H20~ Keeping the Pounds Falling Off



  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Good Thursday evening ladies… it has been a busy week for this nurse. Patients were absolutely beautiful though. Tonight, I did a presentation for our joint replacement patients about what to expect after their surgery. All the tubes, wires, drains…pain meds (the most important). I really enjoy the teaching aspect of my job. Therapy also helps with the presentation as well as a case manager to make sure they have what they need at home. I will be doing a phone interview for the local paper about our class. We call it…Joints Matter. It took a long time to prepare but now we are doing it twice monthly. Patients have told us it helps ease their anxiety. Work may suck sometimes, the places I work may not always be the greatest…but I love what I do so that will always carry me through.
    One more 12 hr this week then hello weekend! Getting together with some old friends on Sat to celebrate a 50th birthday...then Sun spending time with the stepsister I told you about. Glad to be continuing that relationship. Unfortunately, her father was killed in an accident earlier this week. He was our connection although neither of us has spoken to him in years. Still hurts though.

    On the exercise and weight loss front…I think the antidepressants are finally kicking in. I actually want to get motivated again. I have put on some weight that I am not very happy about. My daughter and I were both giggling this evening about having to join Overeaters Anonymous. I continue to be your support because I am very proud of all of you. I hope to put those wonderful words up too…

    So, let’s catch up.

    Nicki…sorry about the girlie troubles. It sucks sometimes. But go do that shopping..with that new figure to flaunt about..you deserve it. You have just amazed me at how far you have come in the time I have known you. Just keep doing what you are doing! :flowerforyou:

    Cazz…two gyms? Wow, that’s dedication! You also have amazed me. You found what has worked for you and you are sticking with it. You look amazing! Glad to hear things are getting back to some normalcy after all you have dealt with. Enjoy that “all about me” attitude. That’s how we succeed..by putting ‘me’ first! :smokin:

    Christine…get back into that running…you were doing so well. I agree with not running after an enchilada though…might not look too good if it comes back…lol! Don’t worry about the gain…you always get back in check..:bigsmile:

    Jen…love the profile pic…beautiful! Keep rockin that 30 DS…who cares if it takes longer. All the more inches will fall off! :happy:

    Lisa…you are doing great with the running! I haven’t really done it much..started the C25K but never moved past the second week. Maybe with all the running you girls are doing…I might try again. Plus, I can wear the skirts you and Nicki seem to be rockin! Definitely go to Mackinac Island…I was there years ago and so enjoyed it. I go to Michigan in the summers to visit family…they live not too far from Nicki. Maybe one day I will have to stop by her house…I also have some family in Minnesota as well as friends. Never been there though. Take lots of pics on your adventure…:smile:

    Crystal…You are doing good trying to get back on track. I am with you on the slow starts. I am trying to get back into myself. Hard to do when you have been away for so long..but you will get there. Good luck on the P90X. :drinker:

    Violet..I saw you peeking there…good to have you back..keep visiting!

    April…your pictures seem to get better and better…glad you are working on something you enjoy…instead of the work you have to do. Once you get things where you like them…I know you will get back on track with your weight goals. Always good to see you pop in! :smile:

    So, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend…keep logging in…keep moving…keep inspiring…keep being you! I am so glad to be a MFP friend with all of you fabulous, beautiful women!

    Linda :love:
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    This morning I went for a run on a new route and managed 5 miles, but it was hot and I had to keep taking 1/4 mile speed walk breaks. I was 4 miles in and thinking of Nikki putting in 9 miles and seriously wondering...HOW??? I understand the theory that I'll keep getting better, but sometimes it feels like it may never happen. These miles are just so far when you're running them!

    Christine - if you're up, you won't be for long! A couple of days of good eating and a a couple of workouts will get that turned around. Just keep at 'er! I've made a mental note that mexican + running = very, very bad :smile:

    Nikki - I told my husband we have to buy fudge! Do you know where or is it obvious? Is this a small place? Any other recommendations? We won't have our camping gear so we'll be doing the hotel or motel thing this trip...

    Cazz - it's GREAT that you joined another gym, but it sucks that the equipment is different. But thing of this - you have the confidence to go in and use the equipment anyway! You know you'll figure it out and you aren't afraid to try. That's huge!

