What was your "That's It!" Moment?



  • mrudzinski
    mrudzinski Posts: 17 Member
    I had a couple!

    The real "That's It!" moment happened on facebook actually. My friends and I always take pictures when we go to parties, and then my friends tag me in photos and they come on my profile feed. Normally, I might untag one or two pictures because they are unflattering, but I had to untag myself in an entire album of pictures because I looked fat in every one. There was no more making excuses, like "oh, thats just a bad angle". I felt almost like I was erasing "myself". I decided then that I wasn't going to live that way any more.

    I'm a good person, and i want my "outsides" to match what I am and how I feel on the "inside"
  • mywaytobeingfit
    mywaytobeingfit Posts: 17 Member
    Three all happened in the same week.

    My "aha moment" was when I weighed in at 250.2. I just kept thinking this has got to stop. This will never end if I don't stop this right now. Next week it will just keep creeping higher and higher until I get control of this.

    My other "aha moment" happened when I was looking at family picture and asked my hubby how I was compared to his Mom (weight wise). Dangerous question for him. He was just telling me the truth and told me that I was about the same. It hit me hard in the gut and at the moment I was done.

    The third was my husband switched places with me on the scale him 248 and me 250.2. The catch him 6'3 and me 5'7.
  • MissNombril
    When I really have nothing to wear in my dressing... and had to buy the first ever pant in French size 44 (US size 12) of my life...
    I decided to stop the medication that made me take so much weight and since this I've already lost about 6lbs without really changing my way of eating. It was 10 days ago.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I thought of another "that's it" moment. When my coworker asked me if I was pregnant, because she noticed the pooch where my flat stomach used to be!
  • evelynr14
    evelynr14 Posts: 172 Member
    Mine was when I avoided the scale for over more than a year and noticed I was weighing 234.8 lbs and i'm only 5ft tall. I couldn't believe it, I told myself I'd put an end to it. And so far it's been 60 days and I've lost 22 lbs
  • Ambrosse
    Ambrosse Posts: 2
    When I was young, I was so thin the school though my parents weren't feeding me! (which was no true, haha), but as soon as I entered middle school I started to pack on the pounds.
    Then in high school I danced with weight between 155 and 165...then as soon as I went out of high school and got to college, my highest weight was almost 180! I'm 5'4" and when you're shorter, it's hard to hide things as well...
    I didn't have a scale at my school so i had no idea i'd gotten that big! My nice shirts weren't fitting right so i wore sweatshirts all the time.
    I'd go home on some weekends and weight myself and I got it in my head that i would never go over 175, but then I did.
    Both my parents are overweight and three of my four siblings are as well. My dad had made an effort to lose weight a year ago and lost over 60 pounds and he looked great! Almost all because he stopped eating so much junk! But then he promptly gained half of it back because let's face it, my mother was not willing to give up the junk and living in a place where it's always around is torture...

    I began looking around on clothing websites and found a lot of cute clothes, but they are all too small for me. Also my favorite store in the world, Express, only has jean sizes that go up to 12...and I was nearing the end of 12 and moving higher...and i couldn't take it anymore.
    I then decided it was time for a change soon before things really got out of hand...
  • amberlee2011
    amberlee2011 Posts: 129
    I hit 199 on the scale and I said that is IT!! I will never allow myself to weigh 200 lbs or over and I promised myself that. I've lost almost 10 lbs and I feel like I am on my way.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    Intellectually, my "that's it" moment came when my doctor told me I had a high cholesterol reading for the first time at my annual physical this year. But my emotional "moment" came a few weeks later. I finally got it after seeing pictures from a party back in April. I'm standing next to a much-thinner friend, and I look so big! I realized I have a distorted body image....I wear size 12-14 and generally don't think of myself as "fat". I still picture myself as a thin person, and some clothes help disguise the weight. Side by side with my friend, though, there was no disguising how blobby I looked. Within a few days I had found this site, and now I've lost 11 pounds in the last 65 days.

    oh - my - god!!! Exactly my story, doctor told me she wanted to see me again in three months as I had high blood pressure and was at risk of high cholesterol. The party for me was in April. I was disgusted at the pctures of me, I couldn't beloeve what I had become! urgh!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I saw a photo of me, something I was avoiding for a long time. It was nauseating!!!:sick:
  • sclosson
    sclosson Posts: 120
    Mine isn't very noble, but it was effective. All the women in my family are obese. Just a fact. But I was always less heavy than my sister. Last fall, she called to say she was working to lose weight. Then she called and said she had lost 40 lbs.! What??? She was almost down to my wieght. I was going to be the "fat sister". I started back on MFP right then. it is weird how the psyche works. Luckily, we are very supportive of each other. She's lost over 50 pounds. The competition keeps us both motivated.
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    I thought i was pregnant, all signs pointed to yes besides the negative test. So i went in and my DR did a blood test and it was negative as well. That got me frustrated, but my DR didnt see why, she said i should be relieved. Then she said that I am basically to fat to get pregnant :( But my bf and I agree that its not the right time so maybe in a year... so A HA... I have 1 yr(+?) and 100 (+) lbs to lose so i better get in gear so i have a baby in my future :)
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    I thought i was pregnant, all signs pointed to yes besides the negative test. So i went in and my DR did a blood test and it was negative as well. That got me frustrated, but my DR didnt see why, she said i should be relieved. Then she said that I am basically to fat to get pregnant :( But my bf and I agree that its not the right time so maybe in a year... so A HA... I have 1 yr(+?) and 100 (+) lbs to lose so i better get in gear so i have a baby in my future :)
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    My biggest one was realizing I'm not only every ones friend and go to person
    I was also there door mat even the hubby, I was so eager to please and fit in
    I had totally lost myself....then I lost my Daddy in march of this year To him I was
    perfect I vowed to myself to make him proud and actually start living the happy
    carefree life I lead him to believe I already had.

    This is a very hard thing for me to admit out load but it is 100% true!
    I have heard this saying many times and never understood exactly what it meant
    now I do.

    I'M DOING ME !!!!!:laugh: :drinker:
  • blueyegrl
    blueyegrl Posts: 248 Member
    I technically had 2. My first one was two weeks ago, I was driving...seemingly hitting every pothole on the street and noticed that my chin was jiggling and I could feel it on my neck. I got online the next day to search for "free" ways to lose weight because I had been on WW before and can't afford it right now. The search brought me to an article that had MFP listed as a helpful site and I know this time around is the LAST time because it was like divine intervention, this site is fantastic! Now, I didn't take the first week seriously, so my second "that's it" moment happened Sunday. We went to a rural town a few hours away for fireworks and had to climb uphill for a 10 minute walk to the town green. I seriously almost died, I was breathing so heavy I almost asked them to call an ambulance. My thought the whole way was oh my god, I'm 35 years old and I can't make it up a hill??? That was it! This whole week I got my act together, started exercising and have no fears of falling off track, because this IS the last time! I WILL reach my goal! And I have MFP and the great people on this site to thank for it!!!
  • lou693
    lou693 Posts: 17
    mine was really about if smthing happed to me my mother always watched like shows like 911 and ed stuff any who i thought to my self how fast could they get me out if i have dying ? they would need 5 or 4 men to get me out and if i died it was not there fault it would of been mine was always on my mind did not want to get so sick bec then il know they carry you out your not aloud to walk so thats why i wanted to change and other thing but that was a big one for me after i lost my 122 pounds i went through a fence onmy horse i was really scared but i was so much in pain i said i could not walk this time not 4 men not 5 men just ONE !!! i was smiling they prob thought it was the drugs but i new then even tho i was not at my goal weight i can easy say if im sick or in a building stuck i know i can get out fast . :)
  • MelissaGull
    Mine was when my doc told me I had to get gastric bypass surgery!! I worked in a hospital that performed these and the thought of the whole thing scared me as well as dying young due to my eating! I met with the surgeon and came home and asked myself have you really ever tried to loose wt..? Not really.. So then I got to work.. It came off slow in the beginning.. But soon people where asking me what are you doing to loose all this wt..? I was down almost 100 lbs on my own. Now Since nursing school I have gained 40+ lbs back... Back to the drawing board!! 2nd "Thats it" was my summer clothes from last year are too tight! :(... Not for long!
  • MelissaGull
    Thats funny I remember the first time my BF could pick me up and carry me around.. Such an awesome feeling!
  • techymum
    techymum Posts: 168
    My aha moment was a few months ago. I felt like my insides were going to split through my skin. Sort of like a water balloon filled with too much water!

    I had this feeling during the winter, and learned I had high blood pressure and had to start on meds.

    It still took me awhile to do anything about it. But I remembered Susan Powter (?) writing a book and the message was, just get out and walk. Start out with walking down the street and back, but get out.

    That was it, and I am so thrilled after 6 weeks to feel so much better. No longer feel like I'm going to split open :-)
    SMCNEIL40 Posts: 80 Member
    Children will tell you the truth because they say what they see...here is my wake up call, in April 2011 I was at church standing beside a lady that was close to 9 months pregnant, my little niece (4yr) pointed at my stomach and asked "Auntie, do you have a baby in there too? I said no and laughed it off, but that day I realized that my weight was out of control. I decided enough was enough!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    mine was really about if smthing happed to me my mother always watched like shows like 911 and ed stuff any who i thought to my self how fast could they get me out if i have dying ? they would need 5 or 4 men to get me out and if i died it was not there fault it would of been mine was always on my mind did not want to get so sick bec then il know they carry you out your not aloud to walk so thats why i wanted to change and other thing but that was a big one for me after i lost my 122 pounds i went through a fence onmy horse i was really scared but i was so much in pain i said i could not walk this time not 4 men not 5 men just ONE !!! i was smiling they prob thought it was the drugs but i new then even tho i was not at my goal weight i can easy say if im sick or in a building stuck i know i can get out fast . :)

    These things always occur to me--what if I had to climb out a window? What if I had to trust my arms/hands to support my weight in an emergency? What if I had to fit through a narrow space? When I was in the OR for my c-section (after nearly three days of natural labor--dang!), they nearly dropped me transferring me from one table to the other other, and I know that was because of my weight. It's one of my goals--to be light and small enough that I can fit, climb, or be carried if necessary.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who's thought about this!

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