I confess.....



  • KMcBandit
    KMcBandit Posts: 65
    Cottage cheese. I think it's vile but loads of people seem to love it!

    Same. I don't get it either when it's like rotten milk curds but yeah mix it with fruit and yum...NO THANKS!
  • SarahC75
    SarahC75 Posts: 45
    Tomatoes in any form, Especially ketchup, :sick:

    There are other foods I dislike aswell, but not to the extent where I dry heave if I am near them (Like I do with ketchup :sick: )

    Celery, peas, marmite, pineapple to name a few.
  • ACEgirl1
    ACEgirl1 Posts: 133 Member
    mushrooms, liver and squash. I can vomit just thinking about them. I am not going to expose my child to liver. It's something my husband and I both hated as a child!
  • blueyegrl
    blueyegrl Posts: 248 Member
    Peaches..they are just....evil....as well as Lima Beans and Black Eyed Peas. Gross!

    And I have never liked milk, unless there was a chocolate chip cookie floating around in it. I only use Almond Milk now, and only for my cereal. I can't drink milk straight in any form. So gross!
  • XBabigrl72
    XBabigrl72 Posts: 88
    Hummus, which is funny because I love chick peas as they are I just can't stand hummus
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,440 Member
    All the above except for peanut butter lol, I love peanut butter xD.

    But for me i'd have to say tuna fish, I can't even force myself to eat something that smells so terrible. The last time I tried a bite of a tuna sandwich I literally puked >_<.

    Here, Here on the tuna fish! I used to have a coworker who would open a can of tuna fish and put thousand island dressing on it and eat it right out of the can. I had to leave the office whenever he did so that I wouldn't lose my lunch.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Hummus, which is funny because I love chick peas as they are I just can't stand hummus

    HEH I AM the opposite with peanut butter, i am not overly fond of peanuts , but can not live without peanut butter, go figure
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    Blutwurst... if you don't know what it is, don't google it. You're better off not knowing.