H20~ Keeping the Pounds Falling Off



  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    It sounds like everyone is doing GREAT!!!

    My three happies:

    1 - we are going home tomorrow:bigsmile:
    2 - we are going home tomorrow:bigsmile:
    3 - we are going home tomorrow:bigsmile:

    Can you tell I'm SO excited to be going home? Three weeks is TOO long to be away. :happy:

    Have a great weekend, Ladies! :flowerforyou:

    So, Crystal... are you happy to be going home?! :bigsmile: Come on!! Tell us how you REALLY feel!! :laugh:
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    glad for the new challenge!! yay!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Beautiful pictures April :)

    And I want to eat jelly beans now :D
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Yep...Crystal is happy to be going home! Have a safe trip!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Thanks BJ!

    I hope everyone has had a great Saturday.. Ive been soo BLAH today.. :( Im off tomorrow but I have a photo shoot.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Had to work this morning, but since I do my long runs on Saturday I had to wait until evening to beat the heat that arrived. I'm not complaining, I just like to get these long runs done so I can enjoy the rest of the day and eat all the yummy calories I've earned. So I ate more than I usually would this morning and for lunch in preparation for the run. I ended up taking a nap even! I went out about 7pm and it was still warm, but the beating sun had started to go down, so it wasn't so brutal. Did my nine miles!!! Yup, nine. I can hardly believe I can say that. I felt so hard-core when I was out there.... like I was on top of the freaking world!!!! So I got home and showered and didn't want to do anything for supper. Ended up eating the two pieces of pizza left from when the kids had pizza a couple hours ago. It's all good... you can eat like crazy when you burn that much!!!! Still sipping my Gatorade for recovery, but feeling pretty good. Hope you all had a great Saturday!!!!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Had to work this morning, but since I do my long runs on Saturday I had to wait until evening to beat the heat that arrived. I'm not complaining, I just like to get these long runs done so I can enjoy the rest of the day and eat all the yummy calories I've earned. So I ate more than I usually would this morning and for lunch in preparation for the run. I ended up taking a nap even! I went out about 7pm and it was still warm, but the beating sun had started to go down, so it wasn't so brutal. Did my nine miles!!! Yup, nine. I can hardly believe I can say that. I felt so hard-core when I was out there.... like I was on top of the freaking world!!!! So I got home and showered and didn't want to do anything for supper. Ended up eating the two pieces of pizza left from when the kids had pizza a couple hours ago. It's all good... you can eat like crazy when you burn that much!!!! Still sipping my Gatorade for recovery, but feeling pretty good. Hope you all had a great Saturday!!!!

    YAY for you, Nikki!!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Here are a couple nature/animal pictures ive taken lately.. :)

    -Squirrel eating gold fish crackers i gave him.. I edited it with black and white and color. :) I love it

    - I thought the horse was beautiful.. :)
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Had to work this morning, but since I do my long runs on Saturday I had to wait until evening to beat the heat that arrived. I'm not complaining, I just like to get these long runs done so I can enjoy the rest of the day and eat all the yummy calories I've earned. So I ate more than I usually would this morning and for lunch in preparation for the run. I ended up taking a nap even! I went out about 7pm and it was still warm, but the beating sun had started to go down, so it wasn't so brutal. Did my nine miles!!! Yup, nine. I can hardly believe I can say that. I felt so hard-core when I was out there.... like I was on top of the freaking world!!!! So I got home and showered and didn't want to do anything for supper. Ended up eating the two pieces of pizza left from when the kids had pizza a couple hours ago. It's all good... you can eat like crazy when you burn that much!!!! Still sipping my Gatorade for recovery, but feeling pretty good. Hope you all had a great Saturday!!!!

  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    April, I love those pics!!! What a great eye you have!!!!

    Took a nice long walk on the boardwalk/pier today. What a glorious summer day! It's like 92 and high humidity, but if you are by the water it's so awesome!!!! Lots of sweat and sunscreen today... so the shower felt amazing. Now it's laundry and supper. Boy, it's an exciting life I lead!!!!

    Take care everyone...
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Thanks Nik.. Debating on sharing a few of the ones it took today..
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Ahhh... another Monday! Another date with the slave driver. Should be an okay weigh-in today. Don't know I will see much of a loss as I am losing weight ever so slowly these days... but I'll take whatever I can get! :happy:

    Jason is almost finished painting the room he is moving into. This is a good and bad thing! MY bedroom is a total wreck with all the "stuff" piled into it from my sewing/scrapbook room. For someone that is an organization freak, this is hard to deal with! I am overwhelmed with all the piles and have NO idea where I will put my sewing machines. :sad: I have a feeling my dining room table will turn into the place I do my sewing. Oh well, we will all survive, somehow! The good part is I will have help/support with Chad (the 11 yr old.) Jason is good with setting boundaries with Chad and keeps him in line. They will be able to spend "guy time" together as well. That will be good for both of them.

    The kids scattered David's ashes on Saturday. I suppose it was cathartic for all 4 of them. They are doing well dealing with his death - as well as can be expected, I guess. In a weird way it makes me wonder how they will handle it when I die. I don't mean this in a sad way... I just wonder if it will be the same for them. It also makes me think about how I will handle it when MY mother's time comes. I can't imagine her not being here. Yet, I know she can't live forever. My father used to say the worst thing imaginable is to live longer than your children. I have been blessed in many ways; for that I am grateful! I need to remember to make the best of each day God gives me...

    4 Happys for today:
    1) Morning coffee is awesome!
    2) Tomoz is Tuesday! :wink:
    3) Looking forward to a really tough workout this afternoon! (I am quite positive it is my "other" self making this comment!)
    4) Today is my youngest daughter's 21st birthday! (the one that just got married)

    Have a great day, ladies!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Jen, washer/dryer sizes never occured to me as a difference you'd deal with. I don't have my own machines, so I gotta use the laundromat. And I'm lazy, so usually I use the giant four load big bertha machines and chuck all of the clothes in. :laugh: Domestic goddess! Hope you're having fun with your Iron Man friends!

    Nikki, what kind of HRM do you have? One day I desperately want one and the next I'm over it, but really deep down I'm still interested but have no idea what brand/model to go for. Hope the banana was delish! You're doing such a great job with your running!!

    Lisa, you're funny! :D I'm loving the sound of that cowl neck tank. Fingers crossed that it fits perfectly. The gourmet food truck thing is HUGE in LA. They all have facebook pages and twitter feeds, and that is how you find out about where they'll be parked that evening. They're starting to cluster up in certain places throughout the week (like the place where I got the bacon bread pudding) and food truck festivals (where you pay a cover) are also getting more and more popular. I found this article for you - maybe it'll help you find some mobile cuisine! http://mobile-cuisine.com/off-the-wire/canadian-top-10-food-trucks/ Ooh yeah and Ryan Reynolds, if I had a connection to him, I'd keep him all for myeslf! Giggidy! I don't like hearing that you got sick and dizzy when you were out on your run. :(

    Linda, the fact that your daughter is going on to see the manager has to be a good sign, right? Totally amzing how the moon can affect people! It really does bring out the crazy in people.

    April, very nice pictures! :)

    Cazz, look at you go skinny butt! I'm glad the ash scattering went well for your kids. It probably brought some closure to the whole thing. I hope your daughter has a very happy birthday, and that you have a killer workout!

    Crystal, welcome home!!

    Hi Molly!

    BJ, I totally want jelly beans too. :laugh:

    Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been around recently, I've had a busy few days! Friday we got all fancy and took a friend out to a nice dinner for his birthday. OMG, best filet mignon EVER! Saturday it was the same friend's party at a tiki bar. This place is a hoot. It is literally the size of my living room and people are jam-packed in there. Yesterday was a recovery day where I refused to be social. :laugh: I had a little bit of a hangover so all we did was have lunch with my mom and then chill out at home.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Christine, my HRM is a Polar FT7. I picked it up a local chain department store here in MI. I paid $100 but you can find them on Ebay and stuff... I just had to have it NOW, that's just how I roll. I really love that it tells me how many cals I've burned. I've been using it any time I exercise, but I know people have worn them 24/7 to get an accurate BMR. Not sure I really think mine is all that different from what MFP says since I'm still losing, but I can see why that may come into play for some athletes especially. My chest strap is pretty comfy, basically feels like my sports bra goes down another inch on the elastic, but that's about it. The watch is a little strange for me because I'm not used to wearing one while I'm running, but it's nothing that hinders me at all. I like that I can see when I need to slow down/speed up... keep going to burn XXX number of calories... whatever! Wish I would have had one all along to be honest!

    No workouts for me today... at least one good thing on a Monday. My sister came over tonight to take my elliptical (that I paid $50 for from a friend last summer) home for a test drive. I never use the thing anymore and if she thinks she'll get some use out of it I'm happy! We got it in her minivan, and I hope she can get it down her stairs at home (her hubby is out of state for work this week) but I told her to call me if she needed help and she hasn't yet! Anyway... finishing up my cals and vegging out tonight... have a great week!
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    April - beautiful photos and I LOVE the one of the horse (he's just so pretty!) and the light is just perfect.

    Cazz - I hope your workout was awesome and I'm glad the scattering of the ashes went well, even if it was a somber occasion. It sounds like your kids are managing well and leaning on you and each other, which is important. Did you celebrate with your daughter? I hope she's settling into married life and doing well :smile:

    Christine - you're a SuperStar! You found me Canadian food trucks and I've already emailed my Dad that I want to go to the Red Fish Blue Fish one in Victoria when I visit them in August. I looked up the menu online and I'm seriously excited already. I just have to figure out how to convince them to give me a two piece meal with one piece of salmon and one of halibut...maybe play the "Prairies" card and a sad face? (completely leaving out that I'm from Victoria...)