    Jen - the equation that the Garmin uses to calculate calories does not include heart rate. So it goes by distance, time, and your stats. So no, it wouldn't be great in the gym. And for winter I've kept my Polar for that reason. I find the calorie calculation is more accurate for me with my Garmin, but I make it work with the polar by subtracting 25%.

    Crystal - Yay for a clean house! With all those kiddos that is huge :smile: I have one part-time stepdaughter and it's still a lot of work to keep the house clean. I don't know how you do it, but I think you're amazing!

    Linda - it sounds like you have a fun weekend planned! Have a blast with your friends and enjoy the time with your stepsister. I'm sure that it is hard for both of you that her (your?) dad died, but it's great that you can continue that relationship with her.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Linda, glad you're feeling better and now you can get out there and start rocking the workout train!!! It's nice that you love what you do, and I'm sure your patients love you!!!

    Lisa, you can buy the fudge just about anywhere, but I recommend you wait until you get to the island. That's where it was made famous!!! There are two ferrys that can take you across to the island and once you get there you can either walk everywhere or rent a bike (a tad pricey, but doable) and there are all kinds of stores there to get the fudge from. Made right in front of you!!!! Get a taste of several, you will NOT be disappointed! If you're looking for adventure on the island, rent a bike and ride around. There's tons to see! When you're done riding, you can walk around down the main street to check out all the shops. That's the way to do it, and don't forget the fort if you like history at all, very neat place! Just enjoy, there's a lot to see and do up there. I could spend weeks there every year and not get bored!!!

    Hope you all had a great Friday. I'm exhausted from working overtime this week, so I'm hitting the sack early. Going to get up early to get my run done before my sister picks me up for our shopping trip. Only 4 miles, so if I start by 6:30 am I should be done in time!!! Yikes, I'm SO not a morning person! But I want to get it done, so I will get up. Then we'll probably shop for 8-10 hours... so I'm going to eat whatever the heck I want and not feel guilty one bit! May even decide to wear my HRM to see what I burned. What do you guys think? Overkill???? I don't know.
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    I want fudge now...haha. I remember going there. We rode bikes on the island...wet to the fort...good exercise by the way.. We stayed at Mission Point Resort..if that is still there. Thinking about going back one day. Long trip for me though.
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    Great! Thanks so much for the tips - I told my husband that my MFP ladies were all over our itinerary...he laughed but he's game for fudge and bike riding :smile:
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Mmmmmm - all this talk of fudge. :happy:

    Friday was our anniversary. 11 years we have been married - doesn't seem possible. Anyway, we were greeted with CHICKEN POX. :laugh: Our three year old has them and she is the only one that has had them before, so this is her second go around with them - poor baby.

    So it's been an interesting weekend, but not too bad. I've done good with my food choices, but the workout plan flew out the window. So I'll try again this week. :tongue: Maybe someday I'll get there. :wink:

    Hope you have a wonderful restful day!! :flowerforyou:
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Oh, Crystal, I feel for ya! I hate sick babies... it's as hard on Mom as it is on the baby!!!! Hope she's all better very soon. And that nobody else gets sick in the meantime!!!

    I had a great day yesterday shopping with my sis and niece. We hit the IKEA (love that place) and then the mall, all in all about 10 hours of shopping and I wasn't even tired and my feet didn't hurt (love the Chaco sandals!!!). Quite a nice victory since I've never been on my feet that long without pain. Yes, I was exhausted when I got home, especially since I'd run 4 miles before we left!!!! I had the best cupcake ever at a place called Just Baked. It was a Peppermint Patty and was exactly what you'd think it was... and it was awesome!!! There were no estimates close to the calories on MFP, so I put one in and just went with it. I walked it off anyway, I figure!

    So I did another 4 miles this morning before singing at church. I'm already due for a nap I think! It's a beautiful day and hubby is trying to get the boat running so we can take a ride for the first time this year. It's been a long time and we're anxious to get it started, but if it doesn't start we can't afford to take it back to the shop just now... so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. If it doesn't start I'm thinking of a walk or something later, just to enjoy the summer day!!!! Just enjoying the Tiger game in the meantime while he works out in the sun!!!! Teehee...
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    ...not looking forward to today's weigh-in...
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    ...not looking forward to today's weigh-in...

