What was your REGULAR worst meal



  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    Carne Asada burrito........Its been so long...I miss you. :sad:
  • LadyPHX
    LadyPHX Posts: 52
    My worst regular meal was with my now ex when I was in graduate school. To my credit, and detriment, I hadn't eaten all day before this food cluster (blank).
    So between the mai tai at the bar near his job (289 calories)
    and two Cherry Cokes (300 calories)
    with 4 slices of Papa John's The Works Pizza (1321 calories)
    and...it gets better....two turtle brownies from a Betty Crocker mix (240 calories)
    Totalling...2149 calories (OMG)...eeww... that's enough for two people on its own, oy nearly enough for two people all day. What was I thinking? I guess being 21 at the time saved me a little bit, but oy vey. To this day, I won't even touch Cherry Coke, Papa John's, brownie mix, and I haven't had another mai tai.
  • jesienia
    jesienia Posts: 294
    Naan pizza...at least 3 times a week for a while. I would take naan bread and spread a little homemade pizza sauce then top with cubes of mozzarella cheese and basil. So good...but bad on calories. eek! Also I was bad about baking bread and then eating the whole loaf that day. *sigh*
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    Olive garden. Breadsticks. Enough said.
  • maygans
    maygans Posts: 196 Member
    I was just thinking about this a few days ago... I can think of one of the worst ones. I used to go to Uno's (a pizza place, I don't know if it's a chain?) with my friends when I was in high school and when I was in college and I fell in love with the pizza skins. It's a personal sized deep dish pizza crust filled with mashed potatoes, mozzarella, bacon and other cheeses, and you eat it with sour cream. I would get that and eat it as my meal...sometimes eating the entire thing, sometimes saving 2ish pieces for later (with more sour cream). 1/2 of the thing is about 1000 calories...so that's 2000 calories for that alone! PLUS I would get an appetizer (usually fried mozzarella sticks) to share, which probably adds a few hundred calories. I don't even think the 1k "price" includes the sour cream! My entire life I've always drank water 90% of the time, but I'm sure a few times going out I've gotten a lemonade to switch it up (never soda, I have always disliked soda) which would add a couple hundred calories. I do remember getting dessert there as well...which I ate all of...I don't even know how many calories for a dessert. I'm thinking it must be over 2500 calories for that meal....1 meal! I'd say I had this meal twice a month on average, but it might have been more frequent, I can't really remember exactly. 1 meal!!!!!! I eat half of that daily now for my entire day! Just crazy .....
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    In high school after I started driving it was def fast food.. I'd get out of school and think, ok today i'll have McDonalds, then tomorrow Wendy's, then after that Taco Bell, etc..
    Then in more recent times I was really bad at stopping at the grocery store after work and buying the store made cupcakes (package of 6) or cookies (12) and could def finish them off in a day or 2...