Anyone else stop drinking Diet Coke?



  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    Pretty much, exactly! It's also made entirely of chemicals! Much rather get my caffeine fix from coffee or tea! :)
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I cut diet soda's years ago, it's really gross if you actually taste it. It's all chemically tasting.

    I cut regular sodas as well and now have 1 maybe once every couple of months and it is so freakin' sweet I get sugar mouth.

    I'd rather drink water, unsweetened tea, or even kool aid:laugh:

    It's funny them putting the study out, people have been saying for years that "diet" soda's cause the body to react the same as if it had injested sugar. It ate a hole in my grannies stomach in the 80's she hasn't had another one since.
  • rhinobutt
    rhinobutt Posts: 8 Member
    I quit Jan 1. There are times I miss it (out to dinner, certan foods and places) and I have replaced it w/my addiction to our Keurig. ;)
    DH is set to quit tomorrow. He will have a rougher time I think. He can drink up to 6 a day, while I only had 1-2.
    I agree..MickeyD is the best..that is where we got hooked on it.. working there in college!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    never liked diet pop but I did just stop drinking regular pepsie this past May 1st ( I was drinking around a 12pack per day of cans eeek 150 cal per can ) lets just say that first 20pounds I lost I am sure is do to the calories of the pop that I gave up for water. and wow that article on the diet pop is scary glad I never drank it.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    for some unknown reason when i am doing good(like now):) i drop all carbonated stuff also! it's a all or nothing thing with me :)
  • orlandosgoddess21
    orlandosgoddess21 Posts: 72 Member
    i have to have either a diet coke or diet dr pepper a day ( which is good considering i used to drink a 6 pack of reg dr pepper a day) but believe me NO ONE wants to be around me if i dont have my caffine

    I feel the same way. I've cut down from four diet cokes to one a day but I need my caffeine. As a teacher I have to have the energy to go, go, go right away with them. I'm trying to cut myself down this summer but I have noticed a low on my energy lately. I am trying but I can't kick it completely.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Diet Coke does not really make you gain weight. I have lost successfully with drinking diet pop. There really hasn't been enough research to say that it does.... You cut back on your calories quit a lot. That will make you lose as well. I only drink one can of diet pop a day... sometimes two just depends. I have went from 130 to 112 within 10 months!!!

    there is a lot of research out there that studies this, actually. it pretty much comes down to, your body tastes sweet, you get a spike of insulin, there's no real sugar to counteract it, so what happens when we have an insulin spike? we store fat. Whenever insulin is released, glucose stores are stored as glycogen in the liver for energy, that's fine whenever your glycogen stores are depleted after a workout, but if they are full, and insulin is released, the extra glucose will be transported DIRECTLY into those fat cells. ;) and on that note, I myself do drink pepsi max occasionally, probably 3 or 4 a week, but I"m just sayin' be aware!!

    There is also research out there showing that people who drink it regularly don't gain weight either. I think people watch more of what they eat when they stop drinking it. I for one have never gained weight off of diet pop.. I am not a believer in this. I have been very successful in it.

    Again, I think you're missing the entire point of this post.
    I have lost weight while drinking diet soda, as have many, many people. If you refuse to believe any of the studies about this then I'm not sure why you're posting in this in the first place.

    The reason why I made a remark was becuase you had said you lost weight bc you gave up diet pop... I don't believe that is necessarily true. You just went a week of probably eatnig way more then 1200 cals. So then you went down to 1200 cals. That has a lot to do with it as well. Depending on how much diet pop you were drinking that has cut the sodium down as well.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    So I just started going back to 1200 calories per day after a week on vacation eating whatever I wanted. I started on Wednesday with the 1200 calories but also stopped drinking Diet Coke.

    I've lost FOUR POUNDS since Wednesday and it's only Friday.
    Think it's the Diet Coke or the shock to my body?
    Anyone else experience anything similar?

    *I usually lose one pound per week or don't lose anything for a few weeks and then lose up to three pounds

    I've experienced this "dramatic" weight loss in similar situations enough times, myself. You spent a week on vacation eating whatever you wanted then came home and cut your intake back to 1200 calories and started watching what you were eating again. You were probably eating foods higher in sodium while on vacation. What you lost was water weight. The Diet Coke has little to do with it one way or the other.

    If it makes you feel better to not drink Diet Coke, then continue as you are. But don't expect to continue to see such a dramatic loss because of it.
  • mpmama2re
    mpmama2re Posts: 212 Member
    I went from drinking 3 diet cokes/pepsis a day to the occasional one... it was really hard to cut down.
    It was a gradual process. I bought tea, seltzer and flavored waters and that helped a lot. I have a hard time drinking
    water and I can only drink it super cold or with ice. it took me about a year to stop. I used to buy 5 cases at a time and now I buy none! yay for me! I will order if I'm eating out but it's a treat and not a must. When I quit I did lose weight so even though it was diet I think I put on weight because of it.
  • Goal4Good
    Goal4Good Posts: 115
    I gave up soda for Lent 15 years ago and never went back. After 6 week of not drinking soda, you stop wanting it. I've been a water girl every since. My dentist loves me. Very little acid wear on my teeth and zero cavities! It can be done. I was a 8 cokes a day drinker way back then too. I will occasionally drink a coke but its extremly rare. Typically water.
  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    Diet Coke does not really make you gain weight. I have lost successfully with drinking diet pop. There really hasn't been enough research to say that it does.... You cut back on your calories quit a lot. That will make you lose as well. I only drink one can of diet pop a day... sometimes two just depends. I have went from 130 to 112 within 10 months!!!

    there is a lot of research out there that studies this, actually. it pretty much comes down to, your body tastes sweet, you get a spike of insulin, there's no real sugar to counteract it, so what happens when we have an insulin spike? we store fat. Whenever insulin is released, glucose stores are stored as glycogen in the liver for energy, that's fine whenever your glycogen stores are depleted after a workout, but if they are full, and insulin is released, the extra glucose will be transported DIRECTLY into those fat cells. ;) and on that note, I myself do drink pepsi max occasionally, probably 3 or 4 a week, but I"m just sayin' be aware!!

    There is also research out there showing that people who drink it regularly don't gain weight either. I think people watch more of what they eat when they stop drinking it. I for one have never gained weight off of diet pop.. I am not a believer in this. I have been very successful in it.

    Again, I think you're missing the entire point of this post.
    I have lost weight while drinking diet soda, as have many, many people. If you refuse to believe any of the studies about this then I'm not sure why you're posting in this in the first place.

    The reason why I made a remark was becuase you had said you lost weight bc you gave up diet pop... I don't believe that is necessarily true. You just went a week of probably eatnig way more then 1200 cals. So then you went down to 1200 cals. That has a lot to do with it as well. Depending on how much diet pop you were drinking that has cut the sodium down as well.

    I didn't say that I lost weight because of the soda at all. I only had maybe one or two per day- that's barely an extra 100 grams of sodium. I was asking if anyone noticed a correlation between not drinking diet soda and losing weight.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Its from a week of eating garbge

    If I eat whatever I want for 1 day I can see a 4 lb swing. Nothing to do with diet soda IMO
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I didn't say that I lost weight because of the soda at all. I only had maybe one or two per day- that's barely an extra 100 grams of sodium. I was asking if anyone noticed a correlation between not drinking diet soda and losing weight.
    Over the past few years, I've cut down from several Diet Cokes each day to one and many days none at all. Short answer is "no". I was still gaining/maintaining weight after switching from drinking almost all Diet Coke to drinking mostly water. It wasn't until I started tracking and cut my calories to 1200-1300 that I was able to reverse that trend.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Diet Coke does not really make you gain weight. I have lost successfully with drinking diet pop. There really hasn't been enough research to say that it does.... You cut back on your calories quit a lot. That will make you lose as well. I only drink one can of diet pop a day... sometimes two just depends. I have went from 130 to 112 within 10 months!!!

    there is a lot of research out there that studies this, actually. it pretty much comes down to, your body tastes sweet, you get a spike of insulin, there's no real sugar to counteract it, so what happens when we have an insulin spike? we store fat. Whenever insulin is released, glucose stores are stored as glycogen in the liver for energy, that's fine whenever your glycogen stores are depleted after a workout, but if they are full, and insulin is released, the extra glucose will be transported DIRECTLY into those fat cells. ;) and on that note, I myself do drink pepsi max occasionally, probably 3 or 4 a week, but I"m just sayin' be aware!!

    There is also research out there showing that people who drink it regularly don't gain weight either. I think people watch more of what they eat when they stop drinking it. I for one have never gained weight off of diet pop.. I am not a believer in this. I have been very successful in it.

    Again, I think you're missing the entire point of this post.
    I have lost weight while drinking diet soda, as have many, many people. If you refuse to believe any of the studies about this then I'm not sure why you're posting in this in the first place.

    The reason why I made a remark was becuase you had said you lost weight bc you gave up diet pop... I don't believe that is necessarily true. You just went a week of probably eatnig way more then 1200 cals. So then you went down to 1200 cals. That has a lot to do with it as well. Depending on how much diet pop you were drinking that has cut the sodium down as well.

    I didn't say that I lost weight because of the soda at all. I only had maybe one or two per day- that's barely an extra 100 grams of sodium. I was asking if anyone noticed a correlation between not drinking diet soda and losing weight.

    No offense but your post did say you thought you lost because of the diet coke... that's all I was saying