    I know the feeling...my week of crappy eating and weekend of bingeing...I paid for it today. I hope it was a sodium gain. Gonna drink, drink, drink...and no crap.
    Good luck!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Friday was our anniversary. 11 years we have been married - doesn't seem possible.

    Happy Anniversary! Sorry about the gift though...
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I'm still alive!:tongue:

    Been so busy with the festivities... Two more events to go and then I will be done! Woo hoo!

    As I can see everyone seem to be doing great! I'm struggling BIG TIME but I'm trying to get back on track!

    Take care H20 friends!

  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Jen - You're so smart to order clothes and have them waiting for you in the states. Shipping costs add up SO quickly.

    Crystal - Small walks are definitely better than nothing! I hope it rained on Thursday for you.
    Rain is wonderful! Happy anniversary! So sorry you about your little lovie getting the pox. How yucky. :frown:

    Nikki - Glad you decided to go shopping! IKEA is one of the best stores E.V.E.R., and that Peppermint Patty cupcake sounds divine! I'm a cupcakeaholic, so I'm all atwitter over the one you ate! I'm so impressed with how consistently you're running. You get your running time in there no matter what is going on. You're a rock star!

    Linda - I really like the idea of your presentation! Joints Matter really does sound like an important part of the joint replacement surgery process...getting all of those answers before you realize you need to ask the question really does add assurance and confidence. I hope the interview with the paper really highlights your work!

    Lisa - I too think about Nikki just pushing on through her 9 mile runs and going :embarassed:

    Cazz - *positive vibes coming your way*

    Chantal - Hi!

    I think the theme for this weekend was over-indulgence! Yikes stripes, man. It started on Thursday and went up until yesterday. It wasn't necessarially eating too much, it was just eating crap...my "don't eat that *kitten*" alarm turned off in my head and I just kind of ate whatever I wanted. Like, seriously...lemme break it down...since I ran on Wednesday, I justified getting Jack in the Box for lunch (boss requested it, so I grabbed us lunch on the way back to the store), then dinner was Burger King (hubby and I were too lazy to cook and that's just where we ended up), Del Taco (took my dog to the groomer and as a treat for her being a good girl, I got her her most favorite food ever, a classic chicken burrito from the Del and since I had to run off to work as soon as I had her home I had three regular tacos and that was it), In-N-Out (Friday dinner was such a good choice of tortilla soup, but we went to the bar afterwards with friends and that created the satiable-only-with-the-actual-thing-Double-Double monster), Saturday I was good and had a salad at lunch but that was overshadowed with pizza and drinks at our neighbor's house...and then Weinerschnitzel for lunch yesterday. :huh: :sad: :noway: I'm so very not proud of these choices.

    HOWEVER, I did have a great time shopping on Friday morning while waiting for the puppy to be done at the groomie. I hit the mall 30 minutes before it opened and found a Coffee Bean, grabbed an iced joe, and did laps with other mall walkers. I got in lots of walking and then had a great time shopping the sales. I used a gift card for some tops (actually bought one at regular price! WTF?!) and jeans at Macy's and then at GAP they were having an addt'l 40% off clearance items sale, so I found SIZE 8 jeans normally priced $69 for $22 plus tax. I took the Macy's jeans back and now have more gift card money to spend. Yay! And then I went to Sephora and found an awesome Tarina Tarantino lip gloss normally $18 on clearance for $5. Now I'm wishing I'd gotten a few more to have in stock for presents and such. Dang I got wordy fast...you just can't shut be up when it comes to shopping!! I :heart: sales and clearance sections SO much! Now I just need to get my *kitten* to Kohls or Sports Authority or Marshall's or something to scour their sale racks for some adorable running capris/skirts.
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Hello ladies!

    I'm still alive!:tongue:

    Been so busy with the festivities... Two more events to go and then I will be done! Woo hoo!

    As I can see everyone seem to be doing great! I'm struggling BIG TIME but I'm trying to get back on track!

    Take care H20 friends!


    There you are!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hi all! Hope you're having a great Monday... mine's been super busy! I'm glad to be working at a busy office, but sometimes I would just kill for a nice quiet afternoon!!!! Anyway... not complaining, just sayin...

    Pink, I love you're shopping trip! Sounds amazing... I love getting bargains like those jeans! I'm going to need new ones (again) when fall hits, but I'm waiting until it cools off so I don't buy the wrong size!! LOL!

    Chantal, welcome back!!!!!

    No exercise for me today... I'll be back running tomorrow after work! Is it wierd that I'm already planning my 10 miler for Saturday? A little excited... and I drove the race route yesterday for my 1/2. I'm planning on using that route for one of my long runs in a few weeks, even if I walk a little or take a small shortcut, just to get a feel for the distance. Plus, I wanted to check on the bike path situation. Should be good!

    Have a great Monday....
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    a quicky today- finally made it to level three of the 30 Day shred- since I am doing the modified version, sometimes it feels like I am cheating and then the exercise will change and I know instantly that I am NOT cheating :noway: parts of me are sore that should not be soar (one's gluteus should not hurt because you sneeze, but that sudden movement is too much for me post Jillian!) :sad:

    ah well, I will "get er done" as they say- I have 9 more rounds to go and about 11 more days before I leave for the US!

    Linda- your patient education group sounds great! and I am glad that the antidepressants are starting to kick in....

    Nik- I was born in Royal Oak, raised mainly in Harrison Twp on Lake St Claire- my last place was Rochester and my mother has remarried and moved to Howell, so I will be sleeping in Howell but all over the great south east corner of the sate.

    what are Chaco sandles (I tried to google but maybe I am spelling wrong...)

    have a great day everyone

    my happies for today are:

    sun is shining
    temperature is in the 80s
    raspberries are in full swing
    I made it into level 3!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone! I decided to make a good choice and stay up after my hubby went off to work. Usually I go back to sleep but while getting him out the door I was much more awake than normal. So, yay! Early bird gets the worm, right? :D
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Well, Ladies - I have been slacking GREATLY this summer. I feel like I have been so overwhelmed with traveling and all that includes and then have extras around and now the chicken pox and the fussiness that brings. :wink: By the way, they are STILL showing up. Today, they are popping up in her hair. :noway:

    BUT I was thinking last night and thought I HAVE to do this. I have to get back on ship and try this again.

    I can't stop.

    I can't give up.

    I can't let it get me down.

    So this morning I weighed - up 3 pounds. :cry: I'm not going to let it drag me down. I'm going to lose those 3 pounds again and leave them sitting in the dust as I go speeding by. :laugh: HA!! I *hope*

    I know it's hard!

    It's a pain!!

    It's frustrating....

    But I MUST do this for myself and my little family! They need a happy, healthy mommy. :heart:

    So that's my little spill. Seeing my ticker back down to 14 is SO not fun. :cry: I worked hard for those three pounds and now I'll have to do it again. <sigh> But I'm going to work harder and stay on track.

    You ladies have been such an encouragement to me, even when I've fallen by the wayside. I'm going to do my best to get back on track and make some tracks. :tongue:

    Here's to a new start........:drinker: :drinker:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Crystal, I have absolute faith in you that you WILL kick what you gained to the curb! You've got a great attitude and such a wonderful reason to get yourself into the best shape you can be. I have a feeling we'll see that ticker of yours hit 20 in no time. *hug*
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Last week I gained 1lb, this week I lost 3lb :D yaaaayyy. CW 140lb, roll on 130's. I am on day 8 of the shred and can really tell a difference already. I am a bit behind on my miles though.

    Also, I love Ikea, its the school holidays and I asked my child where she wanted to go, expecting her to say the beach or something and she wanted to go to ikea. It was fun, but I spent to much and also ate cupcakes :D
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Crystal, I have absolute faith in you that you WILL kick what you gained to the curb! You've got a great attitude and such a wonderful reason to get yourself into the best shape you can be. I have a feeling we'll see that ticker of yours hit 20 in no time. *hug*

    Thanks, Pink! :flowerforyou: