

  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    I'm prone to runner's nipple myself so I usually put a couple strips of paper tape over them and they are good to go with no chaffing. They usually stay on (despite my excessive sweating) for at least 2-3 hours of continuous exercise (12-18 miles running). When I ran a marathon, the tape came off during the last few miles but I did bring a roll with me to re-tape them.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Vaseline might help the adhesive come off easier, maybe.
  • TheGauv
    TheGauv Posts: 1
    Hey... So I know this post is a little old... but I'd thought add some comments from being a guy that suffers badly from chaffed nips.

    Like yourself, I was over weight for much of my younger years, and even after I lost the weight, my nips were still inverted... When I discovered weight training and started building my chest... *POP* They've gone from inny's to outties... I thought this was super sexy... until spin class rubbed them so raw I was in tears and hated them...

    In my quest to prevent chaffed nips, I tried tigher shirts, looser shirts, different fabrics to no avail. Speaking to some of my female colleagues with kids, they recomended band-aids, shot-dots, etc... These work OK... but if you're like me and like your chest hair, these may not always work as they tend to cling to hair instead of skin... Makes for a pinful rip and can become loose and still cause chaffing (Just to a lesser degree). Tape, like band-aids works well... however... have fun trying not to take a chestful of hair with it (Think 40 year old virgin in some cases)...

    After speaking to a few friends who I'd deam as true "gym rats" (seriously... how do they do it?!), they recomended a product by the name of Body Glide... It's pretty cheap here in Canada ($3) and can be found in Walmart and most sports stores...

    It looks like a mini deoderant stick, which you'd apply like you would deoderant to any areas you chaffe (nips, inner thighs, etc). It forms a barrier between fabric and skin without being messy or sticky like petroleum jelly, creams, or oils. It also lasts me for a duration of a spin class which is an hour of intense sweating... Can't speak to any longer duration than that as I haven't put it to the test... and best of all, no painful rips of nipple/chest hair. It washes away with soap and water and doesn't stain my clothes.

    Their website has some pretty good testimonials as well... check them out on google if you want to do a bit more research.

    Good luck!