    Like Nikki I also have a Polar FT7 HRM and I love it for the gym and when I'm doing the 30 Day Shred. It's a pretty small watch, the strap is really comfortable, and it's good quality (not cheap materials that are going to fall apart). The battery on the FT7 is replaceable, which is a big deal because the older Polar models had to be sent into the Polar headquarters. But now you can do it yourself.

    BUT my husband started shopping for a HRM too and he was looking at one's with GPS (which I didn't look at initially because I didn't run, especially outside - - or ever). I confess, I'm into "toys" and "gear" (I love running for the sport, but I also love the stuff). So you can see where this is going. Anyway, yesterday I bought the Garmin 305. I took it on a practice walk and I LOVE IT. I can see my HR, distance, pace, speed, lap time, there are programs and a virtual race buddy. It tracks your route and all the info and loads it up onto your computer when you get home. The Garmin 305 is bulky (really not attractive) but it's surprisingly comfortable and gives you more stats than you'd ever need. If I knew running came with gadgets, I'd have started years ago!

    Strangely the Garmin is about the same price as the Polar, and I got the Garmin at the local Costco. You probably want to watch out for the Garmin 405x because the touch bezel is a pain the neck but also the strap is moulded and I found it fairly uncomfortable. The strap on the Garmin is a bit cheaper material than the Polar - more plastic, but I may upgrade that next year or if it starts to break down.

    I learned a lot from my crummy run last week, and had a very "healthy" run on Saturday in 90 degree heat. I ran with my trainer and we did speed walk/running intervals with lots of water and some sport beans after 45 minutes. The heat didn't get me out of the push-ups and burpees but I felt good after - no dizziness or sickness that time!

    I'm looking forward to my morning run tomorrow (6 am should be about 75 degrees already) and trying out my new Garmin...yay! I'll be trying for a solid 25 minute run without walking (I've been doing 10 minute segments with a minute or so of walking in between) so I'll see how it goes. I'll walk if I need to...

    Have a great Tuesday everyone!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Thanks ladies..

    and Alegria.. Thank you.. he is a beautiful horse.. took it at the state park thats like a mile away from where i live.. maybe a mile and a half away.. :)
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Good Morning-

    yep Laundry is a never ending game, unless I decide to go naked for a few days, and complete all of the laundry and enjoy not having to do laundry- but even then i would sit on a towel, and so there would still be laundry- Pink I too have been tempted to go to the laundromat and use the big machines!

    April - gorgeous photos as always- love the horse

    Nikster- you superstar athlete!!!

    friends still in town (yea!)

    Nursee- I hope you enjoyed those three days off!!

    Cazz- i am glad to hear that your boys are healing- I still need to scatter my dad's ashes, but there is too much debate in the family over where to do it?

    Crystal- Welcome home!!!

    Alegria- good to know about the garmin - I have a polar which I have been thinking abuot replacing with a garmin as the polar does not work with my adidas training system but garmin will - my IronMan friends say that they find they are all about the same these days- they slightly prefer polar for must functions but the garmin has the best gps out of all oft he gps watches out there (makes sense, it is the specialty of garmin) - the gadget show (on discovery channel out here) tested a bunch and the garmin 405csx came out their favourite followed by a very very fancy polar....

    my current goal for this challenge is to complete my 30Day shred (er 45 day shred? 60 day shred?) before I leave for the US on the 13th of August

    have a great day everyone
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Happy Tuesday my friends! My days off were wonderful...did absolutely nothing on the weekend. I think my body needed that after the long work week. Yesterday, I took my mom in law for a much needed haircut. She is doing much better but I think she is slowly becoming dependent on the 24 hr caregivers so I took the night one away. They are quite expensive. She says she never sees the night one anyways because she is sleeping. I hope we are doing the right thing. She walked quite a bit yesterday and the daytime caregivers say she does well most of the time. Let's hope this 88 yr old gets her spunk back. It has been a long road for sure.

    I started my Monday 'get back on the horse' routine. I had planned on a bike ride but it was too hot. So housecleaned instead. Sweat like crazy...

    Back to work this am...have half the uniform on...if I don't put the pants on, does that mean I can stay home? It is only one day so hopefully it will move quickly. My hospital has been so busy. Plus, it is way hot at work...being on the top floor with poor ventilation.

    Hope you have a beautiful day. I will catch up with everyone tonite. Keep running...keep logging...keep moving!

  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Excited, I lost 1lb this week puts me at 50lb total :D

    2lb for this challenge :)
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Linda: I don't know a hospital that ISN'T busy! :laugh: Too many patients! :ohwell: Job security, I guess! :smile:

    BJ: AWESOME job on the loss! Always exciting when ya see movement on the scale - PLUS hitting the big 50# milestone! :bigsmile:

    To all you runners out there: I AM JEALOUS! (kind of!) My bad knees give me excuse not to run. Unfortunately, I can't dance or do anything else that could possibly "tweak" my knees either. My oldest son loves to run... in any weather... on any terrain! It's something I have never really enjoyed. But keep thinking "the new me" might LEARN to like it! :ohwell: Such is life...