbs..I knew then if I didn't do something I would be following him sooner than I hoped..!! I started cutting back on the grub..2 weeks after that I joined Curves and MFP and then a month later the YMCA and dragged the treadmill out of retirement....have been busting butt since!!..and oddly...loving it!!!
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