H20~ Keeping the Pounds Falling Off



  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    so my not-so-bad weigh-in was up by 0.2#. I'll accept it and keep going. The stupid slave driver has decreased my cardio and increased my strength training. So I know what's going on... I just don't have to like it!! I am a slave to the scale, admittedly...
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Down a little bit this week. :) Gotta run off to the store, I'll catch up with you ladies later. :)
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Crystal, you'll push those 3 pounds to the curb very soon... I just know it!

    Jenn, I know where you're from and where you'll be... sorry I'm on the other side of the state, but I love the Mitten... all of it! Enjoy your visit.

    Cazz, enjoy the change up and I'm sure that you'll see results soon!!! Kill it, girlfriend!!!!

    BJ, nice job!!!! I know coming under 140 for the first time since college whas a shock to me and I felt so light!!! Still do... can't wait to weigh in tomorrow and see what it says!

    Ok, it's been a crappy busy week at work and I'm SO looking forward to my day off tomorrow. I need it SOOO bad! I did end up running my three miles last night after work (even though I was exhausted and the humidity was thicker than soup) but it wasn't fun. I'm hoping the 7 I have tomorrow goes better, but having the humidity lower should help... that and some sleep!!!! There's a festival going on in my hometown this week so I'm hoping to get out there and check out the digs... not that I want to ride the carnival rides, but just to check out all the goodies sounds fun, and to see the boats and people and all that jazz, and of course a little junk food may just hit the spot after a long run and a longer walk!!!! Hope you're all enjoying summer, I sure am! Just wish our boat would start... I could use a day on the tube!!!!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Okay... feeling a bit better today... after a rough workout! Go figure! My butt and thighs... killing me! My triceps - I swear I still feel them burning! Still, somehow the pain feels good... and somehow, I know you will all understand! Thanks for putting up with my whinging!! (Now you know a bit of what the Slave Driver has to endure.)
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Cazz, that's the sign of a great workout!!! Feel that burn, baby!!!! WOOHOO!

    Ok, seven mile tempo run DONE! It was hotter than I thought (even though it was only 70 degrees) but I think it's because it was really sunny. I didn't attempt to get up super early since I really needed some sleep last night, but managed to get out the door at 9am and finish in 1:15!!! Stopped to weigh in at the gym and was down .6, from two weeks ago (darn TOM last week had me up, but I didn't log it since I knew it was hormonal). I'm happy with that, I'm officially 5 pounds away from what I'm currently considering my goal, but even if my body decides this is where it's happy, I'm ok with that as well! I'm only 5'2", so 135 is on the high end of "normal BMI" so I'm hoping to get around 130ish... we'll see! Haven't been under 130 since I started college a million years ago!!!!

    Happy's for today, the run is done.... the sun is shining.... I'm going to get to cruise the festival later possibly with my sis and maybe even a couple friends if all goes as I want it to... I'm feeling fitter and smaller every week!!!!

    On a more somber note... my son got into some trouble a few weeks ago and we got the notice yesterday that his court date is next Friday. Please pray they scare the crap out of him enough that this will be the one and only time he ever has to go to court as a defendant!!!!! He's 12. He was caught with three older boys breaking into a building. It was stupid, and he's been grounded ever since. This will not be cheap for us!!!! I'm a little nervous, but I do want them to scare the living crap out of him!!!!

    Ok, enough of that. Kill those workouts today, girls!!!!!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member

    On a more somber note... my son got into some trouble a few weeks ago and we got the notice yesterday that his court date is next Friday. Please pray they scare the crap out of him enough that this will be the one and only time he ever has to go to court as a defendant!!!!! He's 12. He was caught with three older boys breaking into a building. It was stupid, and he's been grounded ever since. This will not be cheap for us!!!! I'm a little nervous, but I do want them to scare the living crap out of him!!!!

    I could go on for DAYS about stuff like this! LOL Thankfully, THAT kid turned around... he is now a cop - well, a sheriff - he says there IS a difference! So, I pray it works out for your son and your family!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503

    On a more somber note... my son got into some trouble a few weeks ago and we got the notice yesterday that his court date is next Friday. Please pray they scare the crap out of him enough that this will be the one and only time he ever has to go to court as a defendant!!!!! He's 12. He was caught with three older boys breaking into a building. It was stupid, and he's been grounded ever since. This will not be cheap for us!!!! I'm a little nervous, but I do want them to scare the living crap out of him!!!!

    I could go on for DAYS about stuff like this! LOL Thankfully, THAT kid turned around... he is now a cop - well, a sheriff - he says there IS a difference! So, I pray it works out for your son and your family!

    Hang in there...it will all work out. If he knows he did wrong and understands it and has remorse..then he learned.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member

    On a more somber note... my son got into some trouble a few weeks ago and we got the notice yesterday that his court date is next Friday. Please pray they scare the crap out of him enough that this will be the one and only time he ever has to go to court as a defendant!!!!! He's 12. He was caught with three older boys breaking into a building. It was stupid, and he's been grounded ever since. This will not be cheap for us!!!! I'm a little nervous, but I do want them to scare the living crap out of him!!!!

    I could go on for DAYS about stuff like this! LOL Thankfully, THAT kid turned around... he is now a cop - well, a sheriff - he says there IS a difference! So, I pray it works out for your son and your family!

    Hang in there...it will all work out. If he knows he did wrong and understands it and has remorse..then he learned.

    Thanks you guys. I really hope he gets it. When I read him the paperwork he was pretty shocked at how much this could cost and how long he could be in trouble... and I hope it really sinks in! What a hoot it would be for him to be a cop someday... actually I think he would be good at it... so thanks for the encouragement!!!!

    I got a really long walk in this afternoon/evening which felt amazing. I also got to spend some time hanging out with my sister which I always love!!!! We even swapped some pants/shorts because she was being optimistic this spring and bought some size 6's that are just too snug (she's gained a couple pound this summer) and my 8's are falling off... so we are swapping! I love this, because the 6's are fitting great and I just don't want to buy any more clothes right now!!!! She's happy they are getting used and will wear my 8's as long as she needs!!!! Sisters rock!
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Our computer is dead, so I'll be gone for a while.... Keep at it Ladies!!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Our computer is dead, so I'll be gone for a while.... Keep at it Ladies!!

    We will miss you! :cry:
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Just a quick check in. I did my first 10 mile training run this morning. It was warmish and very muggy... but it's done! Felt really good, kept the pace slow like I needed to, and kept the HRM in check. Ate a big lunch afterward and now I think it's time for a nap before we do something later. It's raining now anyway, so a little break sounds great! Hope you're all having a great weekend!!!!

    I can't believe I finished that run!!!!
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    Crystal - Happy Anniversary and I'm sorry to hear about the chicken pox! I can't believe your daughter has them in her hair...that must suck so badly for everyone. And you CAN do it again, you will eat healthy and hopefully it'll be easier now because you know it can be done.

    Nikki - It's awesome that you ran 4 miles and then shopped for 10 hours - that kind of makes you my hero :smile: :smile: We're finally getting an IKEA here, but it won't open until fall of 2012, which is completely unacceptable! How am I supposed to buy furniture for my newly finished basement if IKEA doesn't open for another year and a half? And congratulations on the loss - it's amazing that you are so close to your goal, but even more awesome that you've turned into such an inspirational athlete!

    I hope things go well for your son and with any luck the seriousness of having to go to court will scare him. It must be hard on your entire family, but I hope he gets scared straight. Is there any way to get him to hang out with different guys? Sports or something?

    Linda - "Joints matter" sounds like a great way for you to combine your practical skills and teaching skills. I'm sure your patients are thrilled to have a caring health care professional that takes time to explain the important parts of their recovery. I'd get sick around you any day!

    Christine - LOL @ getting your dog a take-out burrito!! That's fabulous! Not that it's a bad eating competition, but you'll see below that I have you beat on the "terrible eating" front...vacation eating for me :smile: I'm super envious of your shopping expedition and I'm so glad you found some awesome sales.

    Chantal - welcome back!

    Jen - congrats on making it to level 3! That's a great accomplishment. How are you finding it compared to level 2? I have to get back to the 30DS this week, but I'll probably do level 1 a couple of times before starting level 2 because I've been out of it for a week or so.

    BJ - congrats on the loss!!! That's such a huge accomplishment!

    Cazz - that burning and pain is progress! You're going to kick butt at your next weigh in and your trainer is going to be seriously impressed!

    Well ladies, I'm back from vacation and officially back on the healthy track! I had a fabulous trip to the US - we went through North Dakota, shopped in Fargo (I got my Asics for less than half of what they cost in Canada...great but kind of annoying!), then drove to Brainerd for some fun mini golf. We stayed in really cute cabins and ate s'mores!

    Then it was on to Duluth, and we loved Canal Park. We walked around the whole area, strolled on the Lake Walk, and yes, ate s'mores every night. Plus I ate fish and chips (more than once), enjoyed a margarita at a restaurant famous for them, and may have choked down popcorn and chocolate truffles a time or two... :smile:

    Then we drove to Mackinaw City and spent the night there - what a cute town! And the FUDGE! It was literally everywhere...Nikki had told me, but I didn't really understand until I got there. It was INSANE. Even stores that sold other things (books, curios, etc) ALSO sold fudge. It was a challenge to find a store where you couldn't buy fudge. And they just give it away so you can try it, over and over and over again.

    But my favourite was Mackinac Island! We walked around, ate lunch at the Pink Pony (love the name!) and tried (you guessed it) FUDGE all over the place. Then we rented bikes and rode the 8 mile path around the edge of the island. And we stopped and hiked 800 feet up the side of a cliff to check out geological rock formations...fun!

    So the Island was awesome, and we got a lot of exercise that day from walking everywhere and riding bikes, plus I went for a run that morning. So I managed to run twice while away for 6 days, and I was happy with that.

    Oh, and this happened accidentally, but somehow I ate pizza every single day we were away. Some gourmet pizza (prosciutto, red pepper and goat cheese with arugula...I still dream about you), regular pizza at Pizza Hut or Old Chicago, and in the middle pizza in Mackinaw City - Pizza Palace, you made me so happy...

    BUT now I'm back home, I started off right by getting up early and heading out to running club at my gym, where we put in 4.4 miles, and then I had a protein shake and a healthy lunch. I've grocery shopped and bought ridiculous amounts of fruits and vegetables, and planned a run with a new running buddy early in the week. No more fish and chips, no more pizza :frown:, and no more FUDGE :grumble: Oh, and apparently no more s'mores every night. Huh.

    Thankfully my husband is on board with healthy and he's getting up to run tomorrow. That makes it so much easier!

    Now I have to go and deal with a million emails, but I'm glad to be back!

    By the way - I'm so envious of all your US food options! We stopped at a Super Target and I spent $140 on food I can't get in Canada. And it was so annoying to see how much cheaper it is down there. We need to triple or quadruple our population up here!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Lisa, I'm glad you had such a nice trip!!! I truly love Mackinac Island even though after living in Michigan all of my 39 years I've only actually been there ONCE!!! Ugh.. must remedy that again soon!!! Pizza every day... sounds a little like heaven to me!
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Nikster - thinking of you and your son-

    Great job on the 10 miles

    Alegria- glad to hear you loved Mackinac Island- I have been to the pink pony as well- how funny! You think you are envious of the food in the US-try being an American in Belgium- the food choices are appalling- other than, perhaps beer and cheese, maybe bread- we have tons of choice there

    for me level 3 is a LOT easier than level 2- but this is partially because I have to do all of the modified versions of the exercises- I Imagine if you do the harder versions level 3 might be tougher, but then again maybe not- it's different -

    btw I cannot do situps- at least not without using my feet/legs to help pull be up-
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Well, ended up finishing off the weekend with a 2 mile run! That was the last training run for this week, I ended up running 22 miles total in the last seven days (well, six really since I don't run on Monday's) and I'll be ready to start my next week on Tuesday and I add another mile to the mix. I did also walk about 5 miles on Thursday but I'm not counting them in my mileage because the challenge to myself was just to get the 150 miles in JUST running miles. We'll see how close I come... I think it will be pretty close!

    Hope you all had a nice weekend... and Jen, I hope you find some good foods over there in Europe!!!! Those sit up's are killer... I need to seriously work on my core when I finish my half marathon!!!!
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    great job Nik!

    Happies for today:

    New shorts fit!
    Pants that I could only pull up to my knees in Late January I can now zip and button (too tight to wear out in public though, and are white so intend never to wear them as next time it is white pants season again I intend to be smaller!)
    leaving on vacation soon!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I lost 1lb
    Puts me at 139lb yay, hello 130's
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Jenn, yay for smaller pants!!!! I love dropping sizes... I can't believe how much better I feel when I shop now!

    BJ, yay for another milestone!!!! So happy for you!

    Realized tonight during my 3 mile run that I really prefer to run in the morning and not after work. The problem is, unless it's my day off, I can't get up early enough!!! On my days off I usually run around 8am-ish... and it's awesome. After working a long day mostly on my feet, the last thing my feet and legs feel like doing is run. I suppose this is normal, but I'll keep pushing through because I can't afford not to run just because I'm tired! No excuses... just jogging and logging!!!!!

    I have the next two days off thanks to working overtime a couple weeks ago. I'm so freaking happy about that!!! And, I have plans with girlfriends tomorrow night!!!! I'm planning to do something to burn some calories so I don't feel bad about the food and cocktails that will undoubtedly be consumed! Either walk/bike ride/weights... I don't care, just as long as I burn about 500!!!! I'm planning on a really fun night!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    You guys are just so awesome! YAY! for all the success out there! :drinker:

    BJ - Congrats on the milestone!

    Nikki - you keep on runnin' girlfriend!! :bigsmile:

    Jen - ALWAYS good to fit in smaller sizes!!

    Christine - SO jealous of your anniversary celebration!!

    Can't believe I'm gonna say this... I realized the other day that I only have a couple moths left with the Slave Driver! yikes! How on EARTH am I gonna do this without her??!! NO! I won't really miss her, but I will surely miss the structure and accountability she provides. She has been a thorn in my side but I also know how valuable she has been on this journey. I guess I'm scared to let go of her... she has been my "excuse" for HAVING to exercise and do what's right and good for me. Weird... Soon, the only excuse I will have is "it's what I need to do". I hope that will be enough! :frown:

    Of course, I always have you guys to kick my @ss!! :sad:
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    I lost 1lb
    Puts me at 139lb yay, hello 130's

    great job!!!:drinker